Archived Can an ETL force me to do cashier training?

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So...this isn't a troll post? Or is this a newer TM... I don't know about other peoples stores but almost everyone at my store is considered backup and as such has to learn cashier...including black friday situations..
Look at it this way the more you train and learn the less expendable you make your self. If you are only good stocking shelves that probably guarantees you about a 15% chance you will not be fired now a days. Not very good odds in your favor. So if you still want to work for target going forward you have to learn everything you can.
I don't like cashier. For this reason I applied for inbound and hired as inbound team.
Frankly this is BS. Everyone needs to be able to fall back into a cashier position. If you can't learn something so simple than I question what your capabilities are as inbound.

Everyone at my work who complained about cashiering is someone old and doesn't even pull his weight in his current position.
Preface this with, PLEASE take no offense, but what about our limited-English speaking coworkers that took BR positions originally. They were kicking ass back there, but are now forced to engage with guest in their new work centers. I was curious if this “EVERYONE must cashier” applies here as well. Before the anti immigrant line forms, these are hard working, legal citizens who happen to have really heavy accents.

The idea of assuming everyone can and will cashier is not good for anyone.
Since I work the front end, I engage a lot with guests who have very limited English. I use the little Spanish I know to make it work or get someone more fluent with the language to help with translation.
They hired a woman to cashier who is over 70. Great cashier. Gets redcards. Guest compliments.

So what we're saying here is that she should be forced to use the stacker, make a bale, get carts when the pusher is broken in the 95 degree heat, push cat litter/backstock cat litter, and reset/pull/backstock seasonal air conditioners? Just want some clarification. She should be told business needs and everyone needs to know how to do it.

No, because being a cashier is not inbound/hardlines. Your cashier under modernization does not have to use the stacker, make a bale, push/backstock catlitter, or reset/pull/backstock seasonal air conditions. You are an idiot.
Imagine being this salty about having to cashier holy shit haha. God forbid us helping out our fellow TMs with their work, or helping the store get guests out the door.
ETLS can make you do anything to meet business needs.

Business needs: Spot’s justification for everything, particularly for leveraging everything negative. Basically, the stick that is used infinitely more often than the carrot. Loosely translated: Be prepared to be screwed over, if you don’t do whatever it is they want you to do with no pushback, prepare to be performanced out. Prepare to be told “If you don’t like it, leave” and make way for the next victim who may be more accommodating than you are, and if not, the process will repeat. Ad infinitem...

Over head count: Business needs for TLs.
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It sucks for the general merchandise experts the most.

They have to respond to back up for the lanes along with the tons of other crap they have to do.

Then again, it is a "good" way at weeding people out.
I know that ASANTS, but at my store, every new hire is cashier trained during their first week at the store, regardless of department. I've trained a high percentage of them.
When I was hired day 2 of orientation was learning how to cashier, because everyone had to be cashier trained in addition to their department training. I don't think it's changed.

As far as anxiety/stress, my daughter who is autistic and impaired enough she qualifies for state rehabilitative services and can't live alone yet, her first job was a cashier at Sam's Club. Difficult, yes, but also doable. She's having more difficulty with her current job because there's more customer interaction than a cashier has.
i was hired as a cashier and have strictly done front end things. i was scheduled guest service every shuft and then there was one two week stretch where 3 or 4 of my 5 days were scheduled in the backroom. i wasn’t asked and i wasn’t thrilled because it took me out of my comfort zone, but i did it because i was told to 🤷‍♀️

i’ll go where needed because more hours and just makes management like you without trying too hard or sucking up like some do.
It’s now the expectation that all team members are trained in various tasks, so that they can further contribute to our mission, which is to service our guests.
And I suggest you actually understand how modernization works. Address the points.

I think I know how it works. ALL team members. Various tasks. Not just cashier. Maybe a carry out for a grill is needed. Maybe a bale needs made. Who knows what needs to be done.

But since you are so smart and I'm just an idiot. Why don't you enlighten me? Please use monosyllabic words and short sentence structure.
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