Cleaning workcenter

rog the dog

Small Format TL
Aug 9, 2017
We started scheduling people for cleaning shifts this week, and there's a whole checklist of stuff in the store for people to clean each day. The payroll seemingly dropped in already for this too. (Key carriers please check your emails lol)

How are your guys' stores going to be using the allocated hours? Going to have them clean for a couple hours then use them for other random stuff, have them clean the whole shift? Genuinely curious what other store leadership ends up doing.

I have to say we're getting lots of support and communication regarding this virus so props to corp on this one.
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We started this yesterday. Our SD is adamant that the team member scheduled for cleaning is to just be cleaning. They can't even hop on for backup; the only exception being helping out occasionally with drive ups.
Is equipment being sanitized? If not I'll just bring a couple Clorox wipes with me.
Every store earns 12 hours a day for cleaning now so they should be cleaning the front end, electronics registers and any other high tough areas in the store. Our even wipe down all the uboats and stuff but I set up a cleaning station outback and asked the team to quickly wipe down their equipment and vehicles like you’re at the gym. You use it you sanitize it
Please make sure that whatever you're using to clean, at work or at home, you pay attention to the directions for sanitizing. Whatever surface you're cleaning has to stay wet for a certain amount of time in order to actually sanitize (kill everything possible on the surface). The Ecolab multi-surface spray takes 5 minutes. Wipes should say in the instructions but definitely a few minutes at least. So you'll have to go through a few wipes to keep the surface wet that long. I've been using alcohol wipes for things like myDevice screens between order signatures or the Switch demos in Tech. I believe alcohol is 10-20 seconds. Oh, and the white/green bottles of TB disinfectant say 2 minutes, at least for "SARS associated coronaviruses".
Our SD is adamant that the cleaner clean, and only clean. Can’t be pulled for anything else whatsoever.

As far as equipment goes, there’s a station beside the Zebra/walkie cabinet about cleaning the devices/procedure.
I told the first TM we had cleaning that he was welcome to take a hi-vis vest to wear around the store in case guests kept stopping him for help. I might honestly ask our SD if we can put them in black or something to dissuade people even further.
Our cleaners are to clean only. No backup for anything. I like the idea of a hi vi vest or all black, going to bring that to my SDs attention.
We started scheduling people for cleaning shifts this week, and there's a whole checklist of stuff in the store for people to clean each day. The payroll seemingly dropped in already for this too. (Key carriers please check your emails lol)

How are your guys' stores going to be using the allocated hours? Going to have them clean for a couple hours then use them for other random stuff, have them clean the whole shift? Genuinely curious what other store leadership ends up doing.

I have to say we're getting lots of support and communication regarding this virus so props to cooperate on this one.
I gave those hours back to the former brand attendant. I took her out of breakout a&a and gave her 40 hours . She will be wiping and cleaning all day no other tasks
Psh cleaning no. Our idiot SD has been using these hours to get more truck done and pogs caught up. I think opu is getting some to. But no we arent cleaning. We dont even have supplies to clean :/
I knew there would be at least one that did this lol.

I gave those hours back to the former brand attendant. I took her out of breakout a&a and gave her 40 hours . She will be wiping and cleaning all day no other tasks

That's smart, using somebody who already did this kind of thing.

Also, I like the idea of having these TMs not wear red. I'll bring that up too.
I clean and only clean. I’m considering asking if I can not wear red anymore since people keep asking me to help them when I’m cleaning the SCO and asking me if I’m open when I’m cleaning the registers
Did a cleaning shift. It is very labor intensive hard work if you're doing it right. We have a dedicated 3 tier with supplies and a sign on it that we park in the aisle of the register that is being cleaned. Cleaners answer no back up calls whatsoever. Guests are overwhelmingly supportive and actually thankful. I did have a leader ask if I could cover a lane and I just said no, that my ETL said to stay firm and not back up the lanes. Guests first for cleaners means guests safe and seeing the visual that Target is addressing the problem in the best ways it can.
Still no cleaning here but we did get a visit yesterday. From what I hear on the grapevine our SD got ptetty chewed out for screwing with the cleaning hours. Will see where that goes. Our new DTL doesnt care for our SD anyway so we saw that coming. Hope we get on board cause we are near two military bases our foot traffic has always been crazy high bit now its off the charts :/ Not to mention we are in a state with high number of cases that keeps growing.
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