Again, why would I care? There is more to life than retail jobs, and you can think of me as immoral or irresponsible even though my actual work performance does not equate to my personal views about this. I’ve had other jobs where calling out wasn’t an issue because at the end of the day it’s you who is losing money. If I was in a desperate situation where I needed the day of pay to be sustainable then I would give up whatever else I had going on in my life in order to get those hours in. I’m in a good position where missing a day of work wouldn’t hurt me financially. This whole strict attitude about missing a couple days of work at Target is pretty ridiculous. Not to mention that my store has call-outs pretty regularly, the fact that this occurs implies to me that the staff is overall lax but if they were to make it a big deal over someone who is in a seasonal position that would be somewhat unfair. If callouts were happening once every other week I would understand but judging someone over this just seems aggrandizing. Leave the nihilists alone. I do my job, I come to work and don’t complain. It’s not my fault that Target’s system of requesting days is terrible compared to other jobs where you are regularly asked about your availability or getting a day open is as easy as speaking to the supervisor in charge of making the schedule weekly and being flexible if plans conflict with work.