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- Oct 31, 2014
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Same at my store. Not sure how big the 1's were but the 3's were 6 hours today.1's small. 3's huge.
Same at my store. Not sure how big the 1's were but the 3's were 6 hours today.1's small. 3's huge.
Same at my store. Not sure how big the 1's were but the 3's were 6 hours today.
This might be the most logical thing I've read since we started hearing about the new CAF schedule. Now if only this could be printed, laminated, and posted in every TL/ETL office...
This would be fantastic if we were not working the huge 3s till after 630 pm.
I've been waiting to comment until I let the system run itself for a few days. Our store is doing great, the additional two hours to backstock on truck days is extremely beneficial, and the 1pm and 3pm cafs are easily manageable for one skilled team member. The stores that seem to be suffering don't seem to understand that they need to stop doing manuals and let the system correct itself and work. If SFQ and Capacity is accurate, and you have even a semi-decent instocks routine, then this rollout should be making your life much easier. The TL's and ETLs/STL's that are dumping time into manuals don't understand that the whole point of this system is to reduce the repetitive action of pulling 1 of an item every hour. Instead your Autofills are large enough to keep the floor full till the end of the day, if a fill group is on sale, then use exfs or pog fills for that specific location. My backroom team will partner with the LOD and do fills for specific areas, the salesfloor team now has plenty of time for reshop and for filling endcaps. Let the system work and for once in your life stop fighting against a system that works. I'm all for manuals, I drove them like crazy during 4th quarter, but everyone needs to accept the fact that the Autofills need to be this large and to stop dropping manuals to "off set" your only two cafs of the day. It makes sense to reduce backroom hours and to start combining the instocks and backroom teams. If you can't adapt to changes then you shouldn't be a TL or ETL. Target will be going through more drastic changes then this over the coming year, and to be honest I'm excited for it.
Ideally there wouldn't be any pulls at all dayside and they would all be generated by the team, but that is my opinion.
Agreed what was wrong with the no CAF system? Was the only time we ever came clean and were able to do the secondary tasks.
Most stores couldn't consistently dedicate the time to keep their floors filled, so they were put in as a backup to make sure that at least once a day in the middle we were filling our floors at some point.
Where is the training on this new system? Everything that you explained is that in writing? I've seen the red wire but you made it plain as day and I feel like my leaders are going nuts trying fill the floor and keep Backroom busy.
My closers have pulled more batches than they would have with the old system
I'm going to challenge upwards I just want to make sure I'm in the right before I do
Yes, most teams are getting too aggressive with filling the floor. They hear that they are in charge of filling and suddenly they are doing deep scans and fills throughout entire departments. This is not the point at all. The point is that its not productive to work pulls during the day in general. It is not productive to make multiple trips to items during the day that are already represented on the floor (half capacity or more). It is not productive to stock pulls late into the evening when its possible the truck will just stock the item anyway. The list goes on.
Dayside needs to fill the aisles that require specialty work, such as PTM in key areas, endcap and sidecap fills, reshop, and clearance. They need to fill the floor enough to prevent guest requests and to maintain a presentation minimum throughout the store. They need to deep fill where appropriate (such as paper early in the day to allow a decent sale through by the end of the night). They need to zone the store and backup the lanes. The logistics team then should have more push off the truck and less truck backstock, their autofills should increase but also be more eaches (unless your team is doing too many manuals during the day), and the dayside backroom hours should decrease overall but the logistics team should get some of those hours.
Lol I said oh shit here comes The Masters Rebuttal!Oh boy the reply to ^this ought to be intetesting
Because in my area it's coming from the group director.I have been a part of a few of the tests before the rollout so I am not 100% sure where it is all now. The rollout guide says to basically do what you have to per store, not much direction in particular. All you have to do is literally the least amount of work possible dayside to keep your floor filled. How come these new ETLs try so hard when the bare minimum is what is being asked on this project, and then do the opposite on the harder things?
I get where you're coming from regarding payroll, it hasn't been a fun last two months, but I think part of your problem is the way you view your team and your store.
IRather than "my team" it should be "my store", think of the positive impact that his change will have on the store as a whole
, rather than the hours that your department is losing. I'm a Backroom/instocks Sr.TL, sitting on the ETL bench, I understand how the hour cuts and caf schedules have impacted both backroom and flow, but it's a positive change.
I Even if the instocks team isn't "your" team, it doesn't mean you can't
help them which in turn makes the life of Flow TM's easier.
IEvery work center needs to be receptive to change, yet often times no leader wants to be the first to take that step towards change. Rather than being so adamantly against this, you should be helping the other work centers accept and own this change, which in the end will help your store.
