Archived can they do this?

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Aug 30, 2017
so lately my store has been writing schedules and posting them, then a few days before they tell us that they will be cutting hours. they've told everyone to take an hour off some of their shifts. my question is, can they tell you that you HAVE TO take time off your shifts if they've already written and posted the schedules.
I've been called the day before and told I wasn't needed for a shift. And my store has posted edited schedules the day after posting the original.

So it appears that way.
I mean you can try saying no and see what happens, but your ETLs can tell you pretty much whatever they want to
In New York and California they have to give you a specific amount of notice.
I'm on my phone so I can't look up what those are.
Other states you are screwed.
thanks for the help guys! it's awful that there aren't better laws/policies in place for that kind of thing.
In NY the law is they can change your schedule anytime up to 24 hrs before you are to report. The shi**y part is they don't even have to tell you if they don't want to that it has been changed. NY says it is your responsibility to check schedule everyday to see if changes are made. The changes must appear on the posted schedule. As far as being paid after showing up NY says that if you are sent home you must be paid 4 hours or maybe it is 3 that is why they ask if you want to leave early because if you "volunteer" to leave early then they don't have to pay anything other than time worked.
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