Archived chip card question

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Aug 30, 2015
recently ive had a handful of guests complain that when they enter their debit chip card, it does not offer the option to run a credit. they insert the chip, it asks how much cash back they want.....they answer none at the bottom right. Then it asks for a pin. No offer to run as credit which is what they want to do because their particular banks charge each time they use their pin. i was actually asked if target would pay a guests .50 fee since it forces her to run her card as debit and not credit as she wanted. any insight?
If the guest hots the green circle (enter) it will run as credit. It does not show this on the screen and the card issuer may decline the transaction but for the guests that complain it's faster to do this than to explain a chip and pin/ chip and signature system.
recently ive had a handful of guests complain that when they enter their debit chip card, it does not offer the option to run a credit. they insert the chip, it asks how much cash back they want.....they answer none at the bottom right. Then it asks for a pin. No offer to run as credit which is what they want to do because their particular banks charge each time they use their pin. i was actually asked if target would pay a guests .50 fee since it forces her to run her card as debit and not credit as she wanted. any insight?

It's her bank that's requiring the pin, not target.
As @ele1 said above, have the guest hit the green circle (enter) when prompted to enter their PIN, then it should process as credit. If that doesn't work, then they'll have to take it up with their bank.
You can only hit enter to process as a credit card if the bank allows that option. If they don't have the option, that means the bank is requiring them to use the PIN part of the chip and PIN. They can take it up with their bank.
recently ive had a handful of guests complain that when they enter their debit chip card, it does not offer the option to run a credit. they insert the chip, it asks how much cash back they want.....they answer none at the bottom right. Then it asks for a pin. No offer to run as credit which is what they want to do because their particular banks charge each time they use their pin. i was actually asked if target would pay a guests .50 fee since it forces her to run her card as debit and not credit as she wanted. any insight?

In my voice that sounds pleasant yet disinterested as I stare off in the other direction so as not to give the slightest appearance that I may be trying to steal a guests pin I let them know what screens they are seeing or will be seeing shortly, what it says, what the guest needs to do.

For example, that sound means you have a chip card and you need to process the card in the chip reader at the bottom of the machine. If the guest appears confused or starts to put in the wrong end I point out the chip in the card and say chip first. Push it into the machine until you feel a slight click. Leave the card in the machine, the transaction usually takes 20-30 seconds (after I push total if I am still ringing other items). If you are using a debit card it will ask you if you want cash back. If I see that they press no cash back. "It will ask you for your pin number or you can press the green O if you would like the transaction processed as credit. If they select the green O, if it is under $50, "it will tell you when you can remove the card," if over $50, it will ask you to sign on the screen in a moment. When you sign and press 'ok' you can remove your card"

On the other hand you can take the complaint of that guest and turn it into an opportunity to sell the red card debit. "Target processes a transaction using a Target debit card like an electronic check through an automated clearing house. Unless your bank charges you to write a check (which I don't know of any that do), then there would be no additional fees for you. It is the least expensive way for both Target and yourself to process the transaction and Target can pass on the saving to their guests. Do you have a check from that account so we can get you signed up today?"
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recently ive had a handful of guests complain that when they enter their debit chip card, it does not offer the option to run a credit. they insert the chip, it asks how much cash back they want.....they answer none at the bottom right. Then it asks for a pin. No offer to run as credit which is what they want to do because their particular banks charge each time they use their pin. i was actually asked if target would pay a guests .50 fee since it forces her to run her card as debit and not credit as she wanted. any insight?
I have never heard of a debit card that processes a few to run as a debit....maybe if they opt for cash back, but not as a straight debit. I've heard of cards charging to run a debit card as credit, though....
In my voice that sounds pleasant yet disinterested as I stare off in the other direction so as not to give the slightest appearance that I may be trying to steal a guests pin I let them know what screens they are seeing or will be seeing shortly, what it says, what the guest needs to do.

