Archived Biggest TM Mishaps

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FT Line Master
Sep 10, 2018
I'm gonna start this with a story about paper towels, dvds, and 4 lods. So one day I was coming out of receiving and the unloaders stacked the flat I was pushing too tall and too heavy. As I was going down the race-way between the dvds and the books, a guest comes up out of nowhere. To avoid hitting said guest I decided to move out of the center and off to the right, hitting a display of dvds. I guess my flat was on steroids because next thing I know is the entire display, (all 7 sections) went crashing to the floor. As did all of the paper towels and toilet paper I needed to push. All my lods happened to be walking by (including HR) and decided to help pick it up. Took us 30 min
- Q4 2017 we had a derpy 18 yo flow kid working here as his 1st job. He whipped around a corner pulling a very poorly stacked pallet with a ton of heavy ass Tidy Cats on it, and a bunch of them went flying and came within literally 1 foot of taking out a guest and her kid. The STL and a couple of ETLs witnessed it from a distance and the roast he got was so intense that it set off the freezer alarm (well not really but you get the idea). Strangely enough I never saw him again after that day.

- also in Q4 2017 another seasonal knuckle dragger was taking 45 minute bathroom breaks and took 2 hours to push ONE large repack with me helping him. He would argue with anyone trying to give him direction, and whine like a little kid if he didn't like it (dude was like 36 years old). One afternoon an ETL told him to help me empty the trash cages (RIP) and he bellowed "UGH COME ON THAT SHIT SUCKS" out on the salesfloor. The look on her face was priceless.

- A flow kid (not seasonal) was pulling a wrapped dog food pallet with the Crown truck & rammed into a guest's cart, sending it flying until it came to a stop on the seat of my pants. The guest's purse fell out and spilled on the floor. The guest was around the corner and not injured but she freaked out because she thought he ran me over with the Crown and yelled "OH MY GAWD ARE YOU OKAY???????" & the ETLs came running over to see what tf was going on. Flow kid got roasted but somehow escaped a write up I guess because the guest was unusually chill about the whole thing & even covered for him and apologized for being in our way.

- Same flow kid left the Crown on the salesfloor and a little kid wearing a cowboy hat & boots climbed on it, straddled the pallet rail and hollered "YEEEE HAWWW!!!" This time flow kid got a write up branded on his ass with a red hot poker. He quit right before Christmas.

- A lady on plano team came to work feeling sick (she wanted to call out but needed that coin) and was complaining in the break room that she had an intense headache, chills and the bright lights were bothering her. My head whipped around when she described her symptoms because they were identical to my aunt's when she had meningitis. I told her so and that she needed to get her backside to the ER asap. She did was meningitis. WHEN YOU ALMOST DIE AT WORK.
- Q4 2017 we had a derpy 18 yo flow kid working here as his 1st job. He whipped around a corner pulling a very poorly stacked pallet with a ton of heavy ass Tidy Cats on it, and a bunch of them went flying and came within literally 1 foot of taking out a guest and her kid. The STL and a couple of ETLs witnessed it from a distance and the roast he got was so intense that it set off the freezer alarm (well not really but you get the idea). Strangely enough I never saw him again after that day.

- also in Q4 2017 another seasonal knuckle dragger was taking 45 minute bathroom breaks and took 2 hours to push ONE large repack with me helping him. He would argue with anyone trying to give him direction, and whine like a little kid if he didn't like it (dude was like 36 years old). One afternoon an ETL told him to help me empty the trash cages (RIP) and he bellowed "UGH COME ON THAT SHIT SUCKS" out on the salesfloor. The look on her face was priceless.

- A flow kid (not seasonal) was pulling a wrapped dog food pallet with the Crown truck & rammed into a guest's cart, sending it flying until it came to a stop on the seat of my pants. The guest's purse fell out and spilled on the floor. The guest was around the corner and not injured but she freaked out because she thought he ran me over with the Crown and yelled "OH MY GAWD ARE YOU OKAY???????" & the ETLs came running over to see what tf was going on. Flow kid got roasted but somehow escaped a write up I guess because the guest was unusually chill about the whole thing & even covered for him and apologized for being in our way.

