Archived Can I complain about my TL?

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May 13, 2013
Been here for about 3 months, and am already seen as one of the best and most responsible workers on the flow team, in the eyes of a couple ETL's and a few TL's.

He is very cocky and arrogant, my age (20) and makes sarcastic comments. Me and him are OK, but I can sense the condescending tone in his voice only after a couple days.

If future problems were to arise, can I successfully complain about this TL? As mentioned before, I'm seen as one of the top workers by my flow/backroom TL, Flow ETL and most TM's.

I was thinking of having a chat with my other flow TL (who likes me), if not then my ETL, if not then the HR ETL

He is very rude.. For example yesterday he asked me to help him with something. I said "OK, with what?" He said "Don't ask questions"
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*can* you? sure, you are a le to do anything you want to do. your question should have been "should I complain?"

Before running to HR, figure out whether it is actually him not liking you or your own insecurity as a new person. Flow team tends to be a hard job, and jerks frequently get the hard jobs. If it is just a personality clash, find a new position in the store. But if you realize you are being singled out for his speciall brand of attention, then yes, you should talk to HR.
For sure I will analyze the situation deeper. I want to make things workout.
As a new person I'd be real careful.
I would also see how the other people react, do they all think the TL is a insufferable jerk or are they used to his brusk behavior.]
Some people are decent bosses but aren't all that 'cuddly'.
If I were in your situation, I would be an adult and talk to the TL face to face and explain everything. I wouldn't run to someone else without giving the person a chance.
Send a detailed well written complaint through the integrity e-mail ([email protected]) and
keep the documentation.

All backlash from that day forward will be construed as retaliation and can be used as evidence
in a court of law.

Stop being afraid of those above you.
Send a detailed well written complaint through the integrity e-mail ([email protected]) and
keep the documentation.

All backlash from that day forward will be construed as retaliation and can be used as evidence
in a court of law.

Stop being afraid of those above you.

You say to stop being afraid but you choose a cowards way to solve a problem.
WTF are you talking about? If you have a problem with someone, address it with them. Don't be a ***** and run and tattle tale behind someone's back if you haven't given them a chance to correct the issue. I bet you cause so much drama and then play the victim.
WTF are you talking about? If you have a problem with someone, address it with them. Don't be a ***** and run and tattle tale behind someone's back if you haven't given them a chance to correct the issue. I bet you cause so much drama and then play the victim.

Ignorance is not an excuse.
Poe you really don't want to dance with SR.
He tends to step on peoples toes.
Not on purpose mind you, he's just kinda clumsy.

SR remember how long it took to clean up the last one?
It took forever to get the spots out of the carpet.
Have a beer on me and remember people tend to see authority as dangerous and not something you can challenge directly.
I can only speak from my experiences. Whenever someone has approached me about an issue, I tend to listen and pay attention to the issue. If it's a way they feel they were treated or talked to, etc. then I an more aware of that. Most of all, I respect them. Someone who runs and plays a coward...yeah, nothing good will ever come of it.
Someone who runs and plays a coward...yeah, nothing good will ever come of it.

The best leaders to report to the 'integrity line' are ones that take this type
of stance towards reporting malfeasance.

The reason for the hostility that inevitably leads to the threatened retaliation,
as it is so eloquently quoted, is due to the fact that these 'leaders' don't want
those above them to know what is really going on and what type of 'leader'
they truly are.

If the 'leaders' of target were genuinely good at what they do, showed respect
to their employees, treated them fairly, then every single supervisor would
welcome any and all reports to corporate that will ultimately be reviewed by
district team leaders and district human resource representatives.

Ask yoursleves if you are truly afraid to voice your opinion to the corporation
that you slave for, how afraid will your leaders be of YOU when they find out
that fear doesn't run your life or your work environment as you send off well
written detailed reports about how your leaders 'lead.'

Don't forget, that fear of YOU will be half fear of a retaliation complaint or law
suit in regards to how they communicate and treat you from then on. Nothing
but good will come from voicing your opinion as long as it's honest and genuine.

There is no proof of retaliation if you have no documentation or your 'leaders'
suddenly don't remember that you've made a complaint or claim that you said
something else entirely.

Just because there are those above you does not mean that they know better or
have a stronger sense of morale and work ethic. Only means that they've been
there longer or had more money for means of a 'degree.' I've substituted the
word education for degree since in this day and age obtaining a degree doesn't
seem to qualify those as 'educated' in my opinion.
I'm not even sure WTF you are talking about. All I'm saying is if you have a problem with someone, be a man and address it. Don't be a ***** and run tattle tale because you got butthurt by him telling you to work.
My vote is with sr on this one. Communication of issues to your tl or etl needs to happen in this case. Calling the hotline doesn't resolve the issue.
Someone who runs and plays a coward...yeah, nothing good will ever come of it.

