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My review was done 2 weeks ago but apparently I'm near the end of the line.
I'll get whatever the bottom level one is, despite not doing bottom level work.

But, I don't actually care. Target is my second job, so I'd prefer the higher ratings be doled out to people who are more full time.

As it stands, the minimum wage is going up in my area, so that will lift me up too!
According to my calculations, I am 4 paychecks away from receiving my raise.
They've really been pushing RedCards and cashier speed like crazy these last few weeks. I figure that when my review comes that I'll be lucky to see a few new cents in my hourly speed score isn't the greatest....and I've only gotten 10 RedCards since the start of the new fiscal year. So, if I do get anything I'll be pretty surprised.
They've really been pushing RedCards and cashier speed like crazy these last few weeks. I figure that when my review comes that I'll be lucky to see a few new cents in my hourly speed score isn't the greatest....and I've only gotten 10 RedCards since the start of the new fiscal year. So, if I do get anything I'll be pretty surprised.

Maybe you'll get the ever famous one cent raise. I've always wanted to sit in on one of those conversations...see how thick the awkwardness in the air really is.
Effective all down the line, with an unsatisfactory for attitude.

My biggest "issue" is that I can't stand people goofing off and getting a paycheck, while I bust my behind. Ticks me off to be working in an area with 5 other people, and a 6th comes along to just stand there and interrupt the work of the other 5. Also felt that a situation that involved the TM getting in trouble with HR because of how he handled the situation was taken into account while writing the review, and basically retaliated against me for it.
Never let others influence your work ethic.
I think my final review at spot was hmmm close to a 33cent raise. my best raise ever with spot. I felt the review was fair and accurate.
I only signed my review because I was happy with the raise. I found it oddly high. Out of the 10 points, I had seven E, two IE and one U. Fully expected to see a 15 cent raise, and saw more.
Still remember the one guy a couple years ago who came back from his review cursing and screaming about how he only got 10 cents.
Maybe you'll get the ever famous one cent raise. I've always wanted to sit in on one of those conversations...see how thick the awkwardness in the air really is.

My first raise was pro-rated... so I got a nickel. The TL kept emphasizing how it should be on the next paycheck, but it might not kick in until the next next one. I'm just like "Dude... it's a nickel."
Maybe you'll get the ever famous one cent raise. I've always wanted to sit in on one of those conversations...see how thick the awkwardness in the air really is.

I got that my first year at spot. They didn't even sit us down and give us a review that year
Have any TMs (not TLs) that get paid this Friday seen if their raise is shown on this paycheck?
I only signed my review because I was happy with the raise. I found it oddly high. Out of the 10 points, I had seven E, two IE and one U. Fully expected to see a 15 cent raise, and saw more.
Still remember the one guy a couple years ago who came back from his review cursing and screaming about how he only got 10 cents.
One of ours did that last year over his .30 raise. I told him to stfu. Plenty of people got less. Year before he got an O so he wasn't impressed with just thirty cents.
I would say it's not about the raise, but rather your perception of his work. I go so far above and beyond everyone else every single day that I work and I was furious(internally) that my team leader wanted to give me an E. I'm always friendly and positive while everyone else is whining and bitching and being rude and mean to each other. I'm always working at 100%, drenched in sweat my entire shift. I cover call outs every time, I stay late whenever they ask, I do my best to learn other departments so I can fix everyone else's mistakes, and I don't violate safety regulations out of laziness like everyone else. I'm the only one on my team that signs the key log when I check out keys, I'm the only one that willingly grabs a walkie every shift, and I'm the only one that looks for extra projects to do when I've completed my workload instead of hiding somewhere or standing around chatting in plain sight. I get the the highest or second highest pull count every week despite pulling the slowest departments, my accuracy is stellar, and I don't complain when my team leader makes me work "clopening" shifts almost exclusively. And yet, it was only by the grace of upper management that I received an EX.

It's incredibly frustrating to truly try to be the best that you can be and have your team leader turn around and spit on you for your evaluation, for them to tell you that you're just as bad as all the other slackers that work at a turtle pace and call out all the time and talk shit about everyone constantly and lie so they can avoid working.
You know what's even worse? After for years and $1 worth of crappy raises they raise the starting pay. So now every asshole makes what you've busted your ass to get to. And then they still bitch its not enough and they deserve hrtm got .08 last year. When she challenged it they told her she didn't even deserve that. She quit that day.
They haven't happened yet here, and I'm not sure what to expect. On one hand, I have high hopes. I was "top dog of the month" and generally work pretty hard. On the other hand, my TL hates me. So I guess only time will tell for me.
I haven't gotten it yet. I am most likely not going to care whatever they say. I keep my expectations really low when it comes to someone telling me how I do my work. The only people who have any kind weight over what they think of how I work are the people who work directly with me, not the ones who say hi to me in passing and could give less fucks if I even exist.
Maybe you'll get the ever famous one cent raise. I've always wanted to sit in on one of those conversations...see how thick the awkwardness in the air really is.
Haha, if it were me, I would probably just say "Nice" and let it get even more awkward.
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