I was just on a walking chat because our HR-BP was visiting and he and our ETL-HR managed to nab me, lol. I was laugh-cringing at the end, though, because of the questions. A lot of them were just regular "do you know where to find this information" and "what is this focus mean" blah blah blah, and I answered them fine but with a bit of normal hesitation because it's not something I think about a lot, lol. But at the very end, the HR-BP asked me, "do you know what the Integrity Hotline is and what would you use it for?" and I just REELED out a smack-dab description with no hesitation whatsoever. If I were them, I'd be like, "Um, she seems OVERLY familiar with how that works!"
I've never used the IH, but I guess going on here gets you familiar with how it works. 😉 Anyway, afterwards I was laughing and cringing at the same time...ah well!