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YOu have to backup too? in my store backroom stays on channel 2.
Not yet, but it feels inevitable. Everyone stays on channel 1 in my store- and then move to the other channels for extended convos.

The calls for backup have been more and more desperate lately and it's not uncommon to hear the LOD say "hey GSA/GSTL, you actually have all of our salesfloor people right now- there's no one else out here to come up"

So if BR has so much "extra time" and we're out on the floor where they can see us and remember we exist I'm sure they'll drag us up there eventually.
Day 2 and autos were 13 hours...1's were 1:12...3's were 3:04...all research pulled and EXF batches too...dropped 2 manuals as well as outs in produce and pushed both...did notice floor seemed light but also need to drop kick my flow TL due to 2 smart carts of challenge that went out...backroom came 2 smooth minus the challenge
Ours has been going great. Truck team still coming 100% clean and salesfloor looked good and got out early despite being up 20K in sales. Good couple days so far.

So what do you think is the difference in your store and the others that have such massive differences in pulls and lack of staff during the times when they are needed?
I've been waiting to comment until I let the system run itself for a few days. Our store is doing great, the additional two hours to backstock on truck days is extremely beneficial, and the 1pm and 3pm cafs are easily manageable for one skilled team member. The stores that seem to be suffering don't seem to understand that they need to stop doing manuals and let the system correct itself and work. If SFQ and Capacity is accurate, and you have even a semi-decent instocks routine, then this rollout should be making your life much easier. The TL's and ETLs/STL's that are dumping time into manuals don't understand that the whole point of this system is to reduce the repetitive action of pulling 1 of an item every hour. Instead your Autofills are large enough to keep the floor full till the end of the day, if a fill group is on sale, then use exfs or pog fills for that specific location. My backroom team will partner with the LOD and do fills for specific areas, the salesfloor team now has plenty of time for reshop and for filling endcaps. Let the system work and for once in your life stop fighting against a system that works. I'm all for manuals, I drove them like crazy during 4th quarter, but everyone needs to accept the fact that the Autofills need to be this large and to stop dropping manuals to "off set" your only two cafs of the day. It makes sense to reduce backroom hours and to start combining the instocks and backroom teams. If you can't adapt to changes then you shouldn't be a TL or ETL. Target will be going through more drastic changes then this over the coming year, and to be honest I'm excited for it.
If SFQ and Capacity is accurate, and you have even a semi-decent instocks routine, then this rollout should be making your life much easier.
Well, our Instocks routine now is do RIGs and scan in Cosm, HBA, Chems, Pets, Paper, and all of Market everyday. Forget about the designated Research days. Oh, and if you are passing a light or empty location, somewhere else in the store, scan that, too. Can't wait until the rest of the sales floor becomes extremely light and Instocks is called to scan it. If you stick to the Instocks schedule, then all of the store should be researched at least once a week, and this systematic approach will keep the store pretty well filled and reduce the number of manual CAFs and POGS that need to be dropped.
So what do you think is the difference in your store and the others that have such massive differences in pulls and lack of staff during the times when they are needed?

Our STL is amazing? I mean we have always had a great log process, considered the best in the group. Because of this our instocks team scans consistently. So our mornings up until 11AM don't look much different other than the salesfloor has more time to do project fills. This means forcing seasonal, mini, trend runs, and endcaps out ahead of time. We then generate fills (usually scans, but sometimes a pog fill or manual) on areas where we think we will see sales or pulls around 11am-1pm. This is areas like dairy, frozen, paper, chem, pets, diaper, bb01, ifur, furn, plas, and bpls. These are generally not large but if they are the backroom pulls them by pog so its already organized by aisle usually so they go out fast. We then continue to do fills in the low capacity areas (diaper, paper) almost hourly just as a walkthrough and zone and work the CAFs. They are sometimes large (1's are small always under an hour, 3's are about 1:30-2:30, and 5's are sometimes 1:30-2:30 too) but that is far more manageable than the totals on the old system. We then do a final walk/fill through the fillgroups in the first fill around 4-5 and then call it off. No more fills after 5 unless we missed something major.

The entire purpose of this system is to just fill what you have to. Working pulls until 7 or 8pm is not adding any real sales. The traffic from 7:30pm-11pm is not that high, so filling the floor that late isn't really doing anything. It was added trips and therefore added payroll running pulls that late with no real benefit.
The entire purpose of this system is to just fill what you have to. Working pulls until 7 or 8pm is not adding any real sales. The traffic from 7:30pm-11pm is not that high, so filling the floor that late isn't really doing anything. It was added trips and therefore added payroll running pulls that late with no real benefit.

