Archived Cashier reprinted my receipt

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Aug 9, 2014
Hi there, long time lurker, first time poster.

I was doing my shopping today at my store and the cashier (who i am unfamiliar with) handed me my receipt and a Catalina coupon that had printed for a free Gatorade protein shake. I looked over my shoulder to see her reprinting my receipt and leaving it on the printer as she rung up the next guess. My question is, did she do that to attempt to trigger another Catalina for herself, or was it some sort of AP thing? (I always use tons of coupons and discounts so I'm always paranoid I'll be flagged for some reason) She definitely reprinted it on purpose.
No, just regular groceries, but maybe she wants to lift some bacon 😛
Hm. Can a receipt be reprinted with a survey code? Maybe trying to pad her guest survey scores, especially if she's a GSA or higher?
anybody can reprint a receipt. A lot of guests ask for an additional one for rebates. Also if the printer jams. You only have less than one minute to do it though. It is on the left of the screen and I believe it is a K-key
anybody can reprint a receipt. A lot of guests ask for an additional one for rebates. Also if the printer jams. You only have less than one minute to do it though. It is on the left of the screen and I believe it is a K-key

Yeah, but a supervisor still has to type in their number. Unless they're the one logged in, it will print automatically.
anybody can reprint a receipt. A lot of guests ask for an additional one for rebates. Also if the printer jams. You only have less than one minute to do it though. It is on the left of the screen and I believe it is a K-key

Anyone can press the button, but it prompts for Supervisor Override when you do.
My store reprint receipts for everything they think is fishy and gives them all to us (AP). We end up throwing 95% of them out. So she might have reprinted it for that reason, or as Tall said, she might want to try to see if she could get that coupon too.
My store reprint receipts for everything they think is fishy and gives them all to us (AP). We end up throwing 95% of them out. So she might have reprinted it for that reason, or as Tall said, she might want to try to see if she could get that coupon too.
Our store reprint fishy return receipts, and we end up tossing 99.99%.
Assuming she used her TM discount a survey wouldn't generate on the reciept anyway so that wouldn't be any good. The Catalina coupon may be the reason, but the person probably just wanted AP to look into your transaction. If all your discounts and whatnot are legitimate you have nothing to worry about.
Thanks for the input, everyone. I think she may be an ETL in training since she was wearing super nice clothes when I saw her yesterday. I bet she just didn't recognize me and probably thought I was abusing someone's TM discount.
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