Archived Bench interview questions

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Jun 21, 2011
Hi all, a good friend of mine has their bench interview today and she is stuck on one of the questions she is prepping for:Tell me about a policy you don't agree with. What exactly are they looking to see out of this question? Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
This is the Kobayashi Maru of interview questions because no matter how you answer it you will be shot out of the sky by the Klingons.
If you say that you agree with all the policies then you aren't answering the question and you look like a brownnose.
If you actually pick something and do an effective job of dismantling the reasons for its existence, then you could threaten your chance of getting the job.

Actually they are looking to see how you will be able to work under policies you don't agree with so what you can do it use an example from a different job that had a policy you found repugnant and how you handled it.
That way you avoid the trick question entirely.
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This is the Kobayashi Maru of interview questions because no matter how you answer it you will be shot out of the sky by the Klingons.
If you say that you agree with all the policies then you aren't answering the question and you look like a brownnose.
If you actually pick something and do an effective job of dismantling the reasons for its existence, then you could threaten your chance of getting the job.

Actually they are looking to see how you will be able to work under policies you don't agree with so what you can do it use an example from a different job that had a policy you found repugnant and how you handled it.
That way you avoid the tick question entirely.

Thanks Commie! I just passed along your info and also I told my friend to be honest with her answer, tie it to a policy she maybe doesn't like, and then end it with saying that she understands though that the rules are there for a reason and that is to keep the company profitable and to bring guests back to the store and while she may not like a policy, she could certainly abide by it and enforce it. Thanks for the help again!
While we are on the subject, does anyone else know the rest of the ETL bench questions?
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