The best leaders to report to the 'integrity line' are ones that take this type
of stance towards reporting malfeasance.

The reason for the hostility that inevitably leads to the threatened retaliation,
as it is so eloquently quoted, is due to the fact that these 'leaders' don't want
those above them to know what is really going on and what type of 'leader'
they truly are.

If the 'leaders' of target were genuinely good at what they do, showed respect
to their employees, treated them fairly, then every single supervisor would
welcome any and all reports to corporate that will ultimately be reviewed by
district team leaders and district human resource representatives.

Ask yoursleves if you are truly afraid to voice your opinion to the corporation
that you slave for, how afraid will your leaders be of YOU when they find out
that fear doesn't run your life or your work environment as you send off well
written detailed reports about how your leaders 'lead.'

Don't forget, that fear of YOU will be half fear of a retaliation complaint or law
suit in regards to how they communicate and treat you from then on. Nothing
but good will come from voicing your opinion as long as it's honest and genuine.

There is no proof of retaliation if you have no documentation or your 'leaders'
suddenly don't remember that you've made a complaint or claim that you said
something else entirely.

Just because there are those above you does not mean that they know better or
have a stronger sense of morale and work ethic. Only means that they've been
there longer or had more money for means of a 'degree.' I've substituted the
word education for degree since in this day and age obtaining a degree doesn't
seem to qualify those as 'educated' in my opinion.

if you're familiar with the hotline, or just read through the forum, you will realize calling to complain against a tl will not do you any good unless there are multiple calls or it is a case of harassment or theft. all they do is contact your hr, who investigates, and the first thing that your hr will do is speak to both of you. calling the hotline WILL NOT PROTECT YOU FROM RETALIATION. the only thing that will do that is great documentation involving witnesses, and even then you will be performanced out.
what kind of leader would you be if you resorted to sending off little typed reports about everyone else to the district? (anyone familiar with that particular episode of MASH?) how are you being collaborative and demonstrating accountability to your peers? as much as you belittle those who may have been there longer or have a degree, you would also have detrimental faults as a leader. if you do not have the buy in of your peers, even the lazy ones, you will not be successful. how about focusing on the tl's strong points and complimenting him when he is doing well, and then speaking to him directly about his tone when he is not? if you're really a hipo team member, you will know how to draw out greatness from those around you---that includes your peers, your bosses, and even the "tenured degree people".
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My vote is with sr on this one. Communication of issues to your tl or etl needs to happen in this case. Calling the hotline doesn't resolve the issue.

Best to write to the hotline as opposed to calling it ([email protected]). Communication
with team leaders or 'executive' team leaders will cause backlash when they cannot accept

It's too easy for 'leaders' to lie about those employees below them in order to performance
them out. That's why documentation is critical when it follows the course of termination as
the retaliation case would be incredibly easy to prove.

If you spoke to your leaders in person first, then your documentated written reports will be
null and void as they will spin that around and say YOU are trying to retaliate.

These corporations arn't something to take lightly and it's worse to assume they have your
well being in their best interest.
i wouldn't complain about your TL simply for the fact that if one of you gets fired or moved to a different area then you wouldn't have a reason to post on here and complain about stuff with the rest of us.
if you're familiar with the hotline, or just read through the forum, you will realize calling to complain against a tl will not do you any good unless there are multiple calls or it is a case of harassment or theft. all they do is contact your hr, who investigates, and the first thing that your hr will do is speak to both of you. calling the hotline WILL NOT PROTECT YOU FROM RETALIATION. the only thing that will do that is great documentation involving witnesses, and even then you will be performanced out.
what kind of leader would you be if you resorted to sending off little typed reports about everyone else to the district? (anyone familiar with that particular episode of MASH?) how are you being collaborative and demonstrating accountability to your peers? as much as you belittle those who may have been there longer or have a degree, you would also have detrimental faults as a leader. if you do not have the buy in of your peers, even the lazy ones, you will not be successful. how about focusing on the tl's strong points and complimenting him when he is doing well, and then speaking to him directly about his tone when he is not? if you're really a hipo team member, you will know how to draw out greatness from those around you---that includes your peers, your bosses, and even the "tenured degree people".

If one is 'performanced out' due to well documentated reports to corporate
almost any law firm will take your case for free and you'll be obtaining quite
the settlement.
You complain about the TL being rude or sarcastic.
You fail to meet the minimal expectations of a TM in your position.
You get fired for not meeting your numbers.

No lawsuit.
You complain about the TL being rude or sarcastic.
You fail to meet the minimal expectations of a TM in your position.
You get fired for not meeting your numbers.

No lawsuit.

You're right, it will be a settlement for the corporation doesn't want the public to know about it.
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