Archived comp shop fail

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Forgive my ignorance.....idk how to quote things on here, Apologies for my sloppy postings... MasterofLog, I agree and can respect your POV. That said, where could one find such policies for dare I say it WM reguarding comp shoppers. I've seen CR's myself openly scanning away, theyve told me that theyre welcome, and that the store has no reservations whatsoever having them there. With my company, however, we go in under a 'closed' store atmosphere. I wonder why that is? If it is prohibited, then why are people doing it from other companies? Im still somewhat new to this so Im just looking for any input. So glad to have stumbled across this

I have no idea where the policies for that company are or may be... My POV comes from "any thing that screw sthem over is a good thing!!" 🙂 😉 I am not sure if we ever had any of the issues some here mention, but so long as they sign in as a "vendor" do their thing, stay out of the way, and don't pester my team with where is... questions.. since we are allowing it can continue.. but ig I had the right to refuse.. they'd be outta here! Screw the store that shall not be named!

Personally, I never seen the need for this... why??? There are probably more sieves located in MN passing info to Bentonville, than any where. With a few probably getting $$$ for it some way. Corporate info is a big deal, and there are plenty of "spies" on both sides.

I think MasterofLog needs to switch to decaf.

I don't drink coffee, vile, absolutely vile.. And you don't want to see me with out my caffeine! BAWWAAHAAAA!

"The store that shall not be named"? Seriously? Live dangerously MasterofLOG. Go ahead and say it out loud. Whisper it first if you must. It's liberating.

Nope, I would have to cleanse my self via radiation shower to use such a word! 🙂 🙂 😉
I had a comp shopper at my store, last night. They were using a droid with a half of target logo on back of it. I did ask if they need any help & they said no.
I thought I heard somewhere maybe our old comp shop that you should introduce yourself to the manager so they know your their and that there was no reason to be secretive about since it was like a mutual thing. Am I wrong? Never done comp shop and my store did away with it and I thought the company was done with it.
Welp! Wish me luck, Im going back in tomorrow lol. I sure wish I could go speak w management, get the vendor badge and be done. Ughhhhhh if Im not asked to leave Ill probably just have an anxiety attack worrying about it all day. Have any of you heard of retaildata?? Btw??
Ive been w them for almost a year. First time ever doing comp shop work. Its fun I suppose....aside from the walmarts
I'll leave that stuff for you pansies of the yoga/leggings brigade! 🙂 😉 ;p ;p 😛

I prefer something a little "stiffer" anyway. cough bruichladdich cough
Yoga moms drink skinny vanilla lattes; coffee is the original picker-upper.
Bruichladdich might be 'okay' when you're off duty but while operating equipment?
How 'bout 'no'.
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