I'm glad to hear that! It's always nice to know there are other leaders out there who are actually kind decent people.Loki, i suffer from anxiety, and the talk i had wih my TL helped me feel more comfortable and relaxed. It made me want to improve.
Most people I know who have been fired for attendance or performance issues have lost when they applied for unemployment and the company contested it....documentation absolutely has standing in those cases.Also, you will always mostly likely win unemployment if you are termed for performance and attendance. Documentation has really no standing in the unemployment hearing.
I like working at Target very much and tomorrow is my one year anniversary. I have been coached and it helped me a lot, my TL is a very positive person. I am nerdy i guess, i liked school too. 😱😱😱
I'm very glad that Target didnt give up on me, and I'm not going to give up on them.
Proud Target Tesm Member
Yeh, our store never had 'good' coachings.
As Sos said, coachings were used to start a paper trail to performance someone out.
There's a 3rd and its.there is coaching for development and coaching for performance, if you can't tell the difference between the two as a tm then im sorry that you are either not meeting expectations or have incompetent leadership. Coachings can start either good or bad and can change half way it all depends on the person. When you are given a quota for coachings it means 1 of 2 things, either they want you to develop your team because your not doing well or your team sucks so bad they need turnover to get some good team members in.
Most people I know who have been fired for attendance or performance issues have lost when they applied for unemployment and the company contested it....documentation absolutely has standing in those cases.