Archived Changes to the way Reshop is handled

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We officially switched over to this. We used to have 7 carts staged behind the wall and 7 carts in receiving. During the week it has worked well, weekends is another story. Also told we are to prioritize reshop over workload. About a month into it, don’t know how it’s going to last at my house.
This'll make things even crazier for me. I often work reshop solo, with carts often bringing me all around the store. This'll just make it even more crazy.
At first, I thought our recent change from several large clear plastic bins to 1 three-tier cart for hard lines and one opaque bin each for soft lines and grocery was just because of more in-store pick-up orders being held in the same area. Wrong! It continues and what a pain. Obviously, whoever thought up this system has never actually had to do the re-shop. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
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