Archived Coaching for call outs

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Jul 28, 2017
As a background i have not called out for nearly a year and recently had to call out twice because of illness and even had to leave early once for said illness. I got a coaching for the first time i called out because others also called out and i got wind that i was going to be getting pulled into my setls office because of the second one. Is that right? I know plenty of tms who dont do anything and call out the most but have yet to get any disciplinary actions but i call out twice and suddenly i may get in trouble. What exactly are the rules for calling out besides 2 hours before because i follow that rule.
As a background i have not called out for nearly a year and recently had to call out twice because of illness and even had to leave early once for said illness. I got a coaching for the first time i called out because others also called out and i got wind that i was going to be getting pulled into my setls office because of the second one. Is that right? I know plenty of tms who dont do anything and call out the most but have yet to get any disciplinary actions but i call out twice and suddenly i may get in trouble. What exactly are the rules for calling out besides 2 hours before because i follow that rule.
Use your sick hours for the times you called in sick. It can not be held against your attendance if you used yours sick hours. That of course if you are in a state with sick time
Use your sick hours for the times you called in sick. It can not be held against your attendance if you used yours sick hours. That of course if you are in a state with sick time
I did for the first day the second day was pretty recent so i havent had a chance
Use your sick hours for the times you called in sick. It can not be held against your attendance if you used yours sick hours. That of course if you are in a state with sick time

My store leadership is telling us to coach anyway bc "even if they use sick time, it's a performance issue" 🤷🏻‍♀️
I did for the first day the second day was pretty recent so i havent had a chance
Then you shouldn’t be pulled in the office if you missed 2 days and one is covered with sick hours. When you go in you need to ask why are you being held accountable when you used sick hours. And if so ask “ should I call the hotline on this” . Those are your hours earned to use when you are sick without being counted against you. I had to leave for family emergency 2 weeks and used all my six hours when I got back. Never was I held accountable for it.
If I was that team member I would sue . That’s a state violation

Yup. I won't do it and I've yet to be coached on it *knocks on wood*

I also had to take 2 weeks off for a family emergency covered by some sick time and leadership was super understanding about everything. I strive to give the same consideration to my TMs.
Just because you were talked to about it doesn't mean you're in a bunch of trouble. My store and previous store, "coaches" for every single call out, late and NCNS regardless of previous issues. This allows us to stay consistent with every TM and easily move forward with a corrective if the attendance becomes a pattern. Target views attendance as performance therefore it can and should be documented the same way a TM underperforming would. If it's not documented it didn't happen. I've had TMs before I got to a store call out 6-10 times over a year and when it's spread out they typically don't realize how bad that is. Also just because you don't see the other TMs getting coached doesn't mean it's not happening. This being said I totally understand things come up and family emergencies happen but as long as it's not a reoccurring issue then there is nothing to worry about.
Just because you were talked to about it doesn't mean you're in a bunch of trouble. My store and previous store, "coaches" for every single call out, late and NCNS regardless of previous issues. This allows us to stay consistent with every TM and easily move forward with a corrective if the attendance becomes a pattern. Target views attendance as performance therefore it can and should be documented the same way a TM underperforming would. If it's not documented it didn't happen. I've had TMs before I got to a store call out 6-10 times over a year and when it's spread out they typically don't realize how bad that is. Also just because you don't see the other TMs getting coached doesn't mean it's not happening. This being said I totally understand things come up and family emergencies happen but as long as it's not a reoccurring issue then there is nothing to worry about.
But using sick hours should not be fallowed up by any conversation. That’s a state violation you shouldn’t be talking to me why I called out sick if I used those hours . I can sue just based on you talking to me about using my state earned hours .
But using sick hours should not be fallowed up by any conversation. That’s a state violation you shouldn’t be talking to me why I called out sick if I used those hours . I can sue just based on you talking to me about using my state earned hours .

It depends on your state.

