Archived Black Friday 2014

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Someone else mentioned it, but starting at noon Thanksgiving you get time and a half and a dollar more differential. I have no plans for Thanksgiving, because I'm a lonely guy, so something like $15 an hour sounds great.
We opened at 9 last year. I know because I was scheduled 8:45p to 3:30a. And the doors opened at 9.

I think most stores were 8 last year, and 9 the year prior, but I've heard/read that there were some outliers that were slightly different. A store a couple counties over from me has blue laws so they didn't open until after midnight both years.
Our store is a super. I don't know if that makes a difference. The year before we were allowed to volunteer to work or not on Thanksgiving.
Yes, but last year in Electronics we had the IPad sale and guests who didn't respect limits that required police escort out of the building. Gotta believe this year will be better.
Anyone know what kind of shift AP works on BF? Last year I was in hardlines during the holidays but now I'm in AP so I want to get an idea as to what I'll be working.
I'd expect AP to be there Thanksgiving night for sure, basically any time when the store is expected to do major sales per hour.
AP at our store is usually 2-3 hours before the store opens and we usually work about 10-12 hours. Then come back friday afternoon/night.
Anyone know the deets on CO for black Saturday? Do we run it all as Friday's sales date? (I would think we'd have to)
I was TPS two years ago for blah Friday. Got there at 7 for a 9 open. I was aN exterior crowd monitor just before open. Went through yelling out how our process was going to happen and answering any questions.

Working at a super target, our crowd management plan showed entry on blue exit on green.

I had to make sure nobody entered in behind me(you'd be surprised how many people tried to) and to receipt check exposed high $ items.

I found out two hours in that our SFT was doing the exact same thing on blue side. I had sent a couple of guests to guest service to pay for items that were not on the receipt only for our SFT to smile and let them walk on out without paying.
Someone told me they heard an "open all day like WM" rumor.

Well, if that picks up I'm for sure out of there despite them working with my hours.
Someone told me they heard an "open all day like WM" rumor.

Well, if that picks up I'm for sure out of there despite them working with my hours.
Corporate doesn't even decide until like a week beforehand, so this is definitely just a rumor.

They basically wait until the last minute and surprise us all before we can quit in masses! Lol 🙂

So much easier to string people along saying "Oh we're not sure what the times are yet, but we're willing to be flexible with your needs!" and then the schedule comes out and you're opening on thanksgiving and then closing on thanksgiving, and then opening on black Friday, and then closing again on black Friday. Surprise Mother#^!#!ers!
Someone told me they heard an "open all day like WM" rumor.

Well, if that picks up I'm for sure out of there despite them working with my hours.
Corporate doesn't even decide until like a week beforehand, so this is definitely just a rumor.

They basically wait until the last minute and surprise us all before we can quit in masses! Lol 🙂

So much easier to string people along saying "Oh we're not sure what the times are yet, but we're willing to be flexible with your needs!" and then the schedule comes out and you're opening on thanksgiving and then closing on thanksgiving, and then opening on black Friday, and then closing again on black Friday. Surprise Mother#^!#!ers!

Well, it's not like Target peons have families or lives, why should corporate worry about telling people when they are going to be working?

Working retail, I have learned to HATE Thanksgiving & Christmas. It's just another reminder that I have lot my soul to a business.
Last Black Friday I was scheduled like 11:30 PM Thursday to 8 AM, basically as a CAF pusher. I clocked in right at the end of the rush and pretty much just coasted the whole night. 1-5AM was seemed like there were no more than 5 guests in the store at any time.

This year...not so sure what to expect.
I ask them to be kind to me when they do the scheduling - im old..I don't care if I have to work, but I ask that I don't work into the wee hours if possible. They have been kind to me about that in the past... Last year I did a split shift...
We opened at 8 pm.. I worked 8-midnight and then came back sometime on Friday...

It was my first year working the opening Thursday night shift.. I was at the traffic light and then pulled into the parking lot. (I drove 3 other employees in too) when we saw all the police and the line of people wrapping around the side of the building we were like, holy crap and for a minute we contemplated going to the diner instead of punching in.

It ended up not being as bad as we thought it would be. The worst part was keeping up with the hourly ads and listening to people yelling because they were on line waiting to get the sale price but didnt get to the register in time..

This year I think it will be much worse. We only have one GSA who has been through a black Friday. Front end etl, gstl's and other GSA are all newer.

Should be interesting
I ask them to be kind to me when they do the scheduling - im old..I don't care if I have to work, but I ask that I don't work into the wee hours if possible. They have been kind to me about that in the past... Last year I did a split shift...
We opened at 8 pm.. I worked 8-midnight and then came back sometime on Friday...

It was my first year working the opening Thursday night shift.. I was at the traffic light and then pulled into the parking lot. (I drove 3 other employees in too) when we saw all the police and the line of people wrapping around the side of the building we were like, holy crap and for a minute we contemplated going to the diner instead of punching in.

It ended up not being as bad as we thought it would be. The worst part was keeping up with the hourly ads and listening to people yelling because they were on line waiting to get the sale price but didnt get to the register in time..

This year I think it will be much worse. We only have one GSA who has been through a black Friday. Front end etl, gstl's and other GSA are all newer.

Should be interesting

The sale prices we just gave out if it was the previous hour, people had probably been in line that long. Since the line wraps around the inside of the store at least once for the first couple hours we are open. I have faith in our front end but the floor, I have my doubts we will get close to getting it set up..

And as of now we are missing containers of Halloween product, so if you got an extra trailer of Halloween stuff, sorry its probably ours..
Anyone know the deets on CO for black Saturday? Do we run it all as Friday's sales date? (I would think we'd have to)
If it's like last yr, Thurs ran into Fri's sales date that processed Sat.
Fri morning in CO processed Tues sales date so we still did the 'skip'.
Anyone know the deets on CO for black Saturday? Do we run it all as Friday's sales date? (I would think we'd have to)
If it's like last yr, Thurs ran into Fri's sales date that processed Sat.
Fri morning in CO processed Tues sales date so we still did the 'skip'.

That Saturday was one hell of a process.... Jebus.

At my AA+ Super Target, the bags on Friday night were ready to burst open, had a hard time getting all the money in lol.
That Saturday was one hell of a process.... Jebus.

At my AA+ Super Target, the bags on Friday night were ready to burst open, had a hard time getting all the money in lol.
You don't have any A-sized deposit bags? They're freakin' HUGE, like a pillow case.
We ordered a box several yrs ago & we're STILL using it because we only use it that one day of the yr.
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