Can they just give someone a TL position without ever posting the position?

Mar 31, 2018
One of the TL positions at my store opened up, and several times I mentioned to my relatively new ETL that I was interested in it, and at first he said i would be a good fit. Even the TL who was leaving recommended me for it. But its been atleast 6 weeks, and every week I looked for the position to be posted online so I could apply, and it hasn't been, but I just heard from a TM that they hired someone for the TL position.
(I've been doing my own TLs job for years now, but they keep switching out the ETLs, and now weve been understaffed since this new ETL has been here, so he hasn't seen me really do my bosses job since well ive doing 3 otger peoples jobs, and he doesnt think we need more help.)
Can they legally just give the position to someone without posting it and holding interviews?
I like target but im so tired of being passed over because my ETLs are morons.
Yep. They can promote or not promote whoever they want. They may post positions to be fair, or look like they are being fair, but bottom line is leadership gives the position to the person they want. Just because a position is posted doesn’t necessarily mean that leadership hasn’t already decided who who will get it. It’s not unknown for them to have a pet waiting in the wings. Sorry to be blunt about it, but Spot seems to love stringing people along, getting them to do TL work for TM pay. If you really want a leadership position, I would suggest that you look outside Spot. Good luck! (And ASANTS, but Target seems have a lot of ETLs that are aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer...) 😂
Yup. The hire from within mentality expired years ago.
Sadly, so true. This is the most glaring difference between Target and two of our biggest competitors, Walmart and Costco Wholesale. Both are very well-known for promoting existing employees into progressively-responsible positions along with corresponding pay boosts (particularly at Costco). From what I see, it's exceedingly rare for TL or ETL positions to be filled by existing TMs who started out at the bottom and developed their skills and knowledge. They rely more on college campus recruitment programs to parachute-in outsiders. This has its advantages for the company (a fresh perspective on things?) but the careful and merit-based promotion-from-within approach hasn't hurt the financial performance and revenue growth of Walmart or Costco. This might be changing at walmart but is still very much alive at Costco.
Our store gives promotions without posting them all the time. In fact they promised a TL promotion to someone, trained them for months, then decided to give it to someone else. They sent the 2nd person to another store to train under the hours for a different position so nobody would know, while training the first person as planned. They told the first person they weren't getting the job the day the 2nd person came back to officially start. That really pissed people off.
Someone got promoted from cart attendant to electronics TM to TL to ETL in 3 years
My Sd started as cart attendant , to Tl etl and of course for the past 32 years as SD . Never heard of an SD to be in the position for that long. He started at 16
Our store gives promotions without posting them all the time. In fact they promised a TL promotion to someone, trained them for months, then decided to give it to someone else. They sent the 2nd person to another store to train under the hours for a different position so nobody would know, while training the first person as planned. They told the first person they weren't getting the job the day the 2nd person came back to officially start. That really pissed people off.
That was 🐓💩 at its most extreme, even for Spot...

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