Archived Can't understand walkie!!

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Oct 22, 2015
I have my first shift today and went good, went over a couple things and they had me making the shelves look good pulling things forward, what's that called?? They told me but I forgot. Also did some Halloween candy moving. And some calf??? Pulls or do I have the name wrong. My real ? Here is I got a walkie and really couldn't under stand/ hear what people where saying on it. I had the volume all the way up but I just couldn't make every thing out, is that something I will pick up as I under stand the lingo more? I also saw some one with a corded ear piece is that for the wallies or something else.
and they had me making the shelves look good pulling things forward, what's that called?? They told me but I forgot.


And some calf??? Pulls or do I have the name wrong.

You were pushing the CAF pulls.

My real ? Here is I got a walkie and really couldn't under stand/ hear what people where saying on it. I had the volume all the way up but I just couldn't make every thing out, is that something I will pick up as I under stand the lingo more?

Sounds more like a defective walkie. Even with the weird lingo, you should be able to understand what people are saying.

I also saw some one with a corded ear piece is that for the wallies or something else.

Yes, the earpiece is for the walkies. Not all stores use them, but if you're having trouble hearing or understanding on the walkie, you might want to look into acquiring one.

You were pushing the CAF pulls.

Sounds more like a defective walkie. Even with the weird lingo, you should be able to understand what people are saying.

Yes, the earpiece is for the walkies. Not all stores use them, but if you're having trouble hearing or understanding on the walkie, you might want to look into acquiring one.
Ask HR to order you an ear piece
As @mrknownothing said, that one walkie could be defective. The speaker on it might be blown out. Try a different numbered one the next time, and don't have the volume all the way up. Back the volume down just a little. That may help with any distortion. You will pick-up the lingo and acronyms pretty quickly. And, if you don't know something, ask another TM or a TL.
Ok great thanks everyone, I'll try a new walkie first see how that goes, maybe it was a defected one
There are some people you just can't understand on a walkie. They don't speak clearly. I have two at my store who have to repeat everything they say at least once.
Same! I think one guy actually gets upset about it. Not my fault I can't understand what "Whdhdgsgsjd." means. One time he slowed his speech down and spoke to the STL like he was a five year old. Didn't go over very well.
I can understand my one Sr. TL fine face to face, but she has a strong accent (she's Asian), and for some reason I find it very very hard to understand her via walkie.
Off topic, but my Sr. GSTL ordered the ear pieces for all the GSA's and GSTL's, and I freaking love them. Communicating via walkie is so much easier, and now I can talk to AP without having to turn my walkie down/move to a non-busy part of the front lanes. Plus, it helps guests identify me as a manager so it seems like I get asked "Are you a manager?" less often.
I can understand them but since I have to wear it on my hip (I don't wear polos so putting it on my collar doesn't work) its sometimes hard to understand when they are asking for me. If they are talking or asking for/to someone else then I kinda just don't pay attention too much. But when they call for me (and when I say they call, I mean they start saying my name, then press the button, so in the end I only hear half of my name) I try and pay close attention. Its kinda hard though when they talk so fast.
I don't often carry a walkie (flow team doesn't generally need 'em) but when I do, I never understand what people are saying to me. We've got a store full of mumblers.

Other TM over walkie: "whggjoaorjshsnkfffsthps"
Me: "what?"
Other TM over walkie: "whggjoaorjshsnkfffsthps"
Me: "Ok"

I just keep doing my job and nobody's ever said anything to me about it. Or maybe they have and I just didn't understand them.
On the topic of walkies and earpieces... How willing is HR to order the earpieces for non-AP TM's? Obviously ASANTS but I've heard that some stores won't order them except for AP TM's that have a legitimate reason such as discrete communication. I'd love to have one, but I'd like to know what my chances are before I go asking and looking like an idiot wanting equipment that I don't really need.
As far as the earpieces, we never had any at my store, but we had one TM who brought in his own headphones and plugged them into the walkie.
Saw my new AP today. First off she is SUPER OFFICIAL. Standing at optical with her arms crossed looking like she's gonna do some judo on anyone causing a problem. But secondly (and on topic) she wears one of those "hidden" ear pieces that isn't really hidden at all.
I love my earpiece. They aren't issued, but if you ask for one you'll get it.
On the topic of walkies and earpieces... How willing is HR to order the earpieces for non-AP TM's? Obviously ASANTS but I've heard that some stores won't order them except for AP TM's that have a legitimate reason such as discrete communication. I'd love to have one, but I'd like to know what my chances are before I go asking and looking like an idiot wanting equipment that I don't really need.

In my store, earpieces are issued to 3 classes of TMs. Officially, they aren't issued, but HR tells you that this is YOUR earpiece, don't lose it or you're SOL, and if you leave they don't ask for it back because "nobody wants to use someone's old earpiece" (makes sense.)

1. AP. Self-explanatory.
2. Leadership. Why? Supposedly to allow for discreet communication and differentiate between people of "authority" and regular TMs.
3. TMs with a legitimate need (as determined by HR) for an earpiece. Examples include electronics TMs (discreet AP communication?), hearing impaired due to old age (we've got a few) or any other reason, partially deaf TMs, and TMs who work around loud equipment or equipment that could drown out a walkie a lot (PMT.)
You could also bring your own earpiece if HR won't order you one. Last I checked they were less than $10 on amazon. I would've gotten one had I known about that when I worked at target.
An earpierce for me would probably be a good and a bad thing. Good because yay I can understand that one guy who talks gibberish and bad because I would secretly pretend I am part of the secret service doing everything I can to protect the President. It may make work more interesting actually. "Can I get someone over to G22 to help with a spill?" The president is in danger I must save him! *Insert running through the store like a maniac* Yeah no, no earpiece for me.
An earpiece will extend the life of the battery.
Thats another good reason to get one. Extended battery life. However make sure you get cool looking ones. The workers at my local Khol's have the same walkies, but with earpieces, that look absolutely ridiculous. They cover up their entire ear and are super clunky.


(Don't take my advice)
Earpieces are a great idea until you get that person who insists on talking as loudly as possible into the walkie. I don't need you shouting in my ear about Red Cards and back-up cashing.
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