This might be the most logical thing I've read since we started hearing about the new CAF schedule. Now if only this could be printed, laminated, and posted in every TL/ETL office...
the additional two hours to backstock on truck days is extremely beneficial, and the 1pm and 3pm cafs are easily manageable for one skilled team member.

THIS^^ My team can now focus 100% on the truck from 6-11 now (minus RSCH) and still have from 9-11 to pull POGS before and pulls. It had made our routine so much easier. We have actually been down a person due to vacation since this started and we have been coming clean an hour before we leave.
We have been dropping manuals in key areas throughout the morning and early afternoon.

Dropping manuals several times a day and dealing with all the "backstock" (not worked to home locations) from rear seasonal has just destroyed all of the progress we had been making towards coming clean. We're now back to shit everywhere and not having enough vehicles to do pulls.

The only good thing so far is our autofills were really small today. We finished pulling in under 45 minutes and backstocked 4 or 5 pallets off the back side of the line before the unload was even finished.
The stores that seem to be suffering don't seem to understand that they need to stop doing manuals and let the system correct itself and work.

For now... till the rest of the bus comes apart, the wheels done fell off, we are not touching it.. but by the end of the week I expect the edict to come down and a schedule of manuals to be posted and completed, just like the pilot, starting next week.

you have even a semi-decent instocks routine, then this rollout should be making your life much easier.

IS is not my team.... except for trying to get PA(s) to do it so that stuff will show up! Versus using sort of telepathic communication as to what is out... and I don't think they have semi-decent routine by even a long shot...but not my team, and I don't agree with doing IS while the truck is being pushed or on truck days at all. Nothing is going to change my opinion on that, so don't bother.

The TL's and ETLs/STL's that are dumping time into manuals don't understand that the whole point of this system is to reduce the repetitive action of pulling 1 of an item every hour. Instead your Autofills are large enough to keep the floor full till the end of the day,

I have no issue with the elimination of pulling 1's-2's.. BUT FAIL! Didn't happen, I watched 1's-2's come out! FAIL!

How about pulling the stuff sitting in the back with an EMPTY SHELF!!!

And WHO is going to push these HUGE AUTOFILLS in the AM on NON TRUCK DAYS! Flow? OK, SHOW ME THE HOURS! And on TRUCK DAYS where is the HOURS for this INCREASE in AUTOFILLS!!!???!! HMMMM??? In the last 4 weeks I've seen 100 hours cut from the allocation.. and NO M-M and YTD sales are +... just cut cut Cut! CUT!

the salesfloor team now has plenty of time for reshop and for filling endcaps.

WHAT SF TEAM would that be????

Let the system work and for once in your life stop fighting against a system that works.

When you SHOW ME it works, fine.. I've been here already, so..... And my BRTL is grinding their axes, claws, knives, swords, and is getting ready to take action! Here BAD MOVE ! You don't piss off the BRTL here...

e Autofills need to be this large and to stop dropping manuals to "off set" your only two cafs of the day.

And where are the increased FLOW HOURS to push this?

Target will be going through more drastic changes then this over the coming year, and to be honest I'm excited for it.

Plain and simple the goals of this:

1) Somehow create $7B of savings to offset CA fubar

2) Get senior TM's to quit, and thus cut high cost labor.

3) Excessive greed oriented "shareholder 'fiduciary responsibility'" Profit !=greed! You need to INVEST in your INFRASTRUCTURE and EMPLOYEES!

I am ALL for improvement that works, and saves $$$....this don't fly. Yeah.. save the give it a try.. I've been there done that...

Idiocy is repeating something expecting different results.
This might be the most logical thing I've read since we started hearing about the new CAF schedule. Now if only this could be printed, laminated, and posted in every TL/ETL office...

Yes, most teams are getting too aggressive with filling the floor. They hear that they are in charge of filling and suddenly they are doing deep scans and fills throughout entire departments. This is not the point at all. The point is that its not productive to work pulls during the day in general. It is not productive to make multiple trips to items during the day that are already represented on the floor (half capacity or more). It is not productive to stock pulls late into the evening when its possible the truck will just stock the item anyway. The list goes on.

Dayside needs to fill the aisles that require specialty work, such as PTM in key areas, endcap and sidecap fills, reshop, and clearance. They need to fill the floor enough to prevent guest requests and to maintain a presentation minimum throughout the store. They need to deep fill where appropriate (such as paper early in the day to allow a decent sale through by the end of the night). They need to zone the store and backup the lanes. The logistics team then should have more push off the truck and less truck backstock, their autofills should increase but also be more eaches (unless your team is doing too many manuals during the day), and the dayside backroom hours should decrease overall but the logistics team should get some of those hours.
For now... till the rest of the bus comes apart, the wheels done fell off, we are not touching it.. but by the end of the week I expect the edict to come down and a schedule of manuals to be posted and completed, just like the pilot, starting next week.

