Archived Chances of VML being termed

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SFS/OPU Master
Oct 7, 2015
Technically, I'm a VM TM (brand). My TL (VML) has called out about 10 times in the <6 mos in the role, and several "vacations" plus on a second meal violation. I ALWAYS pick up the slack and it's aggravating. There are times when the VML blatantly takes credit for my work in front of an ETL and I just smile. Another TL said they'd probably be termed soon. And lately I've been doing all VML duties with no pay when they call out. I like my VML, but are the actions term-able?
Oh HELL no. NOT okay. A leader should NEVER take credit for their teams work.

A TM told me that I should've said something but I have a great relationship with my TL. I didn't want to sully it by interjecting.
Honestly, I think it's because I take up their slack. They're there 4 hours before me, a whole 2 hours before the store opens but I STILL have to finish it. And always asks me, are you almost done? It shouldn't take you long. And in my head, I'm like, you should've finished this while I was still asleep.
Honestly, I think it's because I take up their slack. They're there 4 hours before me, a whole 2 hours before the store opens but I STILL have to finish it. And always asks me, are you almost done? It shouldn't take you long. And in my head, I'm like, you should've finished this while I was still asleep.
Short of doing something illegal/against policy, they won't be termed until a year in roll.
Oh HELL no. NOT okay. A leader should NEVER take credit for their teams work.

Next time that happens you could interject, "Great, I'm so glad you liked what I did".

Or, the next day go up to the ETL and tell them that you are happy that they liked your displays.
Tends to be a little more difficult to term a TL & currently their actions may not be term-worthy but leadership could be building a paper trail to performance them out.
Sounds like this one may be helping them along.
And remember what Blueside said: If they don't hesitate to take credit for your work, they WON'T hesitate to throw you under the bus when the sh*t hits the fan.
Sounds like my vml! Idk about the chances of them being termed.

Talk to your etl about the expectations of you when your vml isn't there if they're out that often. And, tell someone about what you do before she gets a chance to take credit. If you don't wanna just be like "hey, I did this thing and wanted you to see how great it is" you can try the more humble "hey etl person, I did a thing and was wondering if you could look it over to see if I missed something/to critique it/whatever"

Im not a brand tm, so I still have TLs other than the vml (omg... That autocorrected to fml at first! Lol), so I'll tell my TLs if I've done something that I could see her taking credit for.
Absolutely...... If your ETL holds them acceptable its easy to get rid of them........ I got rid of mine just recently for the exact reasons you stated... I would have a conversation with your ETL about your concerns just to cover your basis..
The same leader that takes credit for your work in front of their boss, will also blame you for all of their problems in front of their boss.

True. Watched it happen on our last visit. Our SLTL is horrible for that..
YOU MUST WORK AT MY STORE! Okay but seriously, my VML is the exact same. I'm also a VMTM. My VML calls out all the time, even when we have a heavy workload. She refuses to communicate with me or with the rest of the leadership in the store. She constantly makes mistakes and doesn't take ownership. Has no interest in learning how Target works, just thinks she can walk in, throw some clothes on a mannequin, make a mess for others to clean up, and leave. Hits meal compliance constantly which I don't understand because she spends her whole shift on break anyway. Doesn't know how to do things that are vital to any TL role, like checking RedWire. I'm so tired of picking up her slack while also having to take the blame for her shortcomings. Why do I have to make sure she does her job?

Phew. So good to get that off my chest. We should be VMTM buddies :p
I just hope you guys are telling someone when you're picking up a vml's slack and such and that someone fixes it so this isn't the case. Vmls get paid the big bucks. You shouldn't have to do their work for 10.50 or whatever vmtm's make. It's bullshit.
She basically makes a little more than double what I make. What a waste of payroll.

I have spoken to numerous people about the issue. Most of the leadership have the same issues with her, but apparently their hands are tied when it comes to getting rid of her. At least that's what I've heard.

It's gotten so bad that honestly I'd rather just go back to hardlines. I'd even give my measly pay raise back.
YOU MUST WORK AT MY STORE! Okay but seriously, my VML is the exact same. I'm also a VMTM. My VML calls out all the time, even when we have a heavy workload. She refuses to communicate with me or with the rest of the leadership in the store. She constantly makes mistakes and doesn't take ownership. Has no interest in learning how Target works, just thinks she can walk in, throw some clothes on a mannequin, make a mess for others to clean up, and leave. Hits meal compliance constantly which I don't understand because she spends her whole shift on break anyway. Doesn't know how to do things that are vital to any TL role, like checking RedWire. I'm so tired of picking up her slack while also having to take the blame for her shortcomings. Why do I have to make sure she does her job?

Phew. So good to get that off my chest. We should be VMTM buddies :p

Stop cleaning up the VML's mess.
Unfortunately, I think that's actually our job description. Cleaning up the VML's mess.
It would be considered supporting the teamin target speak. Heaven knows cleaning up the pptls messes and putting out her fires is my job...
Haw big are your stores? Our VML does everything himself and has no VMTMs. We are a Super, a volume.
I just hope you guys are telling someone when you're picking up a vml's slack and such and that someone fixes it so this isn't the case. Vmls get paid the big bucks. You shouldn't have to do their work for 10.50 or whatever vmtm's make. It's bullshit.

Im still trying to figure out how my VML is getting paid WAY WAY more than me in market when im basically doing the CTL role and have to routinely do Backroom, C&S and Plano stuff as well.

All they seem to do is just be a glorified softlines TM who occasionaly comes into hardlines to flex clearance and do a quick endcap.

Maybe its different at other stores but I have no idea why target is paying them this much
My vml is more like a hl tm who comes to sl sometimes to "zone" focus areas (this time of year, she's really only doing swim and mannequins when she comes over), but yeaa... TMs were doing her job before she was a vml so idk why the pay. I try not to do things that people paid more than me typically do, though lol. My raise is probably gonna be shit this year because of it, though.
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