Archived Black Friday secrecy ????

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Just when you don't think they could pi$$ us off any worse....😡
I was told by someone in HR that it had to do with laws in our state, that we might be closing Wednesday at 9pm and opening at one on Black Friday. Target doesn't want anyone in the store during Thanksgiving.

we are there Thanksgiving morning till somewhere between 1 and 3 am for ad set, from wednesday night. so much for not being in the store on Thanksgiving day.
Who knows what HQ has forgotten or screwed up this time. Some of you may have not been around long enough to know this but, Target was once a very well run company and not the mess it has become.
Who knows what HQ has forgotten or screwed up this time. Some of you may have not been around long enough to know this but, Target was once a very well run company and not the mess it has become.

So very, very true. Hence why after 10 years and some change, I am seeking other employment.

FYI...I was the Opening LOD this morning and I got a call from another stores ETL-HR about 11:30am or so telling me to let my HR know not to publish or post the schedule. Weird! My HR had already published but had not posted at that point.

So far though, looks like I am working 11pm-7:30am opening with another Sr. TL, the STL, the ETL-AP and ETL-SL with the other Sr. TL and ETLs trickling in thereafter.
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Alas, it is time. Times are changing at Target. and my ETL is a total b*%$h. Im not giving so much as I am saying I have served my purpose and am moving on to give another deserving TL the opportunity to be Sr. Team Leader on the Sales Floor. I cant find my passion for this place anymore. Dont get me wrong, i am still FFF but not as I used to be. It has been a great 10 years but its time I leave this comfort zone and move on to better things. This was my first real job and I will always have love for Spot for all the opportunities.
It's because of Wal-Mart opening at 10:00. They jumped and we have to blink. Conference call tomorrow to figure out what (if anything) we're going to do.
Alas, it is time. Times are changing at Target. and my ETL is a total b*%$h. Im not giving so much as I am saying I have served my purpose and am moving on to give another deserving TL the opportunity to be Sr. Team Leader on the Sales Floor. I cant find my passion for this place anymore. Dont get me wrong, i am still FFF but not as I used to be. It has been a great 10 years but its time I leave this comfort zone and move on to better things. This was my first real job and I will always have love for Spot for all the opportunities.
ok.i understand now. at least keep the stock. good for retirement.
My store, like many, is having a hard time finding coverage. I was told my out STL that our black friday schedule will be delayed as they are trying to make the schedule the best they can. We have a sign up saying "our black fridday schedule is still being worked on. We will posted is as soon as possible. Lets be happy we are opening at midnight"

Even if it were done it wouldn't be up. Ours is done, we have plenty of coverage and no scheduling conflicts... and corporate still wouldn't let us put it up.
uh oh.....looks like Spot might be finding himself in some deep doo doo!
Seems as though stores are spreading a lot of misinformation. State laws wont allow it, not enough coverage, etc. sounds like individual stores making things up to stall while HQ decides if we're going to keep up with Walmart. I don't think they would stop the entire company from publishing/posting if a single state had weird laws or a handful of stores didn't have adequate coverage.

I have a feeling we're moving to 10pm. I mean if we weren't going to, I think they would have already told us to publish. I'm sure they're busy drafting up store action plans just like they did for the midnight announcement.

The midnight announcement already stretched us thinner than we could comfortably handle. I don't know what I'm going to do if I have to staff another 2 hours! It's great to keep up w/ Walmart, but most Walmarts are already 24-hour operations so they will already have the means in place to staff a lengthy Black Friday. Target, on the other hand is used to 15-18 hour days not 24-26 hour days! Going from 4am to 10pm is literally adding an entirely new shift to staff. Are we supposed to pull TM's out of thin air to make these things happen with such short notice?!

Here's to waiting for an answer tomorrow!

I also found out that there's a market of stores in the western US that are doing a company test which will be open on Thanksgiving day for last minute food purchases and whatnot. So let's not be surprised next year when we're all open on Thanksgiving day! Yikes.
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Yep, stores in the Denver (I think) will be open 8-2pm on TGday to see how things will go.
Ruh Roh, I have not been in since Wed. when we were working on it so I have no idea what's up.

I can only say if we add another 2 hours we are f'd - It was hard enough scheduling the store around people working 12 hour shifts for the rest of the week to stay under 40 hours.

If the TGT is going to go to 10 PM then there is no way we will not be dishing out OT to a bunch of employees.
Okay, something strange is definitely going on.

After leaving yesterday afternoon, with a sign up saying: "The schedule will not be posted today. Sorry for any inconvenience." This morning when I went in to work Flow, there was a new sign up that said:

"Headquarters have given us more time to work on the Black Friday schedule. It will not be posted until 12pm (noon)."

That is obiviously a lie. I know for a fact the schedule is finished, and they were ready to post it, until corporate told them not to, like what everybody has been saying in this thread. Well, I spread the word around to the other TMs that the sign was a lie, and said it to the Flow TL, who said he didn't know anything about it.

Anyways, I work my shift, knowing the word about the sign being a load of BS is getting passed around the store. I go to clock out around 10am...and there is another new sign up that said:

"The Black Friday schedule is on hold. If you have any questions or concerns about the schedule, please talk to the ETL-HR or the STL."

Nothing about posting it noon, or when exactly. As I left before noon, I have no idea if it will be posted then or not.

The whole situation reeks of corporate BS.
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I checked on ehr yesterday before I left work since they hadn't posted the schedule and it showed I was closing. So hopefully whatever the hold up is won't effect me.
So I went poking around the target press room looking for answers and nothing new has been posted so I went to subscribe to the Target Stores RSS feed and found one called Thanksgiving 2011 that doesn't have any posts yet. Guess when it was created? Yesterday at 4:49 pm. I have since obviously subscribed to it and if you guys want to here is the link.
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This is crazy! Yesterday the schedule was up at my store & when I clocked out at 3:30 there was a sign that said it would be up tomorrow. They have me down as an opener 11:45 to8:15. Im gonna be beyond pissed if they decide to open at 10. I can't do that. Total bs!
denver test market

i found this in the spot press room:
MINNEAPOLIS (Oct. 28, 2011) — Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) is pleased to announce that for the first time, it will be open limited hours on Thanksgiving Day. The Denver market’s 29 stores will be open from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. MST on Thanksgiving Day to accommodate our guests’ last minute needs. All other Target stores will remain closed on Thanksgiving.

“Target always looks for ways to provide our guests with an exceptional shopping experience and one-stop convenience,” said Annette Miller, senior vice president, Grocery, Target. “Our Denver guests can stop in on Thanksgiving for any last minute shopping needs.”

Target is piloting limited hours on Thanksgiving Day in Denver because it continues to be a strong grocery market, featuring numerous SuperTargets and stores with the expanded fresh food layout. Target plans to evaluate the Denver test before making decisions about whether to expand Thanksgiving hours to other markets in the future.
We were told today by our DTL-HR this morning it is definitely due to Wal-mart opening at 10.

When the TL's went into max to sneak a peak we found out that all TL's are working Saturday too. When quentioned about this my ETL said "it was mandatory for all TL to work even if it was your weekend off." "Look I don't have a weekend off now until after the first of the year" she said. Thinking in my head..."TOO DAMN BAD." Is this happening at any one elses stores?
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