Archived Being moved from Starbucks to Hardlines

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Sep 9, 2012
The STL is making some major changes in the store due to bottom-performing departments and I have been asked to switch departments. While my ETL-GE is insistent that I do have a choice in the matter, I don't feel like to do and I'm not looking to make enemies. I was approached by an ETL one day, and the next day I was pulled into the STL's office to follow up the next day. They're pretty insistent that the move is because I've performed well in Starbucks and they'd like me to repeat this for Hardlines. I don't think I've done terrible, but my argument is that I've had the position 6 months and I'm moving to a significantly larger department. Nothing's official yet, but I believe I will be taking on HBA, Sporting Goods, Pets as that's what's currently open to my knowledge. But again, there's a lot of movement in the store.

So my question is to ask for your experience with changing departments, or your experience in Hardlines in general. I enjoyed a great degree of isolation, it was my team, my corner, my department. Haha suddenly I have to share! Also, I remember what it was like to be a TM in the building. The store suffers a huge morale problem. I've even overheard some TMs bragging about their ability to "break TLs". Most of the team have been around for several years and have seen peers and leaders come and go. I feel like I'm being thrown into a shark pit! I believe that I am of a personality that can counteract this animosity and work with it to make things better, but I still have my doubts due to the scale of things.

Nerves. Definitely a lot of nerves going on over here. Thoughts?
I love working with team members who think they can break team leads. I end up breaking them, if you know what kind of environment you will be going into you should be fine. Be strong and dont take the team members crap!
Hmmm, I would stay in Starbucks. It can lead to other things than spot, in the long run. It is suggested, to walk around hardlines at the night to see what the store looks like. Mostly, little staff, lots of guests, bad zone, a ton of reshop, & no life.
You would be making a move you will regret. Just to try and clear it up a bit, you will hate your job, you will hate the way you and your team are treated, you will hate other teams, you will hate the lack of payroll, you will hate life, etc
I'm sorry I was unclear, this move is happening. I'm training my replacement in the schedule written.

I agree that it is a move to return me back to everything I hate about Target, but I'm the boss now so I'm willing to make it work. 'Doom and gloom' already recognized over here, thanks! What else? 🙂
If you have any specific questions then I'll be more than happy to help. If you just want general advice, then you need a team that will keep the work center on auto pilot. The easiest 1.5 years I had at Target was when I left logistics and went to HL, because of the team we put in place.
A few pieces of advice I can give...hold your team accountable to evening zones--walk over their areas when they are done and have them touch up areas as needed. See if you can get other closing team leads or LODs to do the same. Make expectations clear and ensure the team understands them before coachings/etc. It doesn't sound like you have electronics so you won't have to worry about driving results there.
As for tasks, completing abandon and zoning small areas (hard hit areas like chemicals, shampoo, body wash, cat food) can help out closing team members with their zones (and they will respect you for it).
Set in place good routines and hold your cosmetics brand tm to completing thorough zones and good scans for cosmetics.

Any other questions, let me know.
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