Archived Black Friday 2015 War Stories

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Yea, but was it projected to be a two million weekend?
I just remembered. My VML scanned a product and it came up as $0.00 and she didn't know what to do. She comes up me and says, I'll just give it to them for $5. I'm like no, wait, it's probably salvage or clearance, let me ask the SrTL. Turns out it's a pair that sells for $100. So, we could give it to them for $50 (per SrTL).
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It was projected to be a little over 900
My store was nuts. We almost doubled our numbers. Our goal was something around 500k and we made nearly double.
We're part of a mall though and the foot traffic all through the night is what sealed the deal.

The worst part is they just stuck me in TV shop though and we were staffed way too light because they were saving a lot of people for over night and friday recovery. I worked 5pm-2am and then 10am-8pm. Keep in mind I'm an ETL in training and I'm driving a little over 2 hours to my training store every day. So I got home at 4am, took 4 hour nap and was on the road again at 8am back to my training store. Then today I worked 5am-3pm. I managed another 4 hours of sleep and was on the road this morning. got home tonight at 5pm and I just woke up about 20 minutes ago. Tomorrow I close so I can sleep in at least!

Store was a madhouse even through the night, we expected it to die around 1am but it didn't. The toys pulls were the death of us but we kept up. That and being in TV shop was the death of me. Basically all I did for about 2 hours was lift TVs into carts for guests. I'm short, just a hair under 5ft to be exact, and I weigh a whopping 95lbs. So me hoisting TVs, sometimes on my own, high enough to get them into carts for guests was not exactly my ideal Black Friday shift task. My arms, back, hands, and soul are still trying to recover.

Friday and Saturday both have still been crazy. That said I'm quite a penny pincher but the weekend got the best of me and I decided to "stress buy" and bought a PS4 we still had left after I got off work thursday/friday morning. I'm now going to stay up until 5am playing Fallout 4.
Basically all I did for about 2 hours was lift TVs into carts for guests. I'm short, just a hair under 5ft to be exact, and I weigh a whopping 95lbs. So me hoisting TVs, sometimes on my own, high enough to get them into carts for guests was not exactly my ideal Black Friday shift task. My arms, back, hands, and soul are still trying to recover.
All part of the Target Wellness program.
Store was a madhouse even through the night, we expected it to die around 1am but it didn't. The toys pulls were the death of us but we kept up. That and being in TV shop was the death of me. Basically all I did for about 2 hours was lift TVs into carts for guests. I'm short, just a hair under 5ft to be exact, and I weigh a whopping 95lbs. So me hoisting TVs, sometimes on my own, high enough to get them into carts for guests was not exactly my ideal Black Friday shift task. My arms, back, hands, and soul are still trying to recover.

Friday and Saturday both have still been crazy. That said I'm quite a penny pincher but the weekend got the best of me and I decided to "stress buy" and bought a PS4 we still had left after I got off work thursday/friday morning. I'm now going to stay up until 5am playing Fallout 4.

For a second I thought I was reading about my night at Target. Not only did I have the exact same shifts you did. I also was thrown into electronics only to dash around getting TV's and small electronics. Being 4'10 and not weighing much makes working at Target quite the strenuous daily adventure at times. :3
I remember last year some guests would remove signs to bring them up and say "I found this sign with this product!" it always pissed me off when guests did that because now no other guest can see the proper signing in the right place because someone put the item there. Guests act so stupid most days of the year!
I just remembered. My VML scanned a product and it came up as $0.00 and she didn't know what to do. She comes up me and says, I'll just give it to them for $5. I'm like no, wait, it's probably salvage or clearance, let me ask the SrTL. Turns out it's a pair that sells for $100. So, we could give it to them for $5

No need to ask Sr. TL, any GSA/GSTL, or even experienced cashier would know to scan the item and offer them it for the last clearance price, which would have been like $30, not $5.
We did extremely well in sales, I'm pretty sure one of the highest in the district. That is saying something because where I live there are at least 10 Targets all within about an hour of each other.

I was the lucky fitting room operator. If I am still with Spot this time next year (heaven forbid) I refuse to do that again. Guests on the phone were rude as hell. The other local stores must not have been too busy since I was getting calls from them all night checking on products for guests when at my store I couldn't even get someone in electronics to answer a quick question for me over the walkie.
I worked 5:45-11:30 on Thursdays & they stationed me in toys. I was the only TM in toys, meanwhile seasonal had two.
We had a guy possibly drunk and/or high biting open video games & putting the discs in his pocket. Other than that nothing too exciting.
This is my first year working at Target, let alone retail, so I was worried I was going to be a horrible time working Black Friday. Luckily, they didn't schedule me overnight so I only worked a closing shift on Friday. It wasn't as bad as I thought, and the lack of PDAs and walkies at my store made it felt like I wasn't even really working. There was little-to-no communication with the LODs due to the walkie shortage and them being so busy in other areas of the store, so I felt no pressure at all. My 15-minute breaks ended up being like 30-minute breaks since it wasn't like the LODs were going to know how long I was gone...
This was the first year, in 10 years, I did not work in a store on Black Friday. However, since I am an analyst for online sales, I still put in a 14 hour shift. Our department was nice to cater in breakfast, lunch and dinner.... So no war stories for me this year.

