Colorado and weed

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Jun 10, 2016
I'm a Colorado resident, and I take marijuana edibles for my anxiety, PTSD, OCD, and sleeping issues and it's the best stuff for the job. However, due to having issues finding a doctor who can take Medicaid (and is actually accepting new patients) I have had to buy it recreationally since I can't get a doctor's approval to get it medically, which would be my preference since I don't do it for recreational reasons, strictly medical only.
Today I had a fall at the Target I work at, and I ended up with a minor sprained ankle and a bruised knee. My manager said that it's their policy to require drug tests with workers comp cases and to make sure I got one done. I am fine with this because even if my anxiety feels like it's going to be a problem, I don't take edibles that will affect me during my shifts. If I can avoid it I also don't like to take edibles if I'm going to be working within 24 hours, just to be safe. I'm still getting used to them so I am playing it very safe so I don't get into any unexpected situations.
The last time I took an edible (a quarter piece of a gummy is my usual amount) was 3-4 days ago. I was upfront with my manager about this and why I take it, and she seemed a little worried about the test but at the same time sated my worries that I could get in serious trouble in this situation. I made it clear that it had been well over 48 hours since my last dose, and that I would never use during or before a shift.
I have a feeling the test will show that it's in my system since weed can take up to a month to clear out completely but it will be obvious to the lab that it wasn't a recent intake, thus clearing me.
I want to know if I'm going to be okay or if I'm going to have to deal with some hoop-jumping to keep myself out of hot water with my job.
Youll probably test positive. If it's just a mouth swab you should be good. But if it's a urine or hair folicle test, you're screwed. And since you don't actually have a medical prescription, I think you'll be termed... sorry.
Even though I live in a state where it's legalized both recreationally and medically?
I'm not 100% so please don't quote me as gospel, but I believe that while our tests CAN go back that far, they are only able to look at the 24hr level. So as long as you didn't do it day of, you should be fine. BUT you only have 24 hours to take the test after you've initiated the report, or it comes back as a "refused test" which results in a term.
It's still illegal federally, just because it's allowed in state doesn't make it legal. Cue in all the state's rights vs federal, but it is what it is. The federal government is just not enforcing it and basically allowing the states to enforce/limit everything. However, you have a job and the job requires you to be drug free. It being legal in your state doesn't mean anything, you are under the employment "contract" of being drug free while you work there. If you had a medical prescription it would be fine, yet I am unsure if even having a prescription for medical marijuana would still be allowed since Target is an entity that operates nationwide and under the enforcement of OSHA and all that fun stuff.

Pretty much, you're fucked. It sucks the situation you are in, but if you can't pay, don't play.
That makes sense. And I went straight to one of the urgent cares they suggested since it hurt like a bitch to step on my injured foot, and took the test at the end of the appointment. So that's a good thing. I guess I'll see what happens. If it comes to a term, I already have a job offer at a nearby company that they said I can accept by just walking in and asking to be put on the schedule. Hopefully it doesn't come to that but my mental health has improved greatly since I began using edibles, so I'd like to continue using them, and since I posted this, I possibly have found a doctor who should be able to see me soon and could help me get edibles medically.
Sum up: whatever happens happens.
I'll be honest. You're going to fail. It wouldn't have mattered if you had a medical card or not. Target doesn't recognize it even in legal states. They don't treat it like other prescription drugs.

Also there is no "24 hour" level. Drug tests, especially for marijuana, do not test actual impairment but instead prior use. The metabolites of marijuana are stored in your fat cells and depending on frequency of use can stay in your system for 30 days or more after quitting. Believe it or not but hard drugs like coke and herion are out of your system quicker than marijuana.

My best advice is if you use it then be very careful at work.
I'm not 100% so please don't quote me as gospel, but I believe that while our tests CAN go back that far, they are only able to look at the 24hr level. So as long as you didn't do it day of, you should be fine.
Not trying to be mean or anything, but just to make the facts clear here, since you stated you're not 100% sure, this quote is not true. @lafayette As I said earlier, the only drug test you'll be in the clear on is a mouth swab test. Since THC (the active component of marijuana that is tested for) is fat soluable, it stores directly into your fat cells. So unlike other drugs, it stays in your system for a long time, especially edible marijuana treats. Urine and hair folicle tests will be very hard to pass. :( I'm sorry. I think you should Google a "Cannabis doctor on FaceTime or skype" and get yourself a prescription. I'd like to add that I'm also a medical patient, just pending renewal of my prescription. I use concentrates everyday.
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Dang, how long have you worked there? I hate being the guy to deliver false hope, so bluntly (no pun intended) I'm certain if you fail the drug test which your presented evidence tells you likely will. You will be terminated.
Even though I live in a state where it's legalized both recreationally and medically?
Without medical exception Target is quite free to arbitrary set it as a reason term people based on usage. Just like they can term you for not wearing red and khaki. Legality doesn't really mean much that being said if you had a prescription that would make it a sticker situation for HR.
Medical marijuana is just as illegal federally as recreational is. Having a prescription does not make a damned difference in Target's eyes, unfortunately.
Even though I live in a state where it's legalized both recreationally and medically?
Yep, Federal Law precludes state law unfortunately. My friends in Colorado were told just after legalization that MJ use would not be tolerated and if you test positive, you will be termed. I'm sorry.

I just did a google about Colorado and medical use. The Colorado State Supreme Court upheld the firing of a Dish employee for using MJ with a prescription.
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In 21 states it is legal for employers to require their employees to be tobacco free. And that's a legal substance with a huge political lobby. So there is no hope/protection for marijuana users.
Sorry to sound like a grumpy old guy, but I don't want you high or drunk in my place of business. You say that you use MJ only to calm your nerves, but doesn't it also affect your reaction time and judgment? I don't want you a little high or a little drunk and who's to say how much a little is? I *think* I'm okay after drinking a few beers, but I'm not always the best judge of my soberness.

Worker's compensation won't cover you if you get hurt while testing positive for drugs or alcohol, no matter how legal the substance is. You're taking a huge financial risk by using and working.

Lastly, comparing a ban of drugs and alcohol to Hitler is ridiculous and demeaning.
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