Well you go ahead and do that, post about it after you're finished. Don't settle for a job at Target when you can collect millions due to a TL making you work.
Here's a quote from the EEOC themselves;
Retaliation & Work Situations
"The law forbids retaliation when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment."
You wonder why labor lawsuits in the past were dismissed against the corporation? Because
they were strictly discriminatory based, which is hard to prove one lost their job because the
color of their skin or their pay was too great.
A retaliation suit could easily be proved by documentation and will immediately result in a
settlement. Witnesses would only make the settlement that much greater and a long drawn
out litigation process would cost the company too much money.
I believe a better response would be; don't settle for a job at Target if you have any sense
of morals and work ethic.