Archived Can people get fired (after 90 days) for poor work ethic?

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Sep 17, 2016
I'm the closer of Electronics usually on weekends. This guy is mid-shift through that day, with double coverage and never goes any work, always talks to Target Tech, etc. Lots of stuff and have had lots of problems with this guy. I have gotten other TMs to discuss problems with leadership as well so they know various TMs are having issues with this guy. he never calls out, or is late, never NCNS's comes to work and is horrible. I've discussed this with my ETL-AP, ETL-HR, ETL-SF, Electronics TL, both the SR-TLs, both GSTLs, the VMTL, one of the Hardlines TL. But the guy just passed his 90 days and i don't know why they never took any actions before that.

I heard from the soft lines TL talking to the hardlines TL that now he passed his 90 days they never took any action it's going to be hard to fire him. Heard mid-shifts (what he does) often gets over looked.

The other night the ETL-HR was closing with the Softlines TL. He didn't finish a single aisle (Toys/Electronics/MMB/Seasonal) and by 11:30PM he had left. He said he was willing to stay the whole time to finish but if the ETL-HR gave him a ride and no one else offered to give him a ride as well. He left at the whole time (besides him) stayed until 2:30AM-3PM, and thats 2.5-3 hours after close.

Any action you think will ever get done if all the leadership hates his work ethic?
They can but it takes constant coachings, usually 2-3 correctives and then a final warning. The corrective and finals have expiration dates as well so your leadership can't let one lapse or the process starts all over.

From what I've seen it takes several leaders who are willing to constantly document a poor tm. Sometimes there are poor tms who your leadership may not love but don't feel it's worth going through the trouble to document or they have other priorities. This is especially the case q4. January and February is a good time to start managing people out as hour thin.

Even if you want to fast trak fire a tm it usually takes about 3-6 months as someone on corrective has to be given time to correct the poor behavior. So expect to have this poor work ethic tm through q4.

Unless he ncns or is insubordinate they can't just let him go unfortunately. Maybe cut his hours?
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Absolutely. But there has to be a paper trail showing that their TLs, HR, and possibly STL have all stepped in at some point or other to attempt to resolve the issues with the TMs work ethic.

There has to be no doubt that multiple people in authority have brought the issues to the TM's attention, and it all needs to be documented.

Even then, the TM might scrape by, if the store's having trouble finding new hires or if the TM's hours can't be covered by anyone else, etc.
We cut hours, as a big hint to that tm or make them work a few cashier shifts.

I understand the reasoning behind this procedure, cutting hours, but I think it's a poor management instrument. The whole point of corrective action and coachings is to correct actions and coach the person to be a better employee.
I understand the reasoning behind this procedure, cutting hours, but I think it's a poor management instrument. The whole point of corrective action and coachings is to correct actions and coach the person to be a better employee.

Agreed but some people can't be helped unfortunately. We had a tm who refused to wear clean clothes or brush his teeth for years. It took almost 1.5 years to let him go.

I agree cutting hours is not best practice as it leads to hotline calls but if a person with poor performance has limited availability it's a defensible reason to cut their hours.
I understand the reasoning behind this procedure, cutting hours, but I think it's a poor management instrument. The whole point of corrective action and coachings is to correct actions and coach the person to be a better employee.

I agree with you- cutting hours is definitely poor practice in most cases. However, it can be an easier and quicker fix than trying to term them if coaching clearly isn't working. I only really object to it if it's done without coaching them.
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