Archived Can I SERIOUSLY be disciplined for this?!

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For posting things, about Target on my facebook... even when I do not mention the store's name, I'm not badmouthing any team members, and I'm not giving away any "secrets"??

(I had WAY more details in here but just removed due to worry that they'll find me here too!)

Thank goodness I don't know a thing about Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc. Hell, I just started texting last month!! But I love this forum.
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It doesn't matter where you work. It's never a good idea to post about work and have a lot of people from work able to access any profiles on any sites. That's just asking for trouble. If you care about having a job and making money then just don't do it. Be safe and keep your job.
I keep my friends list short and sweet , with nobody from my current (oddly quite a few people from previous jobs).
It just seems safer that way.
Yeah you have to set your privacy settings to, "friends only" and not, "friends of friends" because then things like that happen. I have work friends on facebook but I have all of them in a group so that if I am going to post something particularly nasty about work I can prevent them from seeing that particular status update. Instead of that though I normally keep negative things about my job under my hat and attempt to focus on positives.
I have all my settings to Friends Only, checked and rechecked every photo, every album, every group. No clue how she saw all my photos. I never post about work, except the occasional, "Ugh! I dont wanna go to work today" LOL! I'm just private about my home life being separate from my work life.
Ask them if they know what DIAF means. It's an acronym, if they don't know it then pft they jus ain brand.

But seriously, I'd question why they're using Facebook if they're supposed to be taking their job seriously.
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i completely sympathize with you and know exactly what you are going through!
For posting things, about Target on my facebook... even when I do not mention the store's name, I'm not badmouthing any team members, and I'm not giving away any "secrets"??

(I had WAY more details in here but just removed due to worry that they'll find me here too!)
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