- Same flow kid left the Crown on the salesfloor and a little kid wearing a cowboy hat & boots climbed on it, straddled the pallet rail and hollered "YEEEE HAWWW!!!" This time flow kid got a write up branded on his ass with a red hot poker. He quit right before Christmas.

- A lady on plano team came to work feeling sick (she wanted to call out but needed that coin) and was complaining in the break room that she had an intense headache, chills and the bright lights were bothering her. My head whipped around when she described her symptoms because they were identical to my aunt's when she had meningitis. I told her so and that she needed to get her backside to the ER asap. She did was meningitis. WHEN YOU ALMOST DIE AT WORK.

Why was the Crown on the salesfloor to begin with (either time)? Big no-no at my store, my pmt would flip out!

We had a poorly stacked pallet fall apart near me once and as I was helping restack it, I noted how this was a time when it really was all about that base. 😛
Why was the Crown on the salesfloor to begin with (either time)? Big no-no at my store, my pmt would flip out!

We can get away with it as long as it's only used for bulk pallets that are heavy enough to justify using it over a hand jack. PMT only asks that we check the wheels for debris and dragging before rolling it out on the tile. I won't be surprised if they crack down on it before Q4 this year though.
I once had a bloody nose all over the TSC water fountain. Like I was drinking and I looked down and was like wait why is the water red?? I was so embarrassed especially since I’m not cleared to clean up blood the ETL HR had to. It was so embarrassing.
Girl in pricing brushed a wine display at the front of the store by the carts and took out I think 40 bottles of wine and stained up some brand new carpet. She was in tears, all of us just cleaned it up for her she was dying of embarrassment. It was a big mess no doubt but we felt worse for her. Even the STL told no biggie, it happens.
We had a seasonal SFS TM who panicked and INF'd three carts worth of items for whatever reason. Never saw her again after that.

We also had a flow TM who took out an entire gondola with the Crown on the salesfloor. Apparently they couldn't find any free pallet jacks so they decided to use the Crown instead!
Asked a BRTM to pull a Starbucks supply pallet down from the steel & a newbie said 'HE'D do it', wanted to show off his crown skills.
He almost cleared the steel when he snagged a corner of the pallet, upending it & causing it to land on its side & crushing several cases of soy, coconut & almond milk. We had a veritable lake of assorted nut milks.
He was given the task of sopping up the mess while I had to go case by case & see what I could save.
Lol the pumpkin thing reminds me of one time at my last job, for some reason the 83 year old overnight guy ended up with the order gun and was told to shoot outs on cases of water. We needed 20 cases of Ozarka so he ordered us 20 pallets. Given the small size of the stores at this company you would think somebody at the DC would scratch their head and question why a store would need that many cases for our volume, and maybe even call us and ask if that was a real order or just butterfingers. That's probably way more thinking than ever happens for real though.
I had a similar thing happen at a prior job. Very small office, 8 people total in about 800 square feet. HR clerk was in charge of ordering office supplies. Thought he was ordering 1 case (36 rolls) of paper towels. Ordered 36 cases. We had those babies stashed on top of every single filing cabinet, under desks, I don't even remember where else.... I never did figure out why he didn't just call the supply company for a return.
- Q4 2017 we had a derpy 18 yo flow kid working here as his 1st job. He whipped around a corner pulling a very poorly stacked pallet with a ton of heavy ass Tidy Cats on it, and a bunch of them went flying and came within literally 1 foot of taking out a guest and her kid. The STL and a couple of ETLs witnessed it from a distance and the roast he got was so intense that it set off the freezer alarm (well not really but you get the idea). Strangely enough I never saw him again after that day.

- also in Q4 2017 another seasonal knuckle dragger was taking 45 minute bathroom breaks and took 2 hours to push ONE large repack with me helping him. He would argue with anyone trying to give him direction, and whine like a little kid if he didn't like it (dude was like 36 years old). One afternoon an ETL told him to help me empty the trash cages (RIP) and he bellowed "UGH COME ON THAT SHIT SUCKS" out on the salesfloor. The look on her face was priceless.

