Can you get written up for being sick

The lack of knowledge of basic science in this country is mind boggling. Quick, everyone, what is the periodic table of the elements symbol for potassium? (no looking it up)
I could have gotten the information from a hundred different medical sources.
They would all say the same thing.
So you don't believe in germ theory?
Do you also believe the earth is flat?
Earth is , elevated, flat. curved , desert, ocean and forest.
is it the same CDC that had millions of Americans on lockdown and said that masks can prevent the spread of CoVID?
Earth is , elevated, flat. curved , desert, ocean and forest.
is it the same CDC that had millions of Americans on lockdown and said that masks can prevent the spread of CoVID?

There is a COVID thread where you can go to bitch and whine about the CDC.
As I said there are a 100 other places you can get this information including an 8th grade biology book.
There is a COVID thread where you can go to bitch and whine about the CDC.
As I said there are a 100 other places you can get this information including an 8th grade biology book.
Right you want people to conform to your ideology… you are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.
Right you want people to conform to your ideology… you are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

Germ theory is fact.
It has been an accepted fact by the scientific community since 1880.
The knowledge, understanding and acceptance of germ theory main reason our infant death rate plummeted.

I can't tell if you are trolling or have wandered off the track here.
If you're trolling, nice job.
You put in the work and you got a few hits.
If you wandered off the track, I'm sorry.
Here is a lecture by a professor at Yale University on Germ Theory.
It's worth your time even if you are trolling.

HIST 234 - Lecture 14 - The Germ Theory of Disease | Open Yale Courses -
Nitric acid on human skin generates Xanthoproteic acid, a slippery soapy tissue degradation byproduct. Don't rub that shit on your skin. Also stay the fuck away from someone with Covid. I had it twice, Paxlovid both times. Symptoms nothing worse than a roaring bad-ass cold. Fully vaxxed.

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