Archived Branch Messenger: New system coming for shift swaps

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During a normal weekend at my store we are guarenteed to have at least 1 cashier and 1 sales floor call out, which screws everyone who shows up for their shift. That may not sound like a lot but we are a lower volume store we don't have that many TMs scheduled to begin with. Branch Messenger will be my new BFF if it learns how to do all my attendance coachings via text message. 😀

We are lucky when it is "just" one cashier and "just" one sales floor tm calling out on a weekend. We are a lower volume store as well, I am expecting a lot of call outs next week. There are about 10 shifts on the swap board that no one has signed off for yet. I started calling some people yesterday, trying to get some of those shifts covered.
Should this be approved and implemented at all stores, I hope that it has the glitches worked out of it unlike (or many other programs Target has rolled out). However, I can see where this will reduce human error by 1) TMs incorrectly posting their schedule on the swap shift board and 2) HRs being distracted and changing times in wrong week or assigning to wrong person. I also hope that Target Corp has sufficient IT infastructure as I foresee this site potentially being hacked.
Not part of the test but I downloaded the app and it SEEMS like it's gonna be great when it comes to anything shift oriented. It also has a chat session for people who plan on calling out that day so they can give their shifts up. I like how it notifies you when your shift is approaching so you won't "forget" you have to work that day. Also if you have to cut shifts it have the voluntary time off option to see if you're willing to give up your shift before leadership cuts it without you knowing until you come to work.
I hope my store gets this! Sounds like it would help the team and the store. Haven't heard anything yet though but we also haven't had a huddle in forever. Swapping shifts has been such a pain so I try to only do it if I absolutely have to

So we threw our paper board away and have been using branch. Its pretty effective. We have been able to fill more shifts than normal and less phone calls for me.

We need way more TMs to get on it though. The old cashier ladies dont care for it.

It has a chat and messenger feature, some of you probably dont want to talk to co workers outside of work and I can see managers abusing it - but its also cool to be able to shoot the breeze with co workers without giving them your actual phone number.
So, are you bombarded all day with messages? Sounds kind of irritating if that's the case.
Im like a whole month late in reaponding (sorry havent been on here in a while!) but no i havent heard anything about this! It sounds interesting and much easier, i hope the test runs go smoothly so it tolls out throught the stores.
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We're not part of the test at my store, but we do have a group chat!

We still have the paper SSB.

Yes I know anyone in that group chat who also uses the TBR now knows who I am but there's such a slim risk I'm willing to take it.
I could've sworn my STL mentioned something like this a couple years ago. I guess it wasn't ready yet.
Mine told us this is what we would be getting when we switched to MyTime. And seeing how it still can't even make the schedule properly without two days of tweaking to fix it, I'm glad they went with an external program.
Mine told us this is what we would be getting when we switched to MyTime. And seeing how it still can't even make the schedule properly without two days of tweaking to fix it, I'm glad they went with an external program.
Right, I heard something like that around the MyTime announcement. And that was 2 years ago. Glad it's finally starting to be tested.
Did this roll out to all stores? Our store has posters all over the bulletin boards about this program.
The Branch Messenger App REALLY slows my phone down every time I get a notification.

it sucks, but otherwise the app is awesome.
Did this roll out to all stores? Our store has posters all over the bulletin boards about this program.

Still in pilot at about 100 stores nationwide. But I cant imagine it wont go company wide.
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Our swap board went away just before the holidays. Just started using the app and love it so far. Great way to pickup shifts.
Does the new system only work as an app?

There are plenty of older workers who are not tech-savvy and don't use apps.

Can the new system be viewed online from a store computer?

Can the new system be viewed online on a desktop/laptop from your home?
Does the new system only work as an app?

There are plenty of older workers who are not tech-savvy and don't use apps.

Can the new system be viewed online from a store computer?

Can the new system be viewed online on a desktop/laptop from your home?
The store I'm doing training at is doing this. It actually looks pretty cool..a much better way to keep team members accountable and it doesn't look like phone numbers are shared. You put in a shift you would like to give away, state your reason and then wait...they have a 19 inch monitor set on a table in the tmsc that has it all on can use that or your phone. We are all more tech savvy now so it makes sense, no more chases down an LOD to make changes!
Bingo sfsun and it works from a regular computer. If you cant use that, your phone or the provided tablet I doubt you were going to the ss board and grabbing shifts anyways.

I cannot see this working at all at my store, we have 300 employees every day.

Why dont you think it would work?

We are around 200 and it works just fine. I bet if we had as many people as you people would grab shifts more often.
This program would be useful in an ULV store due to the fact that you only have 5-8 people you can call to come in to take a shift. Of those 5-8, 1/2 are away/out of town, 1/4 are busy and 1/4 avoid the store phone number like the plague. Can't say I blame the latter group. Who wants to hear-Hey, we are really low on personnel, so we want you to come in, bust your chops, make up for lost time and get out on time.
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