CCA for Masks

Nov 9, 2014
Seems corporate is trying to tighten the screws on safety measures. They've called out my SD to review video and coach no mask offenders.

So far, it's been a pretty light hand and most TMs have complied. But, the inbound team and I guess early morning (pre-open) TMs are becoming lax and not wearing masks until open.

I'm wondering how many stores are seeing/hearing similar things and if anyone has been CCA'd or worse, termed for non-compliance with the mask rules in your store?
We were shut down early, and mask mandated. The break room is a bit of a problem, but everyone is eating. Elsewhere, there is rarely a problem. There used to be a couple of under the nose people, but they were nagged by leaders and team members alike, and now comply. Guests are also mostly complying.
We were warned by district that tms are to comply 100% of the time a while back and have been told they are watching the cameras themselves. We havent had a problem since the beginning and at this point everyone is used to it
I was "coached" weeks ago, by my SD for not wearing a mask in TSC. I don't know if the coaching was an actual coaching or just a "hey knock it off" but I comply now. Corporate can peek in too.
The entire store appears to wear. Occasionally, a few ETL's won't wear it in their office. The only exception is the unloader while the TM is in the truck.
They are starting to get a bit sloppy again in my store, but not that bad yet.
I was looking forward for your store status as I think you are from ct too . Our store was like that in the beginning itself . Atleast since I returned after my Loa, I have seen only handful of people wearing mask before hours and backroom/off sales floor. I don’t understand why ! Some people are having the argument that they might already be having the virus anyway ! I can keep on talking about it !! 😕
I was looking forward for your store status as I think you are from ct too . Our store was like that in the beginning itself . Atleast since I returned after my Loa, I have seen only handful of people wearing mask before hours and backroom/off sales floor. I don’t understand why ! Some people are having the argument that they might already be having the virus anyway ! I can keep on talking about it !! 😕
Wow that sucks! I am a closer so thankfully I don't have to deal with the store before hours. They definitely get too comfortable taking masks off in TSC, which honestly makes no sense to me. So because we're in a back room and because we work here, that means we are safe? The logic escapes me. Guest Services gets too complacent as well.
Wow, I wish my store's leadership would get tougher about it. We have some TMs who are chronic offenders, but it seems like no one really cares. I've stopped calling them out unless they're within 6 feet of me and just avoid them like the plague they could be spreading.
Most TMs are even pretty good about it in the break room, some of us putting our masks back on when we're done eating or drinking but still have a few minutes left. I keep mine on while using the microwave or whatever, taking it off only once I'm seated.
At my store they are definitely more lax upstairs or in the backrooms. They’ll go the chin strap route. That way if a Leader walls by or another TM gets within 15 feet they can pull it up easily. I’m picking my battles, if they’re socially distanced and off stage they can make an adult decision. I’m keeping mine on if I’m not in my office. (And if the person who just came back from Florida walks into my office you can bet your butts it’s on!) in the end stupid is as stupid does.
We had a TL today seeming visibly sick . Might not be virus but definitely sneezy, voice changed due to cold , looking all tired !! Haven’t seen anyone with cold symptoms for a while at our store . So that made me worry a bit . May be because of the weather change!
We had a TL today seeming visibly sick . Might not be virus but definitely sneezy, voice changed due to cold , looking all tired !! Haven’t seen anyone with cold symptoms for a while at our store . So that made me worry a bit . May be because of the weather change!
If they don't have allergies then I sure hope they got tested. Definitely shouldn't be at work with symptoms present unless they know for sure what's going on.
We have TMs who wear a "mask" that is a tiny plastic shield that's only in front of their mouths. :rolleyes: Not even an actual face shield, which would be bad enough.

A guest had one of those tonight. I'd never seen one before. It was pretty ridiculous.