Anyone can sue anyone for anything, doesn't mean you will win. In Michigan you don't sue, you file a complaint with the labor board and it seems to work sort of like an unemployment claim and appeal.
i coach for every attendance issue. we don’t have sick time in my state.
But using sick hours should not be fallowed up by any conversation. That’s a state violation you shouldn’t be talking to me why I called out sick if I used those hours . I can sue just based on you talking to me about using my state earned hours .
That's definitely not true. My first store/state didn't have sick time so honestly irrelevant. My second store/state does have sick time but you can use it for any call out? I'm not asking you details about your sickness, health questions or any FMLA issues. I am simply having a seek to understand conversation as to why you called out which is most certainly allowed. Saying you are sick does not excuse you from having an attendance issues. There are proper ways to deal with different situations, again when and if patterns develop you can follow the proper channels to handle the issues. Constantly sick? I would document conversations that I suggested you talk to HR about medical LOA or reducing you avail. Constantly calling out for mental health issues? I would document that I suggested you talk to HR or SD about how intermittent FMLA works and see if you qualify. There are plenty of reasons to have a documented conversation outside of trying to punish someone. I am 100% within my legal rights and targets policy to ask you why you called out so I can both provide you with the proper way to handle your situation and to make sure you do not develop a pattern and if you do I have a way to protect myself and my team.
It’s a difference between calling out and calling in sick. If she calls in sick And uses sick hours you are not allowed to have a seek to understand conversation . If she calls out yes .
The best way to protect your team is to have compassion for the people on it. All Spot or leaders need to know is that someone called out because of illness. The specific nature of that illness is nobody else’s business. Medical information is confidential by law for a reason.
The best way to protect your team is to have compassion for the people on it. All Spot or leaders need to know is that someone called out because of illness. The specific nature of that illness is nobody else’s business. Medical information is confidential by law for a reason.
Exactly. That’s why I’m saying it’s a huge difference between calling out and calling in sick
So why are the ones who underperform and call out nearly once a month not fired yet I got my ETL breathing down my neck about my performance and the fact I called out twice in the same month because- fuck I was sick and I have accrued sick time. What the fuck. Dude had the nerve to tell me "I never call out when I'm sick" like cool good for you. Spread that shit and be a dick about it at the same time. Good way to run your team. Fucking jackass. *breathes heavily* haha This company needs to hold the SAME standards for everyone (except disabled or elderly of course) and stop expecting fitter, faster working people to pick up slack if we are gonna be "DBOs" like shut the fuck up this is stupid as all hell. Getting shorter shifts than smaller departments than mine with less workload is hilarious. Set me up for failure. You're gonna get the failure. /endrant dfjdsklfjs
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As a background i have not called out for nearly a year and recently had to call out twice because of illness and even had to leave early once for said illness. I got a coaching for the first time i called out because others also called out and i got wind that i was going to be getting pulled into my setls office because of the second one. Is that right? I know plenty of tms who dont do anything and call out the most but have yet to get any disciplinary actions but i call out twice and suddenly i may get in trouble. What exactly are the rules for calling out besides 2 hours before because i follow that rule.
I have a convo with every call out and I document every convo. In your situation I would have done the same, but if you’re attendance is that good, you wouldn’t be anywhere near a corrective.
I have a convo with every call out and I document every convo. In your situation I would have done the same, but if you’re attendance is that good, you wouldn’t be anywhere near a corrective.
that makes me feel a bit better about my STL mentioning it recently to me...hes a great person and told me he was surprised about my two callouts in a row...shit I barely ever get sick but I was in such pain and I couldnt see doing a full shift efficiently and didnt wanna spread the flu...he understood but I felt like why is my ETL and STL both on me about calling out two days in a row...maybe thats just how they do it every time....but seriously ugh..dont give me grief over being sick and taking my sick felt like an attack on my reliability "we can't have missing bodies" literal I get it...but it's inevitable. Humans are not robots. Suck it up, cupcake. Am I wrong? At total I probably call out 4 days a year, probably 5 last year. Real shit.
The best way to protect your team is to have compassion for the people on it. All Spot or leaders need to know is that someone called out because of illness. The specific nature of that illness is nobody else’s business. Medical information is confidential by law for a reason.

The best way to protect your team is to understand why they call out and give them good info about the helpline and FMLA.

I can protect my team a lot better if I can get them on FMLA.
Also thank you for not working when sick. I run food and I hate working with sick TMs
I do work when sick but only when it's a cold because I get so much grief when I do call out but when I KNOW its the flu I nope the fk out of work. Nothing worse than a TM who forgets other TMs may have bad immune systems and they already gotta worry about guests bringing it in the store. I get it, though. Before our state changed the laws everyone worked while sick. It's way less of a sick environment now. It made an actual impact on our store. Still got the few who call out every damn month like c'mon you aint sick that often. I don't care though because the work eventually gets done but I feel like Target is headed in the wrong direction. I could actually shop at Target if they paid me enough and gave me the hours but they compromise by paying me more and cutting hours. Great illusion. Shady as all hell.
that makes me feel a bit better about my STL mentioning it recently to me...hes a great person and told me he was surprised about my two callouts in a row...shit I barely ever get sick but I was in such pain and I couldnt see doing a full shift efficiently and didnt wanna spread the flu...he understood but I felt like why is my ETL and STL both on me about calling out two days in a row...maybe thats just how they do it every time....but seriously ugh..dont give me grief over being sick and taking my sick felt like an attack on my reliability "we can't have missing bodies" literal I get it...but it's inevitable. Humans are not robots. Suck it up, cupcake. Am I wrong? At total I probably call out 4 days a year, probably 5 last year. Real shit.
No, you are not wrong. People get sick and need to stay home so they can recover and not spread illness around to the rest of the team, who will then have to call out too. And about that “we can’t have missing bodies” remark, geez, STL/ETL, insensitive much?
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No, you are not wrong. People get sick and need to stay home so they can recover and not spread illness around to the rest of the team, who will then have to call out too. And about that “we can’t have missing bodies” remark, geez, insensitive much?
I get that they use that term "bodies" in corporate but saying it to me felt so insulting but I just nodded and said yeah I dude I love working here and you are being so transparent about how much of a dickhead you are...please re evaluate your perspective
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