Archived Closed a Internal Today

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Oh and while we are talking about AP. I had AP get pissed off at me once from preventing a theft through guest servicing because the had the cops there ready to arrest him. That was ridic. I am not waiting around for you to let a cop arrest a dude when it can be prevented.
It is ridiculous that Target lets the amount build up to a "GET" the theif with horrendous charges. Just catch them once and fire their ass. No need to try to get back at them with everything you can. AP will no about issues long before they take any action. Assholes. Isn't being fired punishment enough. It's not like these folks steal thousands of dollars in one go. It accumulates over months or years and then they call in the policy to formally charge them. Talk about a company that is harmful to society.

Someone on this board whose an APTL posted about that being bullshit, and I agree. AP doesn't let it build, there are directives like not apprehending unless it's 50 or higher. We can still recover the merchandise, just can't apprehend them. Some people straight out get away and we don't find out til later, and when we catch them then we charge them with whatever we have on them.

If you are in AP like your status says...shouldn't you know and be able to speak from your own knowledge?

I can and did. I was referencing someone whose been doing it much longer, I've only been AP for a few months. It's good to learn from people with more experience and to listen to those above you. If AP was closing a theft, don't intervene. Common sense in my opinion..
Ive always wondered, what all does AP consider internal? Is it just stealing merchandise/money or is it involve other things too? I know some use coupons they shouldnt and such isnt thst internal?
Internal is anything done by TMs/TLs/ETLs that doesn't pass muster.
If anything, TMs et al are watched more closely because they're supposed to know better than to take advantage of the system. Be it checking out with their buddy because they'll take your questionable coupons, helping yourself to a fountain drink using a water cup, using a gift card you found in the parking lot, snagging a good deal in the reshop cart before it hits the floor, letting friends use your discount - acts that exploit your employment.
Internal is anything done by TMs/TLs/ETLs that doesn't pass muster.
If anything, TMs et al are watched more closely because they're supposed to know better than to take advantage of the system. Be it checking out with their buddy because they'll take your questionable coupons, helping yourself to a fountain drink using a water cup, using a gift card you found in the parking lot, snagging a good deal in the reshop cart before it hits the floor, letting friends use your discount - acts that exploit your employment.
So basically what a majority Employees do is considered internal lol
Oh and while we are talking about AP. I had AP get pissed off at me once from preventing a theft through guest servicing because the had the cops there ready to arrest him. That was ridic. I am not waiting around for you to let a cop arrest a dude when it can be prevented.
We had a TM awhile ago that was termed for something very similar. You don't know why they are watching the guy. The fact that the police were already there makes it seem like the guy wasn't just a random shoplifter. They were probably watching him for a while.

However I must say I disagree that AP doesn't look to build a case against you. Been around a lot of AP in my time with Target. Some just want to get the merchandise recovered and not ruin someones life. Others I've seen take pride in getting the amount to a felony level and watching the police take them away.
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What is this AP everyone speaks of ?? Our 1 last AP person quit 2 weeks before thanks giving. We had 1 uniform security person black Friday weekend and she was just there to look good. She wasn't allowed to even stop anyone who walked out without paying lol. The rest of the time no No one I mean no one at my store even cares about theft. It is running rampant and things are just flying out the doors. What are we to do ????!!
Talk about a company that is harmful to society.

Harmful to society is removing known thieves from the public so they can't continue to thieve? This is news. I'd like to know what kind of warped fantasy you live in.
What is this AP everyone speaks of ?? Our 1 last AP person quit 2 weeks before thanks giving. We had 1 uniform security person black Friday weekend and she was just there to look good. She wasn't allowed to even stop anyone who walked out without paying lol. The rest of the time no No one I mean no one at my store even cares about theft. It is running rampant and things are just flying out the doors. What are we to do ????!!
your stl needs to work with the dtl to get your store's risk level increased. ap staffing is directly related to risk level. if it gets raised you'll get ap staffing.
Talk about a company that is harmful to society.

Harmful to society is removing known thieves from the public so they can't continue to thieve? This is news. I'd like to know what kind of warped fantasy you live in.

Stealing from a multi-billion dollar company is not harmful to society. Paying $8/hour is harmful to society. Paying $10/hour is harmful to society.

Besides shoplifting and those types of things don't put people behind bars and if they do, our judicial system is fucked up.
Allthings ---- Our directives were $20.00 over. Some of the "middle to upper class" stores only have teenagers stealing from them. I know of a certain store in a very well to do area that primarily deals with teens taking from $25 to $45 worth of stuff. The guy there used to let is slide, but when the numbers come out and you only have 3 apprehensions in the last 6 months, its not good.

So the guy goes after who he has stealing. He sits in the Elec section with plain clothes (not supposed to do that as a ETL/TL btw..) and waits for the typical teen to walk in. He follows each one around and by the end of the day he usually catches one. Because at the end of the day. It's the job.

Hope that clears it up for you. It really depends on the area you are in. In my store I have big boosters, but if it's a slow day and I see a kid grab and conceal a $40 phone case, I would make the stop. My numbers reflect how I'm doing and trust me when I say I want that raise and promotion later down the road.
I personally would love my next role to be AP. I find a lot of the information fascinating. I know an ETL-AP in another distrtic(metro location) that seems like they get an apprehension every other day... What is your app goal? How is it determined? I am thinking that you are shooting for 2-3/week?? I guess what is you ext/int goal?
We got it X. You hate Target, love thieves and complain about everything. I'm sure you will be a huge success in your new company and role. Good luck
And, X, perhaps you should start your own business. Perhaps then you'd take a different attitude towards thieves.
He sits in the Elec section with plain clothes (not supposed to do that as a ETL/TL btw..)

Every district is different. I wear plain clothes every weekend that I work, and I'm not the only APTL that does it. Helps us reduce theft and shows the team we are serious about "catching" shoplifters. Plus, to be totally nonest, it's fun and one of the perks of the job 🙂
Our APTL wears a jacket over his red shirt when he is on the floor, so technically he is in red & khaki, but a random shoplifter would not see him as a team member.
Talk about a company that is harmful to society.

Harmful to society is removing known thieves from the public so they can't continue to thieve? This is news. I'd like to know what kind of warped fantasy you live in.

Stealing from a multi-billion dollar company is not harmful to society. Paying $8/hour is harmful to society. Paying $10/hour is harmful to society.

Besides shoplifting and those types of things don't put people behind bars and if they do, our judicial system is fucked up.

You really have a strange view on the way companies work. I mean, you do realize that shrink is one of the biggest factors when determining the price of items and wages. I'm not saying it's the only factor but it is a bigger factor than most would think in my opinion. Personally I live just fine on my 9$ an hour and 40 hours a week you know why? Because I drive a piece of crap car that gets me from point A to point B and I don't waste my money on crap I don't need. I go to college full time and work full time. So please tell me more about how Target completely railed you when I am starting to see why Target is better off without someone so negative such as yourself.
Our APTL wears a jacket over his red shirt when he is on the floor, so technically he is in red & khaki, but a random shoplifter would not see him as a team member.

We have a TPS who carries cuffs but dresses in red/khaki with the TPS badge on his belt, if you didn't see the badge/cuffs you couldn't tell he was AP. Sometimes our TPS will wear plainclothes for like 3 hours with a cop-style earpiece but they don't do apps and other APS+ only stuff.
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