Archived Black friday hours

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I told them today that I will work whatever I'm needed. This is what happens when you work retail. When I was at Kmart we were always open on Thanksgiving and I always missed my family dinner. At least I get to spend the day with my family.
My store is really good at trying to get you the shift that you want. Luckily we have so many people who like to open no matter what time that is.
Went into my old store yesterday and a friend told me opening time is 9pm Thanksgiving night and that supposedly the sales items are gonna be a lot better than in past years.

let me guess! you will be there standing in line is the job going?
Wow, you guys really have no fight in you? You're really gonna let Target tell you that $7.25 an hour (oh wait, part of that is time and 1/2 so it's more like ~$10.80) is worth more than time with your family? I could understand if you were missing time with family to do something significant like police, fire, medical work, etc. but this is retail. Its inconsequential and the only significance behind it is to increase profits for the lucky few at the top of our company.

Working retail does not automatically mean missing holidays and ridiculous hours. Target wants you to think that but companies like Costco, Trader Joe's, etc. do just fine while simultaneously paying their employees a decent wage, not treating them like children (VIBE! WOW!), and not forcing their employees to work ridiculous hours. Retail doesn't automatically have to equate to these things.

In 5 years with this company, never have I been as disappointed with them as I have been in the past 6 months. They've completely lost their way.
I blame the consumer who keeps wanting more and more. I am not happy about the end, I will go into work and do my job well, no matter what I'm scheduled. But at the end of our lives, I seriously doubt most of will be thinking about how wonderful and noble we were for giving up time with friends and family to go sell crap to people who likely already have too much crap in their lives.
So the time is printed in the ad then? That means they've known the opening time for at least a few weeks due to the printing lead time needed. So much for any line they spew about not having filized the opening time as the reason they waited till this week to announce...

They knew there's gonna be backlash again this year and they wanted to try and minimize it as much as possible, plain and simple.
We all signed up for this when we joined the world of retail. This will only be my second year doing this, but my friends and family understand. I need my job.

My feeling is that the world of retail doesn't have to be like this and we've been sold a bill of goods to the effect that it does.
I need my job too and will work the schedule I'm given but let's be clear, this is the kind of thing that is killing the spirit of the working man.
Already been told I'll be in for set up at midnight scheduled til 8 but we can leave when we are done on Thanksgiving and coming back that night for bf ugh!
Got the schedule & it looks like I'm doing a split: opening Thurs night & closing Fri.
Ah, well...time & a half w/shift diff will buy grocs & gas for awhile.
I have no idea what my schedule is that week, let alone my team's schedule.
Any other TL's out there who weren't able to write their team's schedules or have any insight to their own that week?
Here's to hoping they put me on to open! I don't even want to think of how I'm going to a] get into our plaza and b] find a parking spot once stores are open. Tooooo risky
I am working at 4 am ,( no shift differential ,no time and a half ) , it sucks to know that some of the slakers ,the lazy ,are working opening shift ! Stl told us that she spread evenly the hard working with the mediocre ones ,to have a strong black friday all around !
And we are not allowed to swap shifts ...
The worst part for me ,I will be stuck with my in laws for thanksgiving ...
My store is full of snakes. All I needed to know is what time the prep team is going to be in the store (this was Tuesday night). It doesn't matter what time we open - what time will the prep team be in. THAT's IT. Can they tell me that? No. But now, I find out they passed out a sign-up sheet to regular softlines TMs a week ago with the prep times! I am so SICK of my incompetent and manipulative store managers. You can't tell me if it's a morning prep or an afternoon prep when we all know I already HAVE to be there? SO stupid.

Also shame on corporate for trying to play this stupid game of chicken. News flash, you are not WalMart and you are not Once you realize that maybe you will finally start excelling at being your own store instead of flailing trying to keep up with these others.

AND on top of that - after all that "secrecy" you still missed the "black thursday" start times by an hour.

This is the last year I will submit myself to this ridiculousness. Someone please reprimand me harshly if I am still with the company at this time next year.
Grey dot, to fill the grey areas. Supposedly on, you can order everything there. On Thursday. Ck out for other ads, look at sears, best buy & Wally World for times. It is consumer controlled big time. But, spot is paying me to work, I am taking it. Plus, you get a $10 gift card for anything over $50, too.
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I go in for ad set and prep usually at 4ish pm wed and we don't punch out till 2am most of the time. why we try to wait till 8pm to start putting out the pallet stuff on the floor pad is beyond me. everyone has seen the ad by then get it out, so you can limit it all 1 per and no price match. we go back and forth with the price match of items bought the week before BF and brought back in for the less expensive amount. all and all I love being there for the ad set on Wednesday and what ever time we open, I much prefer to be an opener just to get it over with
Here's to hoping they put me on to open! I don't even want to think of how I'm going to a] get into our plaza and b] find a parking spot once stores are open. Tooooo risky

See if anyone can give you a ride there. Not sure if you live with anyone else, but when I opened two years ago (4AM), my dad dropped me off then picked me up when I was done.
Our schedule isn't done. They aren't guaranteeing it for tomorrow. The late announcement threw our HR person. As does being open for 26 hours when we don't have that many people. Heck, we're still hiring, and I'm not sure if any of them have gone through orientation (maybe one or two). So I suspect they will be writing our schedule with "new person who came back after orientation" instead of actual names in some places.
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