1. Check your math on the Safe Balance worksheet. Strap + Loose + AM advance. Is the math correct?
2. Is your AM Advance correct? When you type in the Today’s Advances on CP 4000 is it the same grand total as your AM Advance?
3. When you don’t balance, what are you off by? CP 4000 will tell you. For example a favorite error of mine is to be off by $30 in tens. Duh, I probably placed extra 10’s in one of the change funds. Off by several hundred dollars? Check what you typed in for Today’s advances. Off by coins? Did you include coins in Today’s advances?
4. Did you balance at transfer to safe? If you didn’t (but typed in figures as if you did) you will not balance at the final safe count.
When you’re off at the final safe balance CP 4000 shows you all your steps.
You began the safe at $xxxx
You transfer to safe at $xxx
You deposited $xxxx
You Advanced $xxxx
Look at those. Where is the mistake? Not balancing is a simple addition/subtraction problem. If you’re typing incorrect info, you will get incorrect results.
If you can tell us how much you tend to be off, we might be able to narrow down where to look. But if your off widely by $5 one day and $5000 the next and always random amounts it’s probably a result of sloppy typing. Slow down, watch what you type. If the cash counter jams, pay attention.