For example, that sound means you have a chip card and you need to process the card in the chip reader at the bottom of the machine. If the guest appears confused or starts to put in the wrong end I point out the chip in the card and say chip first. Push it into the machine until you feel a slight click. Leave the card in the machine, the transaction usually takes 20-30 seconds (after I push total if I am still ringing other items). If you are using a debit card it will ask you if you want cash back. If I see that they press no cash back. "It will ask you for your pin number or you can press the green O if you would like the transaction processed as credit. If they select the green O, if it is under $50, "it will tell you when you can remove the card," if over $50, it will ask you to sign on the screen in a moment. When you sign and press 'ok' you can remove your card"

On the other hand you can take the complaint of that guest and turn it into an opportunity to sell the red card debit. "Target processes a transaction using a Target debit card like an electronic check through an automated clearing house. Unless your bank charges you to write a check (which I don't know of any that do), then there would be no additional fees for you. It is the least expensive way for both Target and yourself to process the transaction and Target can pass on the saving to their guests. Do you have a check from that account so we can get you signed up today?"
Some banks DO charge a fee if a customer writes OVER a certain number of checks/month. They're usually the "free" checking options, and only allow something like 10 ACTUAL checks/month. Debits usually don't count towards that, though....and I've never seen an account that limits the number of debits...:
Some banks DO charge a fee if a customer writes OVER a certain number of checks/month. They're usually the "free" checking options, and only allow something like 10 ACTUAL checks/month. Debits usually don't count towards that, though....and I've never seen an account that limits the number of debits...:

A lot of the "second chance" prepaid/reloadable debit cards, charge .50 to $1 for each debit card purchase, but none if they are run as credit. I listened to a documentary about the "unbanked" going into work one morning. Most of those cards, are predatory banking at it's finest... Which is why, people in those situations should really look into credit unions, and not traditional banks.

Also - Federal Law requires banks to charge a fee after six withdrawals/debits are made on a savings account. I'm guessing savings account fees are subsidized by the feds in some way.
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A lot of the "second chance" prepaid/reloadable debit cards, charge .50 to $1 for each debit card purchase, but none if you use a pin. I listened to a documentary about the "unbanked" going into work one morning. Most of those cards, are predatory banking at it's finest... Which is why, people in those situations should really look into credit unions, and not traditional banks.

Also - Federal Law requires banks to charge a fee after six withdrawals/debits are made on a savings account. I'm guessing savings account fees are subsidized by the feds in some way.
Yeah, savings accounts DO charge, but most debit cards aren't linked to a savings account. If they are, people shouldn't be using them for purchases....IMO, if you're stupid enough to use a debit card regularly for purchases linked to a savings acct, that's on you 😉

ALL "debits" should require a pin....running it as a credit is usually when it doesn't. I've never used one of those "second chance" cards, though, so maybe they're different??? I would still think a debit would require the pin though???
ALL "debits" should require a pin....running it as a credit is usually when it doesn't. I've never used one of those "second chance" cards, though, so maybe they're different??? I would still think a debit would require the pin though???
By second chance... I mean, Bad Credit. Like... people with bad credit can't go to Bank of America or Chase and get a traditional checking account. And sometimes... people have their accounts closed, for incurring so many overdrafts at the bank. Mainly I think it's bad credit. Anyway... since banks won't open accounts for them easily... a lot of people resort to things like "GreenDot" or "Rush Card", or other prepaid debit cards.

There debit cards, and they let the "unbanked" make purchases, and pay bills just like those of us with checking accounts. But... there taxed heavily for the privilege.

There loaded with fees, for doing simple things... like making online bill payments, making a debit card purchase, making a check deposit, and... calling customer service (sometimes by the minute). Just... simple things, most people do for free. It's ridiculous.

ALL "debits" should require a pin....running it as a credit is usually when it doesn't. I've never used one of those "second chance" cards, though, so maybe they're different??? I would still think a debit would require the pin though???
What I meant was... every "Pin-Purchase" at the checkout, incurs a fee. Those purchases at the restaurant, or drive through (typically run as credit) aren't accessed a fee. It's pretty stupid, because banks *do* access the merchant processing fees, as well as the card network (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex, etc).

IMO, if you're stupid enough to use a debit card regularly for purchases linked to a savings acct, that's on you 😉
Well... I'd hope if someone did *do* that... they'd notice all these fees and stop 😛 Of course... I'm going to make the wild assumation, that most people don't bother reading statements, unless things seem really off.
But those wouldn't be linked to a checking account that limited the number of checks or debits a person could make per month without being charged a fee, which is what my original comment was referring to 😉 I agree, though....those prepaid cards are a HUGE scam....they charge you for EVERYTHING...."oh, you want to add $$$? That will be an additional $5.95!" 😎
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