Archived BRTM- New and confused. Help!

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Aug 16, 2017
Long story short, applied for SFS team, but it doesn't roll out in my store until Sept. So, HR hired me as BRTM in the meantime. This whole experience has kinda been a sh*t show for me and I just need to know what I should do. I'm not the type to give up on things but thinking I may need to pass on this if it all keeps up.

I've been in training since Saturday. My member ID still does not work. I have to page an LOD at the time clock every single day and wait for 10-15 minutes looking like an idiot to get punch correction sheet. I've been told multiple times that HR will be reminded.

My main issue is that I have a ton of anxiety not knowing who is who or what is what. There has been ZERO guidance provided to me. I don't know who the leaders are in BR. Therefore, I don't know who to ask when I arrive and need to know what to do.

I don't know the walkie lingo.

When I get to work, what am I supposed to do? I would assume it would involve me getting on the walkie and saying, "(somebody), are you on line?" Then asking them what they'd like me to do. Only problem is, I have no idea who (somebody) is!

Last night I found a guy who "trained" me the night before and he acted like he had no idea why I was asking him what to do. So, apparently trainers are not in charge in any capacity, just regular team members?

I really have a feeling I'll love SFS once I get to start that, it's just the meantime stuff that I don't know if can deal with.

Help me!
Things will start coming together and making sense eventually. Just give it a bit more time and ask lots of questions at the store.

When I get to work, what am I supposed to do?
For backroom, it depends what time you're starting. But you would generally go to the backroom and start pulling and backstocking. On your next shift, ask your trainer specifically what your routines should be when you come in each day.

So, apparently trainers are not in charge in any capacity, just regular team members?
Pretty much. Maybe some stores are hardcore about having specific trainers, but most of them it's just whoever is working at the time gets to train the new hires.
When I get to work, what am I supposed to do?

So, apparently trainers are not in charge in any capacity, just regular team members?

I really have a feeling I'll love SFS once I get to start that, it's just the meantime stuff that I don't know if can deal with.

SFS can be hard work when it gets busy but I love getting a chance to do it. When you get to work, call for the LOD. Tell them you're clocking in for your BR shift and ask where they'd like you to start. At my store, trainers are either the TLs or the most experienced tms and should be willing to answer your questions as a new tm. Find out who your TL/ETL as soon as you can.
the guy who trained you probably looked at you funny because he might not be the regularly designated 'trainer.' My experience is that training is a joke, and by that I mean, they only really give you a day or two with someone to show you the basics and then you're on your own (more or less). If there is no guidance provided to you then fault lies with your LOD, not you.
Ask for the store LOD over the walkie, find out where you're suppose to be or do, or ask for their location and they'll tell you. If you're gonna ask for their location it's probably best to state your name and that you're knew and need guidance.
Ask for the store LOD over the walkie, find out where you're suppose to be or do, or ask for their location and they'll tell you. If you're gonna ask for their location it's probably best to state your name and that you're knew and need guidance.
Except backroom doesn't really need to do that.
Pretty much what everyone says, I didn't think I'd ever get the walkie lingo my first couple of days but now it's largely second nature. Everything else will come in time as well. Best of luck!
First thing is first , find out who's your TL ( Team Leader) on any given day, this is your first task since you are new.Ask someone , ask TCS, ask a fellow BRTM, this is very important!when you start your shift report to him/ her. They will best determine where and what you should be working on. They may pair you with someone who you can work along side. When someone is "training" you, ask them questions, no matter how simple, small or even stupid a question sounds to you ,ASK IT! If you don't ask , sometimes your "trainer" might overlook some info. Ask questions, ask them again and again. It doesn't cost anything, doesn't make you look stupid, matter of fact it shows you are interested and want to know how to do things in a accurate and timely fashion! This way you'll know what's on paper and what's actually being done! You can ask things "how long should this task usually take me to finish? ""How do you change the batteries in the LPDA?" " where can I get batteries ?""where do you keep the repacks?"can we use guest carts?" "What's the best way to do such and such" good luck, and remember to ask questions!
One last thing , it's a pet peeve of mine, when I am training someone new and they say " I know" . Don't say " I know" say "ok"
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