- A flow kid (not seasonal) was pulling a wrapped dog food pallet with the Crown truck & rammed into a guest's cart, sending it flying until it came to a stop on the seat of my pants. The guest's purse fell out and spilled on the floor. The guest was around the corner and not injured but she freaked out because she thought he ran me over with the Crown and yelled "OH MY GAWD ARE YOU OKAY???????" & the ETLs came running over to see what tf was going on. Flow kid got roasted but somehow escaped a write up I guess because the guest was unusually chill about the whole thing & even covered for him and apologized for being in our way.

- Same flow kid left the Crown on the salesfloor and a little kid wearing a cowboy hat & boots climbed on it, straddled the pallet rail and hollered "YEEEE HAWWW!!!" This time flow kid got a write up branded on his ass with a red hot poker. He quit right before Christmas.

- A lady on plano team came to work feeling sick (she wanted to call out but needed that coin) and was complaining in the break room that she had an intense headache, chills and the bright lights were bothering her. My head whipped around when she described her symptoms because they were identical to my aunt's when she had meningitis. I told her so and that she needed to get her backside to the ER asap. She did was meningitis. WHEN YOU ALMOST DIE AT WORK.
I like how your STL and ETLs are always there, for every single incident. Very watchful!
HOLD MY BEER. I GOT THIS ONE....Closing FA. Slipped and without thinking pulled down the fryers and fell in the hot oil. And still came in and worked inventory the following night.

I saw a CA crash through the exit doors.

I saw a guest crash into a guest crossing the front drive in one of the older motorized carts.
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Cart attendant was at the head of a line of carts being brought in by the cart mover.
Came in through the cart entrance only to discover the inner door hadn't been unlocked yet & got pinned by the line of carts.
Fortunately the mover stopped when he dropped the remote but it took a minute for him to wriggle loose.
Another cart attendant had stepped aside & let the carts shoot in at high speed &, once again, the inner door wasn't unlocked resulting in shattered glass.
I don't know the whole story behind this one, but I walked by a line of pallets out on the floor and one in the middle was splintered into small pieces and the stuff that had been on it everywhere.
Im not sure if people in DCs or RDCs are considered "Team Members" but here's another one:
It's a Monday morning, or Wednesday, 6am. We come in to unload and the line is already set up. LOD goes to the ADT panel to disable alarm and opens center bay door to get started. After breaking the seal on the truck and trying to open the truck, the slide up door won't budge. So TM "Trayvon" tries but fails to help him open the door. After screwing around for 10 minutes and the truck still not open LOD says fuck this shit. I thought to my self "yay, don't have to unload the truck today". I was wrong as he comes back with the forklift and forces the shit out of the truck into opening. In the process sending quite a few boxes into defect mode and nearly breaking the door.
Years ago I wash pushing a flat of electronics from the line to the sales floor- I was sleepy and probably wasn't paying as much attention as I should have been. I went to turn in to go twords the boat and misjudged the turn. I ended up hitting our battery gondola- it wasn't a love tap, but I didnt exactly ram it as hard as I could have.

The gondola literally fell apart. This was a small gondola- two four foot sections four feet high. The flow team lead was nearby and came over after hearing the commotion. I told him what happened.

I spent the next couple of hours dodging the SFT's glares of death and putting everything back together. Then afterwards I had to explain to the electronics specialist and etl hardlines why the electronics truck was unfinished when the store opened.
Years ago I wash pushing a flat of electronics from the line to the sales floor- I was sleepy and probably wasn't paying as much attention as I should have been. I went to turn in to go twords the boat and misjudged the turn. I ended up hitting our battery gondola- it wasn't a love tap, but I didnt exactly ram it as hard as I could have.

The gondola literally fell apart. This was a small gondola- two four foot sections four feet high. The flow team lead was nearby and came over after hearing the commotion. I told him what happened.

I spent the next couple of hours dodging the SFT's glares of death and putting everything back together. Then afterwards I had to explain to the electronics specialist and etl hardlines why the electronics truck was unfinished when the store opened.
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