Archived Being Scheduled Outside of Availability

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Jun 6, 2015
So I was scheduled on a day outside of my availability, and I had to call out because no one took my shift (I put it up on the swap-shift board 2 weeks in advance). I was given a talking-to by the LOD on the phone because "my availability needs to work for both me and Target" but I'm a student. What do they want from me? I have other things going on besides work. How am I supposed to be responsible for a shift on a day that was I wasn't supposed to be working anyway?

This is not the first time this has happened, but the first time it happened it was taken care of and there were no issues. Not sure what to think of this situation. I guess the next time it happens I'll make a bigger deal about it. I'm just annoyed that I was made to feel that it's my fault that I can't dedicate my entire time to Target. We just hired a ton of new people so I'm sure they found someone to cover my shift anyway.
Oops I meant to put this in the General Target Chat forum. Can this be moved or deleted? Thanks.
Not your fault. Just make sure that you notify them of THEIR mistake as soon as the schedule comes out.

Spot does schedule outside of availability, and tries to make it seem like it's the TMs fault and the TM should fix the problem. Let them fix it, and the scheduler will learning to not to do that!
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I think this is as good a place for this as any.

You need to go to the HR-TL and have a talk.
As a student you have a strong case and you can even bring in your class schedule.
Make it clear your schedule is hard and fast, not something they can play with.
The next time they schedule you outside of your availability don't try to cover it.
Instead go straight to the HR-TL and tell them to fix it.
It's not your job to cover it if they scheduled you wrong.
By going along with it these times they are assuming you are willing to be flexible, don't let that continue.
Tell them you are scheduled outside your availability. It is not your responsibility to cover that shift, or even to write it on the swap shift board.
Talk to your HR-ETL, 9 times out of 10 they will fix it at least at my store. Simply tell him/her you are a student and you absolutely can't miss any of your work they should understand. A nice tip I've picked up was just to say that you'll be as flexible as they'd like just not when your unavailable, something like "I can work earlier/later that day I just can't miss my class". Either way they should fix it.
I agree. It is not your problem. I was hired as seasonal hardlines TM and as this is a second job for me, I listed my max hours per week as 20 hours. For Thanksgiving/BF week they scheduled me 34 hours. I honestly didn't mind because pay was good AND I was off for several days from my 'day job'. However, when I saw that I was scheduled for 28 hours the next week, I went to HR. I am very non-confrontational and do have a hard time standing up for myself, so he just shaved 30 minutes or so off some of my shifts - got it to about 24 hours - and I let it go. However, when I saw AGAIN that I was scheduled for 30 hours the week following when the schedule came out, I just stuck a note on his desk (he wasn't there for my shift that day and I didn't want to wait) reminding him that my cap is 20 hours and to please adjust my schedule. He did, this time to 21.5 hours, so I'm fine with that. I feel like they'll keep pushing the boundaries, especially if you accommodate them.

As said, just let them know you were scheduled outside of your availability and THEY need to adjust your schedule.
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