Archived Black Friday Walkout

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I can't speak for anyone else, but for myself its less that I mind working on a holiday but the overall surrender to the prevailing American zeitgeist that says 'Money is Virtue'. We like to pretend that is not the case, that American values are about family and community and puppies and apple pie, but the reality is that at almost every level of our culture, your only worth is figured in dollars.

Retailers slowly eating away at one of the few major holidays for gathering with family is just a small part of a greater overall collapse of our society into the black hole that is the worship of currency, but thats no reason to just roll over and say 'well they have to make the monies so I guess its okay'.
I think the point is if every company took a stance and closed thanksgiving...we could go back to Black Friday and everyone could have their thanksgiving. If every worker for Target , Walmart etc refused to work and walked out...or called out. It would force the company hand and close shop.
I think the point is if every company took a stance and closed thanksgiving...we could go back to Black Friday and everyone could have their thanksgiving. If every worker for Target , Walmart etc refused to work and walked out...or called out. It would force the company hand and close shop.

Buuuuuuut they won't.
That may be true...I was more referencing the entire scope of this thread...including posts concerning walk outs and such. That shows a poor work ethic (in my opinion). However, again, if you voice knew what you were signing up for. People can complain all they want, but that's the job you chose to apply for, accepted the offer for, and show up to do. My argument mainly is that if you don't like it, or it doesn't work for you, voicing concerns or complaining about this topic will do nothing to change things in the future. Target (corporate) cares very little about team member concerns, especially during 4th quarter. They care about profit and competition above all else. The only thing that will realistically change the situation for someone voicing concerns or complaining about it is to make a change in your own life (like find a different job that fits your needs better). That's all I'm saying.

It may sound may not be what you want to hear (read), but I'm just trying to be realistic and logical about it.

We all know this time of the year is coming. Why do people get so bent out of shape about it? You chose to work in retail during this time of the year. Plain and simple. Deal with the fact that you work during that time, put your head down and do the job you chose to apply to and accept. That's what I think people don't get... you chose this for yourself. Target didn't force you to apply and accept a job offer. You chose this sector of the workforce for better or worse and now you have to deal with the ramifications of that choice. You can choose to leave if it's not what you like or not working out for you. That's an important part of this. If working that week doesn't fit with what you want out of life, find a job that fits you better. Complaining and voicing concerns will honestly get you nowhere. It does not create any change in this case. You have to create that change in your own life.

Hmmm, let's take your arguement out on the slippery slope - it being winter and all.
After all there is historical precedent for this...

Gee buddy, you knew what you signed up for when you came to work at the coal mine.
You want Saturday off, that shows really poor work ethic.
You're damned lucky we give you Sunday off.
It's darn right un-American of you to suggest not working, people need this coal to heat their homes.
In fact if you stop working, the company is going to bring in the National Guard to shoot your woman and children.
Militia slaughters strikers at Ludlow, Colorado - Apr 20, 1914 -
And if you die we'll just pass the cost of your funeral on to your family so your 13 year son can come to work at the mine to pay off the debt.

See that's what you get when fucking profit and competition is the primary lever in your society.
But we decided that wasn't the right way so we made laws and changed our society accordingly.
That decision didn't come easy, it came mostly by people walking out and getting into pitched battles with the bosses.
Unfortunately things have been sliding back the other direction for quite a while now.
If you want to accept that, fine there are always going to be people who line up with the bosses.
But if you are getting reamed year after year, maybe you should look over your shoulder and figure out who is doing it to you.
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The talk of walkouts on Black Friday or Poopy Brown Thursday are just like when people say they would vote for a 3rd party candidate but either don't vote at all or vote for the two party system. It's just talk. Nothing ever happens or changes.

Did someone say Desperate Measures?

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Hmmm, let's take your arguement out on the slippery slope - it being winter and all.
After all there is historical precedent for this...

Gee buddy, you knew what you signed up for when you came to work at the coal mine.
You want Saturday off, that shows really poor work ethic.
You're damned lucky we give you Sunday off.
It's darn right un-American of you to suggest not working, people need this coal to heat their homes.
In fact if you stop working, the company is going to bring in the National Guard to shoot your woman and children.
Militia slaughters strikers at Ludlow, Colorado - Apr 20, 1914 -
And if you die we'll just pass the cost of your funeral on to your family so your 13 year son can come to work at the mine to pay off the debt.

See that's what you get when fucking profit and competition is the primary lever in your society.

But we decided that wasn't the right way so we made laws and changed our society accordingly.
That decision didn't come easy, it came mostly by people walking out and getting into pitched battles with the bosses.
Unfortunately things have been sliding back the other direction for quite a while now.
If you want to accept that, fine there are always going to be people who line up with the bosses.
But if you are getting reamed year after year, maybe you should look over your shoulder and figure out who is doing it to you.

