Archived Cash Register Replacement Keys

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Jun 16, 2011
Hey there,

I was wondering if anyone knew if it is possible to order the button "keys" for the registers (like 'Total', 'Enter', etc) from TIPP since there are quite a few missing from most registers. For most of the veteran cashiers this isn't a problem but I know in a month we will be going on a hiring spree for back to college and it will be very confusing for new cashiers to learn the keys when they are not labeled. Also would I have to put in a work order for or SFT for these? And my final question is, one of the keyboards at our GS desk doesn't have a functional card reader on it, would it be best practice to switch it out with the jewelry one since it is not used? If not, what would be the best way to get a functioning keyboard?

Put in a workorder with the SFT regarding the card reader. If he can't get it working, he'll have compu-com come out and replace it.

Have him also mention in the workorder about needing extra labels for the register. They should have some. I'm not sure if TIPP has them.

***This is what I get for posting when I'm still groggy from waking up. If you're talking about they keyboard card swipe, then read above.

If you mean the red card reader/pinpad that guests use, send that out to get repaired.
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No TIPP won't have them, you'd have to have Compucom come out and replace the keys/entire keyboard.
We are using a label maker on certain keys at my store. My Gstls' never thought to order them.
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No TIPP won't have them, you'd have to have Compucom come out and replace the keys/entire keyboard.

This is not correct, they come as a set with a tear off sheet with a color replacement set of every key for the keyboard along with some additional plastic covers.

It's been a few years since I ordered them last, but I'll try to look it up in TIPP today when I go in.
This is not correct, they come as a set with a tear off sheet with a color replacement set of every key for the keyboard along with some additional plastic covers.

It's been a few years since I ordered them last, but I'll try to look it up in TIPP today when I go in.

Thanks! That would be great, and I could really get a head start as a GSTL!
If you need more register parts, look under

TIPP -> Non Retail Supplies -> Order Guide

It lists keyboard stuff.
Keyword search for "NCR cover kit"

Should give part # 5932-K904

2 label sheets and 20 plastic covers.

Do they have the pieces for the dinosaur IBM registers too? Our old registers were missing a lot of keys, but they didn't bother replacing them because we were getting new registers anyways.
This is not correct, they come as a set with a tear off sheet with a color replacement set of every key for the keyboard along with some additional plastic covers.

It's been a few years since I ordered them last, but I'll try to look it up in TIPP today when I go in.

The last time I sent off for some, I was only sent the labels - not the keys themselves - so we stripped the keyboards of the 2 least-used registers & eventually got replacements. Pathetic, yeh, but effective...
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