Archived BRLA

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I had 1 TM tell me that it asked him how many were there recently. I wonder if there's some sort of change there that might happen.

I've had another TL tell me that they still use PDAs to backstock and I'm all for this suggestion. I think a LOT of issues would be mitigated if the MyDevice kicked you pack to the opening 'scan item' screen after backstocking an item. Didn't we have someone that worked with MyDevices on this board? Can we forward that suggestion? I've let my DTL know this but there is zero communication from any field leadership about BRLA in general. It just seems to be a 'figure it out' type of situation. I'm not sure they realize that results will still be pushed and this could cost people their jobs if an ETL or STL chooses to see it as a performance issue.
Usually that happens with softlines since for the most part it doesn’t ask you how many you stow. I also have my team use the pda for backstock .
There's also location management still. Need to create, group, or delete locations? Can't with a Zebra. Need to update counts quickly? Can't with a Zebra. Need to purge multiple locations? Can with a Zebra, but it'll take you a lot longer. Need to MSPK? Can't with a Zebra.
Need to create and pull the seasonal event batch for 4th of July merchandise? Can't with a zebra
There are a few issues, at least for me.

1. When you scan something to backstock, it remains active in MyWork even after you've backstocked it. So if you go to backstock another item, but miss the scan, you'd be backstocking the previous item again -- meaning it would be located twice and the new item wouldn't be located at all. The Zebras do beep when they scan something, but I've had it a few times where mine beeped and the item in MyWork never updated. So you really need to pay attention, which ends up slowing you down.

2. The prompt in Move asking if you've pulled all the items has the "Yes" and "No" buttons right next to each other, meaning it's incredibly easy to press the wrong one. Since Zebras don't have location management yet, it's particularly difficult to fix that issue properly -- and that's if you even notice it to begin with.

3. They don't seem to be as durable as the PDAs. Quite a few of the Zebras at my store have been dropped a few dozen times, some of them now having issues with the touch screen. You press 3, it enters 7. If you notice, you can take or stow to correct the amount.. but again, that's if you're paying a lot of attention.

If you're working quickly, they're very poor replacements for PDAs. Outside of actually being able to see what it is you're pulling (which is amazing) and the ease of taking items from a location (one at a time -- LOCU is still best for purging locations entirely), everything takes longer with Zebras and they're a lot less forgiving than PDAs were. I remember being able to scan and locate 5 items in a row while my PDA lagged and it caught up without a problem. Can't do that with a Zebra. Oh, and being able to have multiple people enter a pull from opposite ends.. oh how I miss that feature. CHEM batch with 127 DPCIs and 300 eaches? Have fun by yourself. The larger batches will occasionally split for multiple TMs to pull, but they don't start at opposite ends. So if you do manage to get another TM to help with a pull, they're going to be right on top of you.

There's also location management still. Need to create, group, or delete locations? Can't with a Zebra. Need to update counts quickly? Can't with a Zebra. Need to purge multiple locations? Can with a Zebra, but it'll take you a lot longer. Need to MSPK? Can't with a Zebra.

^this. All of this.

Losing the function of two people not being able to get in the same batch is probably my biggest gripe. Autofills can be small then bam, you have a 80 dpci batch. Or pulling the new releases for electronics. Used to be so much better with the pdas

The slowness of the zebras is terrible. Half the time I scan an item and it doesn't load and change to that new item. So the previous item is still there. Even though it beeps and scanned, didn't change to the new item. The pdas never had that issue and were much faster

I love my phone and having a full touch screen, but not so much on the zebras. Hitting buttons and doing everything on the pdas is so much quicker with an actual keyboard
It's from "move" unless your BR is following up on all items scanned reports, no longer using the PDA to pull is drastically impacting accuracy. Also "my work" sometimes doesn't input the correct quantity when stowing. I think those are the main reasons. We used to fix errors as we found them while pulling...our accuracy was 99.9 before "move" was fully adopted. We've dropped to 97.8 since and it's still declining weekly. Doesn't matter anyway, soon you won't have a stockroom location!!
My store killed the backroom team so eh. They forced about 5 young guys who were reletivlre strong and knew the entire process and replaced them with old lady's from softlinss and cosmetics tms who really have no idea what causes errors or issues
My store killed the backroom team so eh. They forced about 5 young guys who were reletivlre strong and knew the entire process and replaced them with old lady's from softlinss and cosmetics tms who really have no idea what causes errors or issues

Ours just don't bother backstocking anything softlines related its all in carts shoved in their stockroom. We have three backroom people left and they are on the flow team or what is left of it.
It's from "move" unless your BR is following up on all items scanned reports, no longer using the PDA to pull is drastically impacting accuracy. Also "my work" sometimes doesn't input the correct quantity when stowing. I think those are the main reasons. We used to fix errors as we found them while pulling...our accuracy was 99.9 before "move" was fully adopted. We've dropped to 97.8 since and it's still declining weekly. Doesn't matter anyway, soon you won't have a stockroom location!!
Why wouldn’t you have a stockroom location?
stockroom zone is no longer a thing, so location accuracy is an issue.

I like the zebras, but they’re not perfect. when there was still a SUBT in RFapps, the PDA was just as quick for moving stuff around to back stock well. shift+7 between there and STO was the best.
For someone who started in backroom right as the red deivces were being phased out, what was shift 7?

you could toggle between two different rfapps functions on the PDA. some models had a dedicated button for this, but all models would accept shift+7 for it. that part remains, but they took away the SUBT command a while back in favor of a SUBT on the GUI side of the device.
I've had another TL tell me that they still use PDAs to backstock and I'm all for this suggestion.
From what I've been told, backstocking with a PDA is going to mess stuff up horribly. Things backstocked with the PDA won't drop into pulls and it will tank your BRLA as well. My store had a TM use a PDA to backstock a ton of stuff in one fill group and the next report that section was red.

I'm not sure how accurate this information is, but it seems to be true in my store at least (unless we just had a ton of weird flukes in our store)
From what I've been told, backstocking with a PDA is going to mess stuff up horribly. Things backstocked with the PDA won't drop into pulls and it will tank your BRLA as well. My store had a TM use a PDA to backstock a ton of stuff in one fill group and the next report that section was red.

I'm not sure how accurate this information is, but it seems to be true in my store at least (unless we just had a ton of weird flukes in our store)
I don't believe this to be true as most of our team switches to pda once pulls are done. We are only red in the end to end areas.
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