Archived Calling off on Christmas eve?

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CrowsFeet said it well , whether you call out or not is up to you , Target will stay open either way , but it has a roll on effect on such a busy day, and the miserable evening that most tms are going to have will be even more so, because you can bet your life you will not be the only one , the extra payment which was to prevent people from calling will do no such thing , but it is a tiny reward for those who come in.I go in at 4 that day and expect to work a 10 hr shift,but I consider myself one of the lucky ones.Have a great Christmas .
You've made your decision, most of the people here aren't going to be impressed because they know what it's like to get screwed by people who just decide to bail, no, you won't be fired but if you're seasonal you won't be kept on and if you're regular you won't get any hours in the first quarter.

Pretty much. 😉

I somehow was scheduled off Xmas eve which I am thankful for but I do keep checking the swap board in case someone really needs it off since my family celebrates on Christmas day. Don't be a douche canoe, let them know before hand if you can't make it in because it's a real bitch for all of us to try and make up the work for an extra person or people because they were selfish.
I legitimately had the flu last wasn't a terrible shift, it was an opening guest service shift. I had gone home sick a couple of days prior and on the 23rd had called out as well. So by the time we got to the 24th, they knew I was legitimately sick. I was apologizing to the LOD...I even volunteered to try and tough it out (though I really didn't want to). But after I said I might still be contagious, the LOD wigged out and told me to not even try to come in.

They said it wasn't a big deal to cover since there were enough people on all they had to do was shift some people around. But closing? Yeah...dumping that on someone else will be a nightmare for them.
This is my first year with Christmas eve off. I've closed every other year. Cause my husband is working and the nieces are usually with their dad till January...I'll be watching the swap board and asking about overtime.

Please post your shift ASAP. You sound new, but target is your family too. Don't hurt one family to be with another.
This is my first year with Christmas eve off. I've closed every other year. Cause my husband is working and the nieces are usually with their dad till January...I'll be watching the swap board and asking about overtime.

Please post your shift ASAP. You sound new, but target is your family too. Don't hurt one family to be with another.
Yes, target is family. They piss you off sometimes but you learn to love them.
Idk if you'll get fired over it. It can depend on how valuable you've been in your time there (do you get redcards and good surveys?), how long you've worked in the store, whether leadership likes you, etc.

I know a woman who never works Black Friday but gets millions of redcards any other time so no one cares lol
OP, I'm somewhat there with you, they scheduled me outside of my availability (CE is a Thursday, I'm unavailable on Thursday) and went to HR, and my lovely ETL-HR told me there was nothing they could do about it (bs) and that I'd just have to call out. So call out it is. But being the slickster that I am, picked up a shift last week at another store and got mileage plus ot to cover my loss for time and half this week. 😛

Shame, I was going to offer to work that morning too.
I'm a cashier and I'm scheduled to close at 11:30 on Christmas Eve which is probably the worst shit to ever have. I've tried asking all of my coworkers to switch with me but no one wants it. I have a big family and we always have a big party on Christmas Eve and I'm upset that I'm gonna miss out on it. My 90 day probation period has already ended 3 weeks ago and I have never called off nor have I ever been late so do you think they'll let me off the hook if I do?

Family is everything to me and I would rather spend it with them than deal with angry guests doing last minute shopping. I could care less about the $1 pay tbh. I've missed out on my Thanksgiving dinner for working Black Thursday and I'm not about to miss out on Christmas.

P.S I know I sound like a whiner lol. But if you were GSTL/ETL, would you fire me?

Welcome to retail? A while back when I used to work at hollywood video I had to work ON thanksgiving AND Christmas

With all things....swap shift or when schedule is being made ask to work in the morning
We had a closing cashier call off. I worked during the all we could do was shrug our shoulders and say, "oh well" since there was no one to call in and/or ask to stay late. I don't know how they fared after I left, but there wasn't anything to do about it but just keep going.
I always wondered what they would do if enough people called out...would Target close its doors? I remembered a couple years ago during a bad snow storm...almost everyone called out. It was me and only the LOD at work...not a single guest in the store and we had to stay open.
I always wondered what they would do if enough people called out...would Target close its doors? I remembered a couple years ago during a bad snow storm...almost everyone called out. It was me and only the LOD at work...not a single guest in the store and we had to stay open.

Unfortunately, that is what needs to happen to communicate to Spot, and all retailers, that it is not ACCEPTABLE to expect employees to work on a major holiday. Unfortunately many people rely on their lowly retail wages to support their family and can not risk being "bold" by calling off to make a statement. Retail counts on this fact. Unions may not be such a farfetched idea?
Probably won't get fired but when hours drop off in January and February say goodbye to any decent amount of hours and hello to 10 to 15 hours per week.

No, no, 10-15 is if he comes in, 5-10 is if you call off.
Probably won't get fired but when hours drop off in January and February say goodbye to any decent amount of hours and hello to 10 to 15 hours per week.

No, no, 10-15 is if he comes in, 5-10 is if you call off.
With it being as busy as it was, I hope you didn't. Fucking over your coworkers just because you can't handle a schedule you agreed to is beyond shitty.
I always wondered what they would do if enough people called out...would Target close its doors? I remembered a couple years ago during a bad snow storm...almost everyone called out. It was me and only the LOD at work...not a single guest in the store and we had to stay open.

We had a bad snow storm a couple years ago, STL called the store, told LOD to send anyone home that wanted to leave. We still stayed open, but only 4 employees stayed (I was one of the 4). We still made sales which was amusing, no clue how we pulled that off with only 4 people running the store for the final 5-6 hours. I even stayed later than scheduled to make up for the people that left who were supposed to close.
Lol chill guys. I got to switch with someone last minute and worked from 7am-3:45. Merry Christmas!
We had a HORRIBLE blizzard last year. Roads were almost impassable, DOT was closing roads and telling people to stay home unless it was an emergency. I was already at work when that happened, so I offered to stay with the pharmacist since I have a 4WD vehicle & we needed to do inventory. We were SLAMMED with people picking up non-critical meds, wanting their auto-fills for their maintenance meds early, acne meds, Viagra (okay, I can kind of understand that one...gotta do SOMETHING if you're snowed in~lol!) etc. It was ridiculous!!!
No one cares about their coworkers

Maybe if they're a psychopath with zero empathy. I think a more accurate statement would be, "Most people care about themselves more than their coworkers." Which is pretty fair. But if someone can call out without a second thought or care about how it effects everyone else, they basically saying their job is unimportant and replaceable. Ironic because they'd throw a fit if they were fired, even though their actions support the fact that they aren't of value to the store.
Maybe if they're a psychopath with zero empathy. I think a more accurate statement would be, "Most people care about themselves more than their coworkers." Which is pretty fair. But if someone can call out without a second thought or care about how it effects everyone else, they basically saying their job is unimportant and replaceable. Ironic because they'd throw a fit if they were fired, even though their actions support the fact that they aren't of value to the store.
If you need to call out you just for it. No tm is going to give up their one holiday off or come in sick because someone else choses to overwork themeselves. At least in my store. We get at least 2 flow call outs a truck or for br. I starting thinking realistically and realized that people dont want to work. They won't. No point in guilt tripping them about it affects the minimum wage employees who are just as replaceable as the call out Tm is. This is why I never work harder with someone calls out.
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