Personally, I think calling out at all this week is going to get you whacked in most stores. A friend of a friend's store is pretty laid-back and cool about things, but the word is that this week is one that you show up and get sent home if you're truly ill. It'll help out in the long run, too. My friend called out twice super early in his 90, but he worked two shifts with a fever later that proved that calling out is something he'd do only if it was necessary.
I wouldn't call out this week, but who knows what your store is like and your role. I will say, though, that with all of the staging and preparation for Black Thursday/Friday going on, especially Wednesday, it's almost the same thing.
All of that said, no job is worth risking your health. If you're really ill, go with a thermometer or something and show them so they can send you home. If they don't, you shouldn't be very concerned about maintaining a position where someone would rather you risk your health and the health of others to grab a few pulls or something.