This will be a huge culture change for many stores, but fighting against a system will only cause a waste of payroll and the morale to burn out at your store. Just my opinion.
This is not the point at all. The point is that its not productive to work pulls during the day in general. It is not productive to make multiple trips to items during the day that are already represented on the floor (half capacity or more).
It is not productive to stock pulls late into the evening when its possible the truck will just stock the item anyway. The list goes on.
[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]Dayside needs to fill the aisles that require specialty work, such as PTM in key areas, endcap and sidecap fills, reshop, and clearance. [/qupte]
That is fine IF, IF the above works, and Flow has the hours to become the true logistic ninjas that you advocate, which I agree with, but.. it is not going to happen...
They need to fill the floor enough to prevent guest requests and to maintain a presentation minimum throughout the store. They need to deep fill where appropriate (such as paper early in the day to allow a decent sale through by the end of the night).
WHO????? WHO is going to do this deep fill... and
They need to zone the store
During the DAY??!!??!?!? Ok, well now you just added another task to the NONEXISTANT SF, TL's, and ETL's.. so if I am zoning, yeah sure you can shoot outs.. but:
1) Who is going to pull that ????? BZZT! NOT SF!!! They are NOT BR CERT'd! BZZTTT !!! BTRL is NOT going to CERT the entire store!
2) Who is going to push it??? Lets just say that magically this is pulled....BR??? NOPE! SF??? Nope.. We are zoning, PTM, clearnace, reshop... No time for that now!
and backup the lanes.
😡 😡 What little there is of SF... is doing way too... WAAAAAYY TOOO MUCH! Relying, no OVER RELIANCE on Fast Service is a crutch that is going to fail, no IS FAILING! Guests get disgruntled and leave piles of crap at the CL, and walk out the door! You can screem on the radio all you want for fast service... THERE AINT NO (*&(**&&^% BODY ELSE!!!! They are up there already!!! 😡 Including several TL's! OH and that call box that has "Third request, service level exceeded..." TOOO *(&*&^*&^ BAD!
Cashiers need to STEP UP THEIR GAME when its busy BEFORE you HIT THAT F(**&^*& BUTTON for fast service or the GSA/GSTL call for it! That means ZIP IT ON THE (*&*(&( RC SPIELS! You just piss off guest with it any way!
The logistics team then should have more push off the truck and less truck backstock, their autofills should increase but also be more eaches (unless your team is doing too many manuals during the day),
For some cases this true, BUT, BUT! There is still stuff coming to the floor to be pushed that is 1-2 to stock, which SHOULD HAVE BEEN BS when it came off the truck!! FAIL! AND it has come out in the 1300 and 1500 CAF's as well.. FAIL, again.
and the dayside backroom hours should decrease overall
Dayside for who? SF and BR... yeah they are cutting the bone as it is!
but the logistics team should get some of those hours.
Ok.. then I want that in writing! Beacause.. .HAHAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAHHAAAAAA! Those hours just went POOOF! POOFFFFF!
NO, they didn't go to SF!
NO they didn't go to BR!
And they sure as hell didn't come to Flow!
And no GE didn't get them either as there aint no GS, or cashiers... They get ~ 380 or so for forseeable future..from about ~ 420 or so...
JUST POOOF! Into the hours ether! They are gone!! From 640 to 525 to 515 by M-Wk5 that leaves 475 for that week to push 4 DC trucks of ~2100, oh and those 3 FDC's, and that Mcclanes, and increased autofills in the AM... oh.. goody, I got two of the flood of self terms coming... well looks like I can save those 32 hours just in time. 🙂 😉
None of what you are advocating happened during the pilot, and none of it is happening now.... and by the end of this or next week at the latest.. I can expect to see the BRTL posting a schedule of manuals to be completed just like we did towards the end of the pilot. And only, and ONLY when we did this did the store fill again. Not sure who is going to push them.. as we went through that ordeal once, and it AINT BR! And if SF is going to push them, and zone.. well... Oh and for market, you better be culling, and cleaning tooo ... yeahhh riiiigghhth!
And on non truck days.. where are the hours to push these increased autofills??? Again, no there was no increase in the hours for logistics.. and those 5 HEAPING OVERFLOWING 2 tier carts of autofills...
If you want to make these kinds of MAJOR SYSTEMIC CHANGES to the operations, then it needs to be communicated as such in writing on exactly what is going to be done and how.. because that was NOT done during the pilot nor done when we switch back to this... None of what you are suggesting to be done was communicated verbally or in that document I was given.. Just well here is the new CAF schedule, your hours for this are now..............
If you want the stores to change completely the way they operate you are going to have to spell it out, and that is not what happened.