Archived Carry out on Lane 4.

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Sep 4, 2012
I really like how this forum is set up. I wish I knew about this a year or two ago.

Hi guys, I'm Jordan. I work at Target as a Cart Attendant (shocker). I've done a little of everything, but that's my primary work role.

This forum is really nifty.
If that's your real name, I'd keep other details on the down-low. Spot leadership likes to lurk on here & if you're letting off steam about something that happened at your store (like we all do), your leaders could pinpoint you pretty quick.
Otherwise, welcome.
Hello cart attendant Jordan. I have a great relationship with the cart attendants at my store. They help out a lot when I'm pushing rows of carts out of my backroom.
You know, it's funny you should put it that way. I always wondered by us cart attendants always had to get the carts from the stock rooms. There's always completely capable men (and women) working in the stock rooms (at least in my high volume store) that are more than capable, but we still always have to get them. 😛
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