Archived Closing TL

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Jul 20, 2012
What are some tips you guys use to keep everything organized at night ive barely ever closed, and now im the closing TL.

We seem to have those magically disappearing team members who stare at boxes on the shelves for 10min and its 50/50 they respond on the walkie.

Do you guys just hunt them down on your walks and keep track of how much they have left to zone/reshop?

I also have my own area to zone since hours are short...

Any tips/recommendations?
Im the closing TL responsible for all of hardlines, softlines brand covers that end of the store.

Were short on ppl so i have to zone usually either stationary or toys.

Ive closed pfresh a few times when i was a PA, but PA's are kind off in there own little world away frm the rest of the store it seems
i would do toys & sporting goods, especially, if its your assigned area to run.
know your closing team well, on who is weak or strong zoners.
When I'm closing I am assigned an area or two just as the TMs are. So I do not follow up on the team, I let the LOD do it.
I make the breakout for zones, and give myself an area that isn't too time-consuming. Then I have time to go check on other areas and do whatever the LOD wants me to do. Usually I leave the checking up on the TMs up to the LOD.
At the end of the night I check equipment logs, make sure the team leaves together, etc.
Hmm we do it a bit differently the lod does has us checking up on tm's and there progress with zone/reshop as well as looking after our areas.

All it basically does is let me pray i have an overzealous hardlines tm who can i shipoff to do heavy reshop or help catch up a zone

Otherwise i just update the lod when he asks about hardlines and it seems like were usually behind.
Hmm we do it a bit differently the lod does has us checking up on tm's and there progress with zone/reshop as well as looking after our areas.

All it basically does is let me pray i have an overzealous hardlines tm who can i shipoff to do heavy reshop or help catch up a zone

Otherwise i just update the lod when he asks about hardlines and it seems like were usually behind.

I love to work with the over zealous tm's, because we will get out on time, with a good zone & little or zero reshop.
As GSTL, I'm responsible for seeing that all our areas are zoned/reshopped. I put cashiers out as soon as possible to start the zone/reshop as we have End Caps, Essentials, Green Cartwell, $$Spot, and Cosmetics and part of H&B. While the GSA is doing the drawer funding, I'm walking the zones to report to LOD on our progress, keeping an eye/responding to lights on the lanes, prepping the break/lunch/lane assignment grid for the next day and collecting the audit slips/coupons from the drawers. I usually zone the end caps and essentials myself, but the other GSTLs often delegate that. If we are staffed well enough, as soon as our zones are complete, I send any extras out to the floor to help softlines. Recently we haven't been staffed well enough to complete our zones, though.
We're a high volume store. We have an opening GSTL and GSA, a mid on most days, and a closing GSTL and GSA each day. From what I've read here, we have more GSTLs and GSAs than most stores have cashiers. 😉
Yesterday our sales goal was less than $40,000. Granted, it was the lowest for the entire month, but that means that for most of the day, except for a few hours in the middle (when we had 2), there was only one cashier scheduled at a time.
Hmm...after 6pm last night....1 cart attendant, 1 electronics, 1 hardlines, 2 softlines, 1 cashier, 1 service desk, 1 GSA, the pharmacist, and an LOD. I prefer to think of it as more "close knit" than lonely.
Best advice I could give you would be to set time expectations for TM's. Follow up with their progress regularly and check their zones as you're walking. Jump in to zone with them while you are checking up. Give them feedback based on their progress so far. Is it looking AMAZING? Is there an aisle you'd like them to retouch? Possible coaching moment for improving their zone? Are they going to meet the time expectation? If not, what do they need from you in order to?

Question TM's over the walkie. Who's getting that call button? Who do I have near the front that can respond to backup? It might seem redundant, but hearing your presence over the walkie is usually enough to get them working as a team again.

Most importantly, try and make it fun for them. Hate to say it, but most TM's don't enjoy zoning. Make competitions and recognize amazing performers. Foster a close-knit support-based team culture in which TM's feel obligated to assist each other in creating a great looking store.
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