Archived Big news coming Monday?

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Hmmmm. All my leaders and ETL's have been acting odd the last couple days...
our TL's are doing their reviews and the ETL's are in that mix somehow. so that's why our "leadership" has been a bit more psychotic than normal.
I can't in good conscience push service plans. Biggest waste of money ever. Full replacement plans, maybe, if you have kids (depending on the device), but I'd want to read the fine print first, and the register questions don't really make that feasible. It's a shady, pushy tactic and I hate it.
I can't in good conscience push service plans. Biggest waste of money ever. Full replacement plans, maybe, if you have kids (depending on the device), but I'd want to read the fine print first, and the register questions don't really make that feasible. It's a shady, pushy tactic and I hate it.
as a GSTM we now get the prompts I always just simply say would you like a protection plan. never once has someone taken me up on the offer 🙂
Yup, me too. I ask, as I am obligated to do, but don't try to sell them or push further.
I saw a girl at work today wearing a button for some new brand i had never heard of. I can't recall the name, could it be that?
TMs getting 40 hours in February? The CEO must be coming to your store for a visit lol
Don't mock. That does happen. Not very often. But it does happen. However, your team gets a lot of heads up about it because no one wants to be embarrassed.

However, I doubt that is the big news.
Our store is no longer going to be an over night flow. In six weeks the flow will go from 10 pm to 4 am start time They are soppose to be completed by 8 am or 9 am no later lol. We have be an over night team for 3 years now this going to 4 am will effect the entire store and hurt us. Not enough room in the back room not enough equipment or flats uboats to share.
And how will all the garbage get into one bailer food team and flow working together is a laugh. Wish us luck.
Welcome to the store modernization joy.

Yep, but that won't matter as you wont need then for pulls or anything else because the Flow won't be there to need equipment or uboats. They will simply offload and go. Thats it.
As for the garbage, speaking from experience, it won't.
We did that switch last Sept. They don't finish that quickly. Good luck getting any equipment at store opening. We've found that usually one Flow TM has 3-4 myDevices on them at any time.
And that one TM will a written coaching too for doing that. Ours come at six. Mydevices are in STL office. STL office is locked until after they leave at 8:30
I just find it amazing they keep doing this when aisles being blocked and parts of the store being nearly unshoppable because of dayside flow is consistently a top guest complaint.
Lets see dayside flow is consistently a top guest complaint vs the cost of having Team instore doing freight, lights and air on, TL instore montioring them

Spot says fuck you guests its too expensive for overnight. Thats one of the core reasons why e2e exists.
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