Archived Clocking in earlier than scheduled?

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Jul 23, 2015
So my store calls me basically every other day to schedule me earlier than originally planned and they sometimes don't change it on the schedule. The last time this happened I tried to clock in and it said I needed LOD approval...problem is the LOD is never there but instead out on the floor. Last time someone just told me to hit start meal. I'm probably going to have to do this again tomorrow but is that right? I'm going to fill in a punch form but should I just do start meal when clocking in and end meal when clocking out?
Start meal?

Yeah...idk the one guy who was there (I have no idea if he was LOD or TL) but he just said "go ahead and press start meal and it'll let you clock in that way"
I wouldn't advise hitting start meal, but I guess ASANTS. I would just submit a punch correction online or ask someone in HR for a paper punch correction.
Start meal will be interpreted by the system responsible for running the time clock as being equivalent to start work, and it does not need LOD approval. That being said, it's against best practice to use that loophole, as doing so has been an issue at numerous stores with TMs abusing that capability have caused issues with payroll at various stores in the past.

You can use start meal to clock in, but I'd be careful about doing so--if someone were to say that you weren't supposed to have started yet, and the LOD forgets and/or is unaware that you came early, you could be accused of abusing start meal to work more hours than what you were scheduled to work.

But as stated by @jadzia, ASANTS.
If you get called in, wait for tl or Lod to clock you in. Grab a walkie & call for the Lod. You can hit the call box next to the time clock is an option too. An alert ones over the walkie. Doing a punch correction, could be considered a fraudulent punch & can be used against you.
If you get called in, wait for tl or Lod to clock you in. Grab a walkie & call for the Lod. You can hit the call box next to the time clock is an option too. An alert ones over the walkie. Doing a punch correction, could be considered a fraudulent punch & can be used against you.

Wouldn't a punch correction be most accurate for giving the TM the proper amount of hours, and hence pay. You may have to wait 5-10 minutes for someone to clock you in. The TM is there, ready to work and isn't getting paid for that time. It can add up when it's several days each week.
The fastest way to put our LODs in a foul mood and make them ticked off at you for your shift is to hit that call box next to the time clock. Now, of course, ASANTS, but you are better off if you can grab a walkie and ask if there is anyone near to punch you in.
I always walkie LOD and ask him/her if they could please come to TSC and clock me in (the LOD usually knows if you're punching in early). If there is an ETL in TSC though, I would just ask him/her instead. All of the ETLs in my store are super nice and have no problem doing it for me.
Our store had us hit the 'start meal' if there wasn't an ETL or TL around. They'd tell the HRTM to change it to let them that the early start was indeed approved.
If you get called in, wait for tl or Lod to clock you in. Grab a walkie & call for the Lod. You can hit the call box next to the time clock is an option too. An alert ones over the walkie. Doing a punch correction, could be considered a fraudulent punch & can be used against you.

Aren't all punch corrections approved by the LOD that day or the ETL/TL of your workcenter? I don't see how it could be considered fraudulent if the person who called you in early is the one approving the correction, but again, ASANTS.
Aren't all punch corrections approved by the LOD that day or the ETL/TL of your workcenter? I don't see how it could be considered fraudulent if the person who called you in early is the one approving the correction, but again, ASANTS.
My store does it the correct way, by adding you to the schedule to avoid any conflicts.
Our store had us hit the 'start meal' if there wasn't an ETL or TL around. They'd tell the HRTM to change it to let them that the early start was indeed approved.
When I went in the day that this post was made, there was a TM behind me who saw that I was clocking in earlier than scheduled (because my store never changes the schedule when they ask you to come in early for whatever reason) and she just said "push start meal" I'm guessing it's acceptable at my store.
When that happens at my store and there's no one around to punch me in, LODs usually tell me to just have HR do a punch correction for me and just start working anyways. Feels weird, but I just make a note of it on my phone for the time started and just take my breaks "on time".
I would just do a punch correction.

I believe the start meal thing works because the mytime system works on a punch in and punch out model. If you notice when doing punch corrections on the computer it never asks if the punch is for start/end work or meal. It just assumes your first punch will be start work, second punch start meal, and so on.

MAX (the old system) used to work a different way. I'm not the expert on this so a HR person can correct me if I'm wrong.
If there isn't someone by the time clock ( ie team lead, etl etc) when clocking in...I just do a punch correction. I also, will usually follow up with the hr/tm to make sure the punch correction went through etc.
I would just do a punch correction.

I believe the start meal thing works because the mytime system works on a punch in and punch out model. If you notice when doing punch corrections on the computer it never asks if the punch is for start/end work or meal. It just assumes your first punch will be start work, second punch start meal, and so on.

MAX (the old system) used to work a different way. I'm not the expert on this so a HR person can correct me if I'm wrong.

The last time I did a punch correction online (a week ago), you had to choose whether it was start/end work or start/end meal.
Beware the 'start meal' loophole. Our store HR would encourage it for people who had the issue you're describing: taking shifts but often not having it changed in the schedule because leadership forgets or is lazy. However, once it caught on, a lot of TMs were abusing it to clock in 10-15 mins early instead of 5, for example. The rule they had before I left was to not use it anymore no matter what. Find a TL to clock you in.

But, as always, ASANTS. If HR approves it, go ahead. Don't abuse it.
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