Archived Changing PDA batteries, is there a (quick) fix?

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Living the American Dream
Jul 13, 2015
Even when I use the "swap batteries" selection, my PDA freezes up. When I reboot and go back to RF apps, my PDA freezes whenever I scan something. It usually takes 2 to 3 reboots before RF apps is back to normal. Is there a way to avoid all this nonsense so I can swap batteries in a timely manner (Nevermind 2/3ths of these crap batteries drain down to 20-30% within 2 hours, but that's another story...)
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Even when I use the "swap batteries" selection, my PDA freezes up. When I reboot and go back to RF apps, my PDA freezes whenever I scan something. It usually takes 2 to 3 reboots before RF works is back to normal. Is there a way to avoid all this nonsense and I can swap batteries in a timely manner (Nevermind 2/3ths of these crap batteries drain down to 20-30% within 2 hours, but that's another story...)
When I have one and do this I press the blue function key and the CNTRL key twice. A menu will come down, scroll to exit and hit enter. This force closes your session but gets everything back to normal. You just have re-logon to web & RF apps.
I always have the new battery out and ready to go, just pop the old one out and very quickly put the new one in. Works half of the time, comes back on right where I left it.

Sometimes when I use the force close method @RunForACallBox mentions (like when RF or Web apps freezes), it'll give me the "go back" error page the first time I log back in. Just hit the door icon to log out again.
I have terrible luck with batteries. For whatever reason, after I change the battery in my PDA, the PDA will randomly reboot when I'm doing something.
I toggle out of RFapps and back to the main PDA menu before changing the battery so I have a better idea what it's doing and if it's going to freeze.

Also, don't eject the battery until you have a fresh one in your hand. A swap lasting 2-3 seconds doesn't usually give me trouble.
I try to make sure I have a fully charged battery at the start of my shift. We don't have many PDAs, but we still have a lot of batteries from when a former ETL ordered way too many to replace the old ones.

If the battery isn't lasting a whole shift (even with relatively heavy use), it's probably not holding nearly as much charge as it should. @crumbdumb, if you have a lot of bad batteries, talk to your TL or ETL about ordering new ones.
Even when I use the "swap batteries" selection, my PDA freezes up. When I reboot and go back to RF apps, my PDA freezes whenever I scan something. It usually takes 2 to 3 reboots before RF apps is back to normal. Is there a way to avoid all this nonsense so I can swap batteries in a timely manner (Nevermind 2/3ths of these crap batteries drain down to 20-30% within 2 hours, but that's another story...)

Do what @RunForACallBox said.

Certain pdas- Blue function key, then cntrl key 2 times. That brings up a menu and scroll to exit and hit enter.

Also on other PDAs you simply hit cntrl key and then the x key and it exits you out of everything just the same. Then simply log back in and you're good to go.
Also on other PDAs you simply hit cntrl key and then the x key and it exits you out of everything just the same. Then simply log back in and you're good to go.

We used to be able to do that on the 9200 models (the PDAs we currently use), but I haven't been able to get it to work recently; I wondered if the most recent software update changed it or something.
Do what @RunForACallBox said.

Certain pdas- Blue function key, then cntrl key 2 times. That brings up a menu and scroll to exit and hit enter.

Also on other PDAs you simply hit cntrl key and then the x key and it exits you out of everything just the same. Then simply log back in and you're good to go.

We used to be able to do that on the 9200 models (the PDAs we currently use), but I haven't been able to get it to work recently; I wondered if the most recent software update changed it or something.
Unfortunately the re-image update did disable the CNTRL X key 🙁
We used to be able to do that on the 9200 models (the PDAs we currently use), but I haven't been able to get it to work recently; I wondered if the most recent software update changed it or something.

Unfortunately the re-image update did disable the CNTRL X key 🙁

Ahh, haven't got my hands on one in awhile. Sorry for the misinformation.
Blue button-CTRL twice-Exit works. Thanks a lot, folks. 🙂
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