Archived Cash Office

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Cash office peps!

I need help. Whenever I do CO I can never get the safe to balance. The money physically in the safe is correct but on cp4000 its not. Any ideas?
Are you making sure you are putting the money you say you are putting if that makes sense... like if you are only putting 100 in the self checkout bag but the advance is 150 kind of thing. If you balance between each count you should be good to balance after that if you put the money where you say you did to the machine
1. Check your math on the Safe Balance worksheet. Strap + Loose + AM advance. Is the math correct?

2. Is your AM Advance correct? When you type in the Today’s Advances on CP 4000 is it the same grand total as your AM Advance?

3. When you don’t balance, what are you off by? CP 4000 will tell you. For example a favorite error of mine is to be off by $30 in tens. Duh, I probably placed extra 10’s in one of the change funds. Off by several hundred dollars? Check what you typed in for Today’s advances. Off by coins? Did you include coins in Today’s advances?

4. Did you balance at transfer to safe? If you didn’t (but typed in figures as if you did) you will not balance at the final safe count.

When you’re off at the final safe balance CP 4000 shows you all your steps.

You began the safe at $xxxx
You transfer to safe at $xxx
You deposited $xxxx
You Advanced $xxxx

Look at those. Where is the mistake? Not balancing is a simple addition/subtraction problem. If you’re typing incorrect info, you will get incorrect results.

If you can tell us how much you tend to be off, we might be able to narrow down where to look. But if your off widely by $5 one day and $5000 the next and always random amounts it’s probably a result of sloppy typing. Slow down, watch what you type. If the cash counter jams, pay attention.
Cash office peps!

I need help. Whenever I do CO I can never get the safe to balance. The money physically in the safe is correct but on cp4000 its not. Any ideas?

Is it your first balance, second balance, or both? Is your transfer to safe correct?

The amount you are off can usually tell you what your mistake was. For instance, when counting locations I’ve accidentally entered numbers under amount instead of quantity which lead to a crazy variance. I also look at what bills are off. CP4000 will tell you exactly which bills/coin and how many of each are incorrect.
I know up above I asked, did you balance at Transfer to Safe? I think that’s the biggest place to have a mess up. Counting 20-40 lanes and you’re at risk for a data entry error.

How do you handle counting the money at Transfer to safe?

I make a little scratch paper. I note how many unused registers I had, and put their values down. (Example 10 unused registers is
Ones $500
Fives $500
Tens $300
Twenties $200

Then add make full straps of ones fives tens twenties and count the loose. My sheet might look like

Unused registers + Strapped + Loose
Ones $500 + 3200 strapped + 14 Loose = $3714

Transfer to safe better say $3714. If it doesn’t, I recheck my straps. If they’re correct I mistyped when CP4000 had an error. Can’t fix it unless you know what register to recall. But it means I wasn’t paying attention when the cash counter had a problem.

As you count each register and it asks you to save, ask yourself, does it look right? Did you really have 312 ones? Probably not. Did you type “100” instead of “1” in the $100 column? Should register 15 really have $3562 in it?

If you balance at Transfer to safe it should be easy to balance at the final safe count. Or at least it should be easy to find the mistake.

Accuracy before speed, please.
Would if GSA gets coins and the cashier forgets to add it make me off? Same with the GSA not adding the coins in SCO?
Would if GSA gets coins and the cashier forgets to add it make me off? Same with the GSA not adding the coins in SCO?
As we don’t worry about coins other than half and dollar coins because we have to deposit them but we really know if it becomes off. We don’t really know if any register is off as all we do is just count and say how much is in there and how much is in the safe kind of thing
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So who likes the new cash office application?
Do you mean the cash recycler or the newer software? I like the cash recylcer. It gets us out a little bit faster. We have one GSA who always took 1 hour + longer than the rest of us with CP4000, I think she just pretended to have issues so she could spend some quiet time in the CO until it was almost her lunch time.
Okay, I’m only in cash office one weekend a month and need tips on how to pick up speed. I’ll be scheduled 3 hours for co and then cashier but I can’t get out of there in under 3 1/2 - 4 hours. We bank the lanes first (8 sco, pharmacy and guest service) before going in but I’m not including that in my time. We have 26 registers, 8 sco, 4 gs to count. I try to not be ocd about the bills facing up and the same way but sometimes I can’t help it.😏 Anyone have tips on how to speed things up? The other two people that do CO on a more regular basis get out of there so much faster than me. Help! 🙂
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