Archived Black friday

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Also, if target was smart they would stagger it to start at 3-4. That way people can go to the other midnight stores and by the time they are done head on over to target. All every chain is doing by starting at 12 is dividing how much business they get and probably losing money.

I do agree with a lot I wouldn't mind doing another midnight but a thanksgiving shift id be on the fence about esp since I can mostly guarntee at my store ill have a big chunk of ot that week

Also I came across this a bit ago but this year marks the 50th year for Black Friday I was shocked when I read that didn't even think it was around that long

My store we were constantly busy til 10am granted they staggered shifts which I think in my store helped keep a steady flow of guests & $

I was part of the 12hr people we worked 10pm to 10am there was 15 people working that shift

Other shifts for the opening were
11pm to 6am 10 for that shift
12am to 630am 14 for that shift (mainly all F.E. people)
1230am to 7am 10 people
1am to 730am 8 people for that shift

Mid Shifts:
630am to 230pm 7 people
7am to 3pm 5 people
730am to 330pm 5 people
8am to 4pm 5 people

2pm to 10pm 6 people
3pm to 11pm 6 people
330pm to close 6 people

What I did hear was during the slow time after 10am when we were close to dead we had about a normal holiday crew of about 20 people on til the closers got in & the closing team got out b4 1am on a midnight close only time during the whole season were they out b4 1am
For the past 2 black fridays, I volunteered to open and it has been fun both times. Time goes by so fast and I don't have to deal with the mess that the closers have to deal with plus I get the extra dollar an hour.

We work in Retail, you guys should know holidays and work are going to collide. Just like how some fast food places choose to stay open on the actual holiday. If you want holidays off, get a job where you get holidays.
This idea that somehow because it's retail it's you must expect to be treated like garbage is actually a kind of new construct.
In Europe retail stores don't stay open 24/7 and on major holidays.
There is no reason that a company needs to wring every last minute out of peoples souls.
Sure I can schedule my family time around my work hours but why can't they respect their employees enough to say that for a few days out of the year, the drek they spout about life balance really does matter to them?
No, I don't believe in Santa but I'd like to believe in people.
Well said commiecorvus, well said. I used to believe in the whole work/life balance when I worked at Target but after about a year of working for Spot, I learned that it was all complete b.s.! Some nights I felt as if my ETL was saying "you can have a life once all the backstock is done", but when you have loads to do, after getting all that done, the only thing you want to do is go home and sleep. Too bad we can't adopt a little thing called siesta. In Mexico, everything closes down for about an hour or two in order for everyone to nap/relax; I believe that would greatly improve retail enviroments.
At my store we were told to have 3 possible schedules written with various start times for black friday (yet to be decided). And then the actual start time for black friday will be announced just before we post the schedule.
This confuses me. I was saying "please no" to being open on Thanksgiving. The midnight opening doesn't excite me, but if I have to drive back early, so be it. The reason I don't see my family during the school year is quite simple: graduate school in a very demanding program, an internship and a job make it impossible. If I have to work at midnight on black Friday, I can still go home for a couple of days (I don't have availability on Wednesdays). If I had to work on Thanksgiving, then I can't go home.

I've had this discussion before on here, and again, I ask that since you don't know my situation, that you refrain from judging me. I know you don't care if I spend the holidays alone. But I do. I spend enough of my life alone, I just don't need that extra punch in the gut. I'm sorry if that isn't good enough for you.

I didn't mean to offend you and I apologize.

If I'm a "bad" employee because I rather spend time with family and friends than dealing with Pathetic psychopathic guests than so be it.

You are not, but all I'm saying is its part of retial. don't like it then fine anopther job.

THIS. My family plans our gatherings around my work schedule. We actually do Thanksgiving on a different weekend in November, so that Thanksgiving day I actually recover to go back into work. Course, I tend to work the super-long shift on Wednesday, doing the setup and prep for Black Friday, so they are used to me pulling 20+ hour shifts on Wednesday into Thursday morning. The summer also tends to be vacation time, so we do more stuff during the summer.

and see thats fine right there. Who says you HAVE to eat turkey dinner on thanksgiving? Some restruants are even open on thanksgiving, go out and save the main dinner for the weekend. but Guess the thanksgiving police will arrest you if you did that!

Regarding summertime, of course. BBQ out on the lake with a rented cabin fun for the kids as they don't have to be all dressed up. is it that hard to call up "uncle john" and "aunt carrol" and plan something for July or august? Are people that scared? Plus traveling is much less hetic when 50 million people are not runing around the airport with their heads cut off.
me STL told us on friday during a store meeting that they would be announcing this week or next holiday hours.
I just hope not midnight..... The ideal thing ( maybe I am off) Stores that did super well on the midnight and were not dead after say 1 am and beyond should open at midnight. The stores that opened at midnight and were dead at 1 am and beyond should be open at 4 am that would be the logical thing just saying.... Spot would never do that of course:nah: My store was so dead after 1 am it was crazy! People tripping over each other SF people that is cashiers coming out to the floor it was bad!
Last year Target totally disrespected its workforce by announcing the hours so late. There are thousands of us that realize we work retail and that from Oct -Jan, it owns our souls. The thing is we made plans to work around our schedules. Many of us had our families rearrange their schedules to accommodate ours. At the last minute Target basically came in and said 'oops we changed our minds, deal with it". So whatever they decide this year, show some respect for the thousands that work for you and give us the hours in advance so we can make plans. Being able to be with our families is a part of the "work/life balance" they preach. We work hard and I don't know about you guys but I could submit a punch change form for almost every hour I am not in the building during the fourth quarter. I am worrying about where I am going to find the space to put product, how I am going to unload 2 trucks with 16 people, when I am going to get paperwork done, etc etc etc. The time with our families is priceless. Let us plan to have that time.
"Holiday" hours are available via workbench and the "4th Qtr Planning" link. You can find what "schedule" your store is on, and then look up those hours. BF hours are still TBA.
For the midnight opening last year I slept in a bit on thanksgiving, ate dinner with my family, took a 1 hour nap then went to work and came home at 8am and slept for a couple hours then I was back on my normal schedule.

My store was busy from midnight to 4am then died until 8am where it started to pick up again.
if they do another midnight open this year i will just quit, such a waste of time and money for our store, the entire place was dead by 2am and i was scheduled a 13hour day. Just as many people will show up if you open at 6-8am
Already put in for time off for that day - it was approved! I can't wait for them to try to rescind it.

I needed a few other days off and slipped that date in figuring it wouldn't be checked. I did it 2 weeks ago. I was right. The earlier the better in this case! Christmas Eve will go in soon....
I needed a few other days off and slipped that date in figuring it wouldn't be checked. I did it 2 weeks ago. I was right. The earlier the better in this case! Christmas Eve will go in soon....

That will be more difficult since that date doesn't change yearly.
I needed a few other days off and slipped that date in figuring it wouldn't be checked. I did it 2 weeks ago. I was right. The earlier the better in this case! Christmas Eve will go in soon....

I tried as well but was denied. Did it in August with some other dates. Darn!
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