IS is not my team.... except for trying to get PA(s) to do it so that stuff will show up! Versus using sort of telepathic communication as to what is out... and I don't think they have semi-decent routine by even a long shot...but not my team, and I don't agree with doing IS while the truck is being pushed or on truck days at all. Nothing is going to change my opinion on that, so don't bother.

I have no issue with the elimination of pulling 1's-2's.. BUT FAIL! Didn't happen, I watched 1's-2's come out! FAIL!

How about pulling the stuff sitting in the back with an EMPTY SHELF!!!

And WHO is going to push these HUGE AUTOFILLS in the AM on NON TRUCK DAYS! Flow? OK, SHOW ME THE HOURS! And on TRUCK DAYS where is the HOURS for this INCREASE in AUTOFILLS!!!???!! HMMMM??? In the last 4 weeks I've seen 100 hours cut from the allocation.. and NO M-M and YTD sales are +... just cut cut Cut! CUT!

WHAT SF TEAM would that be????

When you SHOW ME it works, fine.. I've been here already, so..... And my BRTL is grinding their axes, claws, knives, swords, and is getting ready to take action! Here BAD MOVE ! You don't piss off the BRTL here...

And where are the increased FLOW HOURS to push this?

Plain and simple the goals of this:

1) Somehow create $7B of savings to offset CA fubar

2) Get senior TM's to quit, and thus cut high cost labor.

3) Excessive greed oriented "shareholder 'fiduciary responsibility'" Profit !=greed! You need to INVEST in your INFRASTRUCTURE and EMPLOYEES!

I am ALL for improvement that works, and saves $$$....this don't fly. Yeah.. save the give it a try.. I've been there done that...

Idiocy is repeating something expecting different results.

I get where you're coming from regarding payroll, it hasn't been a fun last two months, but I think part of your problem is the way you view your team and your store. Rather than "my team" it should be "my store", think of the positive impact that his change will have on the store as a whole, rather than the hours that your department is losing. I'm a Backroom/instocks Sr.TL, sitting on the ETL bench, I understand how the hour cuts and caf schedules have impacted both backroom and flow, but it's a positive change. Even if the instocks team isn't "your" team, it doesn't mean you can't help them which in turn makes the life of Flow TM's easier. Every work center needs to be receptive to change, yet often times no leader wants to be the first to take that step towards change. Rather than being so adamantly against this, you should be helping the other work centers accept and own this change, which in the end will help your store. This will be a huge culture change for many stores, but fighting against a system will only cause a waste of payroll and the morale to burn out at your store. Just my opinion.
It has been good in my store. I wasn't here Sunday and they did manual fills. Everything is so behind in my store and I made the call to use the extra time to catch up salesplans, pogs, and backstock.
Whichever of us is LOD will still walk and look for extremely broken aisles and drop a batch which our less trained tm's will work out.

Otherwise we've just been using it to get caught up. Otherwise as rocklobster mentioned above - I mostly would like to see us taking advantage of it for pushing PTM/d-code/big uglies - not just throwing as much crap on the floor as possible.
Yes, most teams are getting too aggressive with filling the floor. They hear that they are in charge of filling and suddenly they are doing deep scans and fills throughout entire departments. This is not the point at all. The point is that its not productive to work pulls during the day in general. It is not productive to make multiple trips to items during the day that are already represented on the floor (half capacity or more). It is not productive to stock pulls late into the evening when its possible the truck will just stock the item anyway. The list goes on.

Dayside needs to fill the aisles that require specialty work, such as PTM in key areas, endcap and sidecap fills, reshop, and clearance. They need to fill the floor enough to prevent guest requests and to maintain a presentation minimum throughout the store. They need to deep fill where appropriate (such as paper early in the day to allow a decent sale through by the end of the night). They need to zone the store and backup the lanes. The logistics team then should have more push off the truck and less truck backstock, their autofills should increase but also be more eaches (unless your team is doing too many manuals during the day), and the dayside backroom hours should decrease overall but the logistics team should get some of those hours.
The first step in eliminating the Backroom and target being truck to floor
Our autofills are still being completed by 6-7 at the latest with 2 TMs
Saturday's was only ~5hr it worries me because I expected to have larger autofills to do what the CAFs didn't
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