I am 100000% for change ... here is something to ponder...
Why do "athletes" make $1M+ per year... yeah not all of them... but its a &^%$^%$^%$ GAME! A KIDS GAME! To be honest, I don't think they should make more than $100K, period. Every last one of them, no matter how talented they think they are... and compare that to the salary of military and public safety who RISK THEIR LIVES to PROTECT me and YOU... IF any one is worth $1m/year it would be LE!
I wonder if that graphic is adjusted to/from AU$ v. US$... as a AU$ is worth about $0.50/US about the last time I looked..
BUT... the bigger issue is...
If you RAISE THE PAY, that obviously effects PROFIT and DIVIDENDS.. So... if PROFITS go down $10 for every $1/hr raise, then PRICES MUST GO UP to KEEP PACE or INCREASE. The short sighted "investors" on wall street just can't see past the next quarter... whereas most EU, JA and other countries are playing LOOOONGGG GAMES.. The US is playing for the PERIOD, let alone the game. Sad, but till there is a change in the way companies think about "fiduciary" responsibility and MORALS and ETHICS, and take a stand against militant shareholders or go private, any change in the wage scale that reduces profits will cause a price increase in store.
PROFIT != GREED, Gordon Geco is NOT a hero!
If you raise the starting wage, THEN EVERYONE ELSE GETS BUMPED, PERIOD. My previous job when this happened that is exactly what happened... no it was not retail, no it was no union... Absolutely no way some newbie should walk in and be making anything close to what a TM who have been there 2+ years does. No cashier should go through what some of them do for even $10/hr... and even $15 might be pushing it... I am looking at you, you starbucks swilling yoga pants/leggings wearing women.