Let's be realistic about this. Ludlow would not happen in this era. Yes that did happen over 100 years ago and lives were lost. But this is not the same situation nor would it ever be able to be taken to such a horrific and dark place in the society we live in today. My viewpoint is not lining up with the bosses either. It is very simply put, take responsibility for your choices. You chose to work in the retail sector. You chose to work at Target. You chose to accept that you would have to work some crappy shifts that week and your plans may not work out. If you can't handle that, then take responsibility for your life and find a different job. The only realistic way in this case to create change is to create change within yourself. Let's face it...none of us lives in a community where there is 0.0% unemployment. There are jobs out there. There are plenty of resources to obtain other employment. Back then there were very few if any options.

This situation is not the same as Ludlow. Target does not have a gun to your head or your families head nor does a militia.

You made a choice. You can choose to stay or you can choose to go. Getting all bent out of shape over that week and talking about walkouts, slowdowns, etc., is not a realistic way in this case to make it better. The change will probably never come from employee action. The change can only probably come from exterior (consumer demand and possibly public opinion) influence. In the meantime, all I'm saying is that instead of getting all riled up that retail workers have to work certain ugly shifts that week, just learn to deal with it like people in other employment sectors have for years (without all the whining and complaining, may I point out). It's not going to change any time soon, more than likely. it or not (and most people don't) that is what you agreed to when you got hired on.

But if you are getting reamed year after year, maybe you should look over your shoulder and figure out who is doing it to you.

If you're getting reamed by Target, ask yourself why you're still there. It is after all your choice to stay and get reamed. There are plenty of employers out there who don't ream. If you don't like getting reamed, find an employer who won't instead of complaining about said reaming and doing nothing for yourself.
^HEY CORPORATE, just so you know, we are totes going to walkout by the hundreds, on Black Friday Thursday at 6:01PM, across all 2000 of your stores, and yes, even the one below your corporate building because we have balls of steel and want to sit with our families for our Thanksgiving meal.
Ugh.. "Totes".. You kids deserve what you get, the store will on without you, and your positions will be easy to fill.. You likely weren't worth a shit and it won't even impact the store at all, possibly even make it better with your bullshit attitude and lack of will to perform actual work.

Ugh.. "Totes".. You kids deserve what you get, the store will on without you, and your positions will be easy to fill.. You likely weren't worth a shit and it won't even impact the store at all, possibly even make it better with your bullshit attitude and lack of will to perform actual work.

I could be wrong, but I think the poster you quoted was being sarcastic.
Ugh.. "Totes".. You kids deserve what you get, the store will on without you, and your positions will be easy to fill.. You likely weren't worth a shit and it won't even impact the store at all, possibly even make it better with your bullshit attitude and lack of will to perform actual work.


I bet you're fun at parties.
Easier said than done when the only choices in your area are retail, fast food, hospitality & other service jobs.
Right...but it's still about choice. You can choose Target and deal with the crap that comes with it...or choose somewhere else. Even if those are your options, it's still a choice to stay with Target or move on. The important thing is to recognize that you made a personal choice to work at Target and along with may come things you don't with any job. It's how you deal with that choice you made that shows what kind of person you are. Complain about a situation but yet do nothing productive to change it for yourself? Or be proactive and take responsibility for your life and the choice you made to work at Target? That's the key.
This situation is not the same as Ludlow. Target does not have a gun to your head or your families head nor does a militia.

Maybe no militia but let us look at what happened in Bangladesh, India at Rana Plaza. Over a thousand died in that building collapse. This was precisely the type of situation that initiated the strikes and conflicts 100 years ago - deaths and injuries that could have been avoided if the well-to-do owners and executives were not cutting corners to increase their profits (and incomes). And it is spreading here as well. With deregulation, a hobbled OSHA, EPA, and other regulatory departments and institutions, we are sliding right back into Robber Baron work ethics and the catastrophes and strifes thereby expected.

It is a slippery slope and the corporations fanned by their government fanboys are wetting it done to be even slipperier. There must be a distinction where life is more precious than profits.
Right...but it's still about choice. You can choose Target and deal with the crap that comes with it...or choose somewhere else. Even if those are your options, it's still a choice to stay with Target or move on. The important thing is to recognize that you made a personal choice to work at Target and along with may come things you don't with any job. It's how you deal with that choice you made that shows what kind of person you are. Complain about a situation but yet do nothing productive to change it for yourself? Or be proactive and take responsibility for your life and the choice you made to work at Target? That's the key.
Oh that would be location, medical bills and the nagging desire to eat this month. I'm probably twice your age and well acquainted with choices
character and crap. I see management that takes away. If you haven't dealt with it don't worry you will. I lost benefits and pay. If you haven't you will.
Nothing personal love corporate.
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Oh that would be location, medical bills and the nagging desire to eat this month. I'm probably twice your age and well acquainted with choices
character and crap. I see management that takes away. If you haven't dealt with it don't worry you will. I lost benefits and pay. If you haven't you will.
Nothing personal love corporate.

You're twice my age? I'm 36. That would make you 72?
Your choice to work at Target is yours and yours alone. Like it or not, you have made the choice to stay at Target despite those things. You can change your situation and leave Target. No one or no thing is forcing you to be there. There are other jobs where you live.
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