Archived Can't be at my shift on Christmas eve.

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They're probably paying more money to keep us here and keep the lights on than they make from sales after 8-9 pm

Depends on area probably, but tons of people shopped it last year. Walmart in my area even closes before us so anyone who "needed" anything only had tgt as an option. The gsa tried to call for backup as most of the salesfloor TMs were lined up to clock out at 11 (or ten? I don't remember what time it actually was). I didn't expect it to be crazy, but lot of people procrastinate.
If people are last second rushing at 9, let the LOD and other TLs come up for code.
Don't just take it to HR, take it to the Store TL.

Aside from them fucking you over, why are they scheduling you til 11:30? Don't most stores close early on CE? (ours closes at 10) and isn't it deadzone guest wise most of the evening?
I closed last year and it was super busy! Walmart closed at 7 I think and we got all the traffic. I was very surprised at how slammed we were.
Most stores will be busy on Christmas eve because everyone else is CLOSED. Almost all other retailers are closing at 7pm. We close earlier on New Years eve than Christmas eve. So "work life balance" again is b%llSh8t.
I would say just call out, however that doesn't hurt Target in the least. It only hurts the people you work with. Can you do any part of the shift 3-7 maybe? I would just let them know that I would be leaving at 7, period. What are they going to do?
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