Archived Can I complain about my TL?

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Trust me when I say that all documentation will be taken care of from my side. There would be no settlement, there would be no rehire, there would be no lawsuit. If someone fails to perform, there is a process that is followed. You see, corrective action isn't there to punish you, it's there to correct an action. Coaching isn't there to punish you, it's to teach you and help you succeed.
Trust me when I say that all documentation will be taken care of from my side. There would be no settlement, there would be no rehire, there would be no lawsuit. If someone fails to perform, there is a process that is followed. You see, corrective action isn't there to punish you, it's there to correct an action. Coaching isn't there to punish you, it's to teach you and help you succeed.

And the money I take from the settlement will motivate corporations to uphold the 'integrity'
that they claim to stand by.
Well you go ahead and do that, post about it after you're finished. Don't settle for a job at Target when you can collect millions due to a TL making you work.
Well you go ahead and do that, post about it after you're finished. Don't settle for a job at Target when you can collect millions due to a TL making you work.

Here's a quote from the EEOC themselves;

Retaliation & Work Situations

"The law forbids retaliation when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment."

You wonder why labor lawsuits in the past were dismissed against the corporation? Because
they were strictly discriminatory based, which is hard to prove one lost their job because the
color of their skin or their pay was too great.

A retaliation suit could easily be proved by documentation and will immediately result in a
settlement. Witnesses would only make the settlement that much greater and a long drawn
out litigation process would cost the company too much money.

I believe a better response would be; don't settle for a job at Target if you have any sense
of morals and work ethic.
You'll have to let that desire of curiosity go for I don't represent the corporation that I work for.

"The potato is a starchy, tuberous crop from the perennial Solanum tuberosum of the Solanaceae family (also known as the nightshades). The word may refer to the plant itself as well as the edible tuber. In the region of the Andes, there are some other closely related cultivated potato species. Potatoes were introduced outside the Andes region four centuries ago, and have become an integral part of much of the world's cuisine. It is the world's fourth-largest food crop, following rice, wheat and maize.[1] Long-term storage of potatoes requires specialised care in cold warehouses."
Try asking your other TL if you did something to offend him as he seems to be acting abrasive towards you. Going to your superiors immediately won't make life easier in the immediate future.

I think it's easy for someone the same age to be intimidated by your work ethic, especially if it matches his so soon.
I think it's easy for someone the same age to be intimidated by your work ethic, especially if it matches his so soon.

Couldn't have said it better. A 'leader' can be performanced out just as well
if the eight dollar an hour peons are proving to be more productive than their
own 'leaders.'

Should one go into work with the understanding that they should only perform
below average in order to stay employed and prevent the intimidated
'leaders' from retaliating in fear of their jobs as well?

Well written reports to the 'integrity' line could land you a promotion when
district leaders are finally getting wind of what's really going on. Don't let
anyone fool you into thinking that every single complaint or written report
that you make will only cause negativity in your career.

We do not live in a world where every single employee, leader, and supervisor
can come to understandings with each other and communicate effectively as
they take criticism from, in their minds, 'the peons' that work below them.

Time to stop being afraid of the many that are above us all.
Standing by with the fire last time.
So far it's been at least civil and nobodies insulted each others mother so I'm going to let it go.
But if it gets personal I will shut the thread down and spray cat urine on everybody responsible.
So far it's been at least civil and nobodies insulted each others mother so I'm going to let it go.
But if it gets personal I will shut the thread down and spray cat urine on everybody responsible.

South Park Season 12 Episode 3

Plot: Mr. Mackey lectures the kids on the dangers of choking themselves to
get high, as well as other methods that are becoming popular, including
getting high off cat urine.
View attachment 328

Wait... So, you have a spray bottle full of cat urine?

Nope ...

One of these

Interesting someone brought this up they had a special about working on 20/20 tonight and they mentioned never ever go to the HR and tell how bad your boss is because guess what even though it might be secretive in reality it really isn't and they probably will go tell the boss about what you just told them so never complain about your boss. True story they called the episode about bosses called bossh**** it was a interesting episode.
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