Archived Black friday hours

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I work at Walmart and we don't know when our sales will be either. I think it's the ultimate corporate retail game of chicken. Walmart and Target are waiting to see who will blink first. My manager thinks she'll be told when the sales are on Monday night and only then will she be able to write the schedule.
I already know I'll probably have to be at work during what would typically be the Thanksgiving dinner hour. Such is life in retail, even if my mom is less than thrilled. Oh well. One day she will learn that Christmas is the better holiday for family plans since my store is always closed on Christmas Eve and I've never had to work Christmas night.
Anyone hear what the black friday hours are for 2012 yet

Prob midnight. I'm putting in my two weeks on 11/7, making 11/21 my last day. However, I'll probably drag my ass out of bed and to Target on BF so I can support my TM in that time of hell and pick up some cheap gifts for the fam. 😀
A little birdie told me it will be 10pm.
Considering they're keeping it hushed, wouldn't surprise me if it was 10/11pm I guess.
Kmart & sears are the same company. Be ready for anything. I am watching for ads from all retail stores. That will tell you what everyone else is doing.
:huh:Obviously people know they just do not want to tell us lol. I have been hearing whispers 10 and 12 so obviously people are in the know and obviously at other stores people have been whispering too since as others have previously mentioned 10, 12 possibly even 8 soooo the the question is why keep everyone in the dark? The schedule will be posted soon and no one can backtrack spot even knows lol. I remember last year I think everyone knew and no one was kept in the dark but this year it is a guarded secret or something am I right?? I wonder why everyone is so secretive??:angry:
We're told just to expect midnight. The ETLs at my store have already started writing the schedule so we'll see if that holds. Either way I'll be closing this year, which is a relief.
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I had one of our vendors tell me that the stores will open at 10pm. She said that the vendors have to have a time so that they can be in a store to "check on stock" and "confirm that a store is not selling product before its street date."

In our store we have had a sign-up sheet for people "willing" to come in on Thanksgiving day. Why would they try to get people to "volunteer" unless Spot is planning to open on Thursday pm?

They are probably waiting to tell us the open time because of last years' petition asking Target not to open on Thanksgiving.....Target doesn't need backlash!
Prob midnight. I'm putting in my two weeks on 11/7, making 11/21 my last day. However, I'll probably drag my ass out of bed and to Target on BF so I can support my TM in that time of hell and pick up some cheap gifts for the fam. 😀

Sure is nice to have you be so willing to come help out on BF!

I wish I could be giving my two weeks' notice, too!
It's official. Tonight my assistant manager told me that our first sale will start at 8 p.m. Joy.
And we have to take computer training (known as CBLs) about crowd control. lol
I believe very little that I hear in the store these days and nothing that that I hear from a vendor,it does not really matter what time we open at,at our store we are in trouble,we have new everybody in control,and the person in charge of organising black friday has only a few months with the company incuding training time and the same goes for the rest of the etl staff.The schedule is going to be made this week by people who think that it is going to be a wonderful party.It can be made to run smooth but only if they listen to the handful of experienced tms left in the store,which is not going to happen.I hope that I get the earliest shift so I can get out of there as soon as possible,God help the closers.
I head heard that sears was opening at 8pm a week ago. The funny part of this is, it is not Target, Walmart or any other chains fault we continue to open earlier and earlier. It is the consumer. Years ago I too used to be one of those who stood in line at 4am for the 6am openings. If the consumers would boycott those earlier hours, things would go back to 4 or 6am. we as consumers are greedy. we want more, give us bigger, better and more sales. If the consumer didn't demand the retailers wouldn't have to do this. So everyone blames the fact we have no family time on the corporate retailers when in fact it is the family you are setting down with turkey dinner that very day. Those of us that work BF, I know I haven't seen a fantastic ad from anyone in the last several years.

I know quite a few people that feel this very way.
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