I did go shopping after work at target and got $300 in clothes. I took off all the hangers ahead of time and the cashier was so happy she gave me a few "bag" discounts.

Two years ago I was pregnant and was a manager for Walmart, i almost got trampled for $2 towels.
No need to ask Sr. TL, any GSA/GSTL, or even experienced cashier would know to scan the item and offer them it for the last clearance price, which would have been like $30, not $5.

Oops, typo. That last price should've been $50. In my store, all pricing goes through department leads, if not there, ETL/LOD. GSA/GSTL doesn't get involved with matters like this. I guess, ASANTS.
For a second I thought I was reading about my night at Target. Not only did I have the exact same shifts you did. I also was thrown into electronics only to dash around getting TV's and small electronics. Being 4'10 and not weighing much makes working at Target quite the strenuous daily adventure at times. :3
someone else knows my pain.

The best is when I'm told to go change end cap upper signage/banners. I give them the "srsly?" look. I actually told my (stupid) ETL trainer the other day he was going to have to follow me around with a step stool if he really wanted me to move some bikes around mostly on the upper racks. Was another "srsly" look moment.
No need to ask Sr. TL, any GSA/GSTL, or even experienced cashier would know to scan the item and offer them it for the last clearance price, which would have been like $30, not $5.

But you can only see that info if you have a MyDevice or PDA. If you price inquiry an item that has gone salvage, it says "Item not found."

@thatguyattarget, if you find product like that on the sales floor, bring it to the service desk so it can be processed. On the register, hit K8 Sort Stuff and enter your TM number. When you scan the product, it should sort to whichever cart/box is salvage (box D at my store) and a white ticket will print out. Put that ticket on the item and put it with the rest of the salvage.
Friday thru Sunday was pretty much the same. Backroom and store looked like a giant took a dump on them. Didn't get anything productive done. Shopped for probably 3 hours today. Not as bad as as Friday and Saturday. I had a backroom helper spill some bleach on the floor in the back which fucked up the floor and caused the 4pm caf bafches to roll. I was on the salesfloor pulling ff from 3pm to 5pm. It was so predictable. The asshole was scheduled to leave at 430pm and this guy gets so bent out of shape because he is out of his easy lazy ass comfort zone. He isn't working his usual 4am to noon so he wants to get out as soon as possible. Okay so he was rushing to leave and spilt some bleach then wasted 10 minutes on it then bailed. I deduced this when i started pulling the 5pm caf batches.
Our store was relatively tame. I found out the night before that, despite my schedule saying "Softlines" they wanted to put me on the register. It was my second time ever running it, so I freaked out. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be...I actually enjoyed it. Our store got a lot of compliments from being fast moving, organized and calm. Even my cousin came in and was like "Oh my gosh, Walmart is a safety hazard all over the place, but ya'll are awesome!" I think our GSA was beaming for a few hours after that.

I don't know what happened on actual Black Friday, nor do I care. I had the day off, so whatever craziness happened can stay there. Apparently I did well enough on the register that Thursday that they love sticking me there now.
I was at the SD Thursday night and it wasn't bad at all. We had AP helping with the ticketed TVs at the desk. At first, we weren't doing any FF but then STL said yes. So, that gave us a bit more to do. The line folks tried sending us guests to check out but nobody wanted to walk over to the desk so we basically chilled for 7 hours.

Edited to add: One lady with a ticket for one of the TVs at the SD was at the register before 9 but there were issues with her temporary REDcard so she didn't get over to the desk until after 9. By then, the TVs were gone. I and another SDTM were very apologetic and the other girl even went out onto the floor to see if one of the TVs were still there. She came back with a 50-inch (the special was a 55-inch). The lady wasn't happy at all. ETLGE comes over and was all, you had until 9, too bad so sad. Guest wasn't happy about that reaction. One of the other SDTMs went out on the floor and about 10 minutes later came back with her TV. Crisis averted. Phew.

I was off Friday but opened the SD on Saturday. Doors opened at 8 and by 8:05, I had a line 5 people deep. It stayed like that through the rest of the day. WTF? I was cashier yesterday and it wasn't bad but the SD was slammed. MyGo wasn't working so they had to search for pickups in the FF room until someone finally gave them a PDA.
It went really smoothly at our store no rude people or anything, I openened and then came back and closed, there were only two things that bothered me:
1) People were the usual "have you been busy tonight" and I just had to give them the look and be like we sure have been.
2) When I closed there were people the wer "tired because they woke up at 4am to shop" I wanted to say at least you got the opprotunity to freely go asnd shop and spend your rich husbands money you stupid bitch and got to spend time with your family on thanksgiving. I had to bite my lip to keep from saying anything 😡
We had a cashier no-call no-show, and then later show up trying to shop. Don't know if it was a